Changmin's Fan

Andi's Oneshot and Drabble Collection

He is busy signing the fanboy's poster when he smells it. Something fruity, something wonderful. He glances up, pen still touching the glossy paper, and notices the last girl in the line. She is shaking so hard, eyes glued to a point just above Changmin's if she can't bring herself to look him in the eyes, but she can't look away.

Yunho nudges him softly. "I saw her in the lobby earlier," he mutters. "She was telling another friend that she's in major trouble for leaving school to come here today. It was barely enough money, and she will have to work the whole night just to pay some of it back to her mother. We should make everything feel like it's not regrettable."

He nods and passes the fanboy his signed poster. "Thank you!" Once the security escorts the boy away from the table, Changmin clears his throat and relaxes in his seat. "Next?"

She stumbles forward, hands trembling violently. "U-u-um..." She starts to lift her head.

"Hello, there." He leans back in his seat and gives her an easy smile. Her eyes freeze on his face. Beside him, he hears Yunho chuckling quietly. He knows what she sees: flawless, untainted skin flowing uninterrupted from his sculpted cheekbones to his throat. Straight, angular nose. Dark, waving hair falling over one smoldering eye, though both dark orbs hold her gaze. Lip curled up at one corner, the perfect smirk. "How are you this morning?"

"..." The girl can't seem to breathe easily.

Yunho reaches over and briefly squeezes her hand. "Do you have something for us to sign?"

Still quivering, she hands them two separate posters, both of their recent I Am photoshoots. Changmin scrutinizes his photo; there was a lot he could have done to improve the quality of the shoot, but when the photographer...the professional one...took an unsteady breath after he was finished, he felt certain that he'd done a good job.

"Changmin-oppa." He glances up, pen poised once again. "If it's not too much trouble..." She gulps and closes her eyes. "Instead of signing them for me, can you sign them for my little sister? She was unable to come today, and-"

"We have other posters." Yunho winks at her. "Don't worry about it. You took the time to come here." His brilliant smile and shining eyes take an immediate effect; the trembling ceases and her eyes remain fixed on his. "What's your name?"

She spells it for them. "M-A-R-I-A."

"Pretty." Changmin concentrates on writing the letters as neatly and precisely as possible. "What sort of perfume are you wearing?"

She beams. "My friend made it for me. She likes to make her own scents."

"It smells wonderful," he says in a quiet, husky voice. Combined with his look and everything, the resulting gasp and half-swoon are not surprising.

"Oppa..." Her hands clench her bag. "I absolutely loved your most recent shoot. You looked...breathtaking in it," she states, breathless herself.

He grins, just a tiny little smile. "Give me your hand."


Once she places her small hand in his, he slowly lifts it towards his face and presses it against his cheek. How her eyes can grow wider is unknown to him, but they do. drops open. Yunho laughs again, louder this time.

"Because of what you sacrificed to get here, because you were willing to give up what you brought for a friend that means a lot to you, I want to leave you with something that can just be between you and I." Then he truly smiles, a dazzling smile that makes the world around the girl disappear. "You seem like you are a truly dedicated fan of ours. I'd like to say thank you."

"Hey, now. I want to make an impression on her, too! Quit hogging the spotlight!" Yunho jokes. He waves away the security, as the girl has taken a lot more time than all the other fans.

She nods once, still shaking but looking more confident than before. "Thank you...oppa."

"Always a pleasure to meet a true fan," is his only reply.

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rockabyebaby #1
Chapter 6: YAY FOR JENHOOOOOOOOOO!!!! HAHA Just reread my oneshot :)
Chapter 18: JKSHFKJHDFGKJHFDSGLKJDFLKJFKLHGJ... OH MY GOD ANDIIII!!! I have this BIGGEST smile on my face... I loved ittttttt.... I know I have said this before but u write the BEST JAEMIN FLUFFS EVERRR.... I amm so happy rn that I could cry... This is sooo sweet...*sobs* ILU Andi..
Chapter 14: OH MY GOD!!! HOW COME I NEVER READ THIS BEFORE... hgfvghjsdfbnskjdf... eekkkk... this is soo cuteee... U write the bestest JaeMin fluffs...:D
rockabyebaby #4
Back to read the oneshot you wrote me. I find myself reading it a lot lately^^
rockabyebaby #5
Just reread the oneshot you wrote for me. I love it to pieces~^^
lalalala, casually re-reading because Su is so squishy
generalhardhead #7
This is will be my favorite line.<br />
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“We will not be subjected to unwanted ion.” <br />
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@Andi<br />
Yes, a very heavy drawl LOL
LOLL this reminded me of this one video where junsu yunho and changmin went on made roller coaster rides, and when they got off they all looked high LOLLL<br />
"" LOL<br />
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