Gabby, a panda, and the Winchesters

Andi's Oneshot and Drabble Collection

For my Gabster :)

Junsu ducked below the hardtop table as another blast of fire consumed the classroom. Soon, even the strong desks would be no match against the flames. The many supplies around the room had been burned to a crisp an hour ago, and some of the chairs had been reduced to ashes. “What the hell is going on?!” he demanded to know as Gabby scrambled to join him. “I thought we were done with this! Didn’t that Dean guy shoot the last fire-spitting cockroach bug thing?!”

She yelled back, “Guess not!”

“So then why is there more fire?!”

“I think Mommy and Daddy are very angry!” They flattened themselves onto the floor as more fire burst over their heads. They heard gunshots come from the corridor. Apparently the brothers were still standing and still shooting away at the creatures. “Damn it! I think more are coming!”

“What on Earth do you mean by ‘more’?!”


Just then, Castiel—the one, the only!—appeared into being from nowhere. As always, Junsu jumped an inch into the air; he may have claimed to be a tough guy, but Castiel was…well, he did not work according to anyone’s schedule and so he popped up unexpectedly. “Dean left me a message on the mail voice. He requested my presence because you two…screwed up.” He eyed the two of them heavily before sighing. “You two have picked up bad habits from the Winchesters. Speaking of…” He poked his head out from beneath the table to observe the chaos going on in the hallway. “Have they gotten the situation under control? Are all the hatchlings and eggs destroyed?”

“What do you think?” Gabby snapped.

He blinked calmly at her. “I’ll take that as a negative response.” He looked back over his shoulder and dove out of the way as a fireball zoomed past them. It exploded against the far wall, completely scorching the blinds. “Ah, that’s interesting. They’re learning how to aim.”

Junsu stared in horror. “You have got to be kidding me. They’re getting smarter? We’re so very ed!”

Castiel raised an eyebrow. “We will not be subjected to unwanted ion.” Gabby almost sighed in frustration. Almost. Not quite. Despite hanging out with Dean a lot of the time (and learning a thing or two from Mr. Hot Shot himself), the naïve angel did not understand some of their slang. “How did things escalate to this?” And just how, Gabby thought dryly, are you so flipping calm while we’re about to freak the hell out?

“Oh! Oh, you wanna know how the proverbial hit the fan?!” She pointed an accusatory finger into Junsu’s chest. “This genius of a panda thought it would be so very clever if he chanted a loud war cry because we smashed every single egg and killed whatever had hatched! He didn’t even realize that this victory celebration was drawing all sorts of attention to the school, which meant that the whole freaking hive decided to show up and protect the nests! But oh ho ho, they were too damn late to protect much of anything! No eggs, no nests, no babies! What did that mean? ALL-OUT WAR ON THE HUMANS!” she finished, screaming into Junsu’s face.

“Ah, I see.” Castiel reached into his trench coat and pulled out what appeared to be a plain-looking dagger. He handed it to Junsu. “Take this as a precaution and don’t let Dean know that I gave it to you. Put it back in the duffel bag in the trunk once you can get back outside. It’s the knife Ruby gave to them,” he added at their confused looks. “It’ll kill…well, anything.”

“Why can’t we tell Dean?” Gabby asked impatiently, sensing a vague response in return though hoping for an elaboration.

Castiel did not fail her with that particular mannerism; he only scowled in that roguishly handsome way of his and said, “He can be very put out when others touch his toys.”

“His toys?” Junsu repeated, looking stunned. “If this is a toy, then—great, he’s gone.” In a split second, they were alone again—no bad- renegade angel to protect them or spout out random thoughts of ambiguity. Did I really just think that phrase? Gabby shook her head. Now was not the time to sound smart in her mental theater; they desperately needed an alternate mode of escape. The Winchester boys could easily gun down the rest of the creatures as long as they had ammunition. If only we could get to the Impala…

Suddenly, an entire chunk of the wall disintegrated. “Look out!” Dean roared as something slimy and green tore into the room. “Gabby!”

“Oh, gross,” she complained when said slimy thing dripped a mucus-like substance all over the tiled floor. Two stumps of legs stuck out beneath a large circular torso. Its measly arms flailed wildly as it attempted to rise onto its feet. “What the hocus pocus is that thing?!”

Fooooood,” came the rattling reply. The thing—known to some hunters around the world as simply a Bogie—rolled onto its stomach and crawled towards them. Junsu shrieked and stumbled backwards, eyes fixed in horror on the creature. Gabby nearly screamed herself—a wide, gaping hole sat amidst the mucus and slime. Jagged teeth lined the mouth, gnashing at them. “Rip. Eat. Devour. Must have food.

Dean and Sam burst into the room; behind them lurked a nightmarishly-large, brown bug. The brown cockroach-mantis hybrid raised its pincers and sliced into the air, probably hoping to cut one of the brothers in the process. Fortunately, the two were armed; Sam fell onto his back and aimed his shotgun right at the bug’s belly. The following shotgun blast had Gabby covering her ears and moving back against the wall at the same time. The Bogie kept crawling towards them; it moved slowly but nothing was going to stop it from getting to them…unless…

“Hey, you fugly son of a !” Dean yelled at the beast. The Bogie actually halted in its tracks and managed to circle around, facing Dean. The stockier Winchester smirked as he laid the barrel of his shotgun against the creature’s assumed head. “Tell all your nasty buddies in Hell to get ready for us, ‘cause we’re cleaning house.” Boom.

As Gabby and Junsu tried to catch their breath, Sam checked to see if the bug was definitely dead before turning towards his brother. He seemed torn between amusement and disdain. “Really, Dean?”

“What?” he asked while giving the Bogie’s “body” a hard kick. “Slimy piece of sh—”

“Your little one-liner right before you shot the Bogie.” Sam formed a hilariously accurate imitation of Dean’s expression pre-deathblow. Gabby actually held back a giggle; Junsu didn’t notice as he was too busy picking off bits of slime from his shirt (“Oh, yuck….”). Dean glared at him, which only made Sam laugh. “We aren’t cleaning house, and how could the Bogie possibly tell his ‘buddies’ that we were? I mean, you shot the bastard in the…skull,” he finished uncertainly.

Dean did his signature one-shoulder shrug as he headed towards Gabby and Junsu. “Well, what can I say? I like to say like that when I have a gun aimed right at something. Makes me feel awesome.” He squatted down and checked Gabby’s face for any cuts or bruises. “You seem pretty okay to me, sweetheart. How about your boyfriend over here?” he asked, jerking his head towards Junsu.

“He seems okay. A bit disgusted at the gooey , maybe, but pretty okay.” She looked back at them and almost handed over the knife, but then Castiel’s face filled her mind. “Um, mind if I walk out to the Impala? I think I left my bag in there.” Please tell me that they didn’t notice I had no bag in the first place…luckily for her, they had been too absorbed earlier with checking out the school. Dean nodded. “Be right back, then.” Sam stepped aside so she could pass through the now-destroyed doorway.

Junsu scowled darkly at Dean as he held out his hand. “After blowing the gooey brains out of that…thing, you’re going to introduce yourself?”

“Might as well. Name’s Dean. That’s my brother Sam. We know Gabby, but out of our little gang of Ghostbusters and demon hunters—” At this, Sam rolled his eyes. “—Cas is the only one who knows you. You’re…uh…”

“Junsu,” the singer said acidly. “That’s my name. If you can’t pronounce it, tough.”

Dean looked a bit taken aback but never showed more than a raised eyebrow. “Okay then. Sammy, let’s get this cleaned up and get back to the room. I left my damn cell phone back on the bed…”

“It’s in the glove compartment, Dean,” Sam said with an air of exasperation. Junsu figured he went through this song and dance once a week, if not more often. His brother grunted something in response, making Sam chuckle. “Gabby’s taking a long time,” he noted after a couple minutes passed by. When they heard a shriek and then a loud swear by none other than Bobby, Sam sighed. “Here we go again.”

Junsu turned his death glare on the younger Winchester. “What do you mean by that?”

“She freaked out and pulled a knife on Bobby. It’s happened before.” Dean rose to his feet. “Let’s go patch things up between them before Bobby decides to throw her into his cellar.”

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rockabyebaby #1
Chapter 6: YAY FOR JENHOOOOOOOOOO!!!! HAHA Just reread my oneshot :)
Chapter 18: JKSHFKJHDFGKJHFDSGLKJDFLKJFKLHGJ... OH MY GOD ANDIIII!!! I have this BIGGEST smile on my face... I loved ittttttt.... I know I have said this before but u write the BEST JAEMIN FLUFFS EVERRR.... I amm so happy rn that I could cry... This is sooo sweet...*sobs* ILU Andi..
Chapter 14: OH MY GOD!!! HOW COME I NEVER READ THIS BEFORE... hgfvghjsdfbnskjdf... eekkkk... this is soo cuteee... U write the bestest JaeMin fluffs...:D
rockabyebaby #4
Back to read the oneshot you wrote me. I find myself reading it a lot lately^^
rockabyebaby #5
Just reread the oneshot you wrote for me. I love it to pieces~^^
lalalala, casually re-reading because Su is so squishy
generalhardhead #7
This is will be my favorite line.<br />
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“We will not be subjected to unwanted ion.” <br />
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@Andi<br />
Yes, a very heavy drawl LOL
LOLL this reminded me of this one video where junsu yunho and changmin went on made roller coaster rides, and when they got off they all looked high LOLLL<br />
"" LOL<br />
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