Morning Routine (JaeMin)

Andi's Oneshot and Drabble Collection

Changmin saw the man every morning.

On his way to work, stopping for coffee at his favorite coffee cart, the man was there, face hidden behind the daily newspaper. Straight brown hair that fell into his eyes, cherry lips that begged to be bitten over and over, and cheekbones a model would kill to possess. Changmin knew they were all there because the man had to turn the page occasionally. He was beautiful.

The gold band he wore on his left hand was the problem.

Changmin was not one to have an affair, not even with a human being who looked like he should be in one of the old Italian masters' paintings. Changmin envied the person who had snatched up the man.

None of this prevented him from pleasuring himself at night, thinking only of the man and what his long fingers looked capable of doing. Was it wrong of him to fantasize about a married man? Perhaps. The immorality of it all was actually more ; imagining a scenario where the man's wife (or husband) walked in on a very intimate moment--it only made Changmin moan and move his hand at a faster pace.

A stranger had Changmin--a well-educated scholar who had never put one toe across the metaphorical line--contemplating adultery.

Same old morning. Same old coffee. Same old news.

Same beautiful young man at the coffee cart.

Jaejoong had originally mistaken him as an illusion: an angel fallen from teh sky. With wavy brown hair that curled behind his ears and piercing dark eyes, it would be no surprise if he was a fallen angel. But he spoke very little, only to order his usual: a medium French roast cup, no room for cream.

When woould he gather the courage to meet him?

Out of nervous habit, he spun the gold band on his left hand. He knew he should take it off; he did not want to scare off the young man should he talk to him. But...she had been everything to him. Heena...his beautiful young bride...taken by that damn epidemic...

"Excuse me, you dropped your paper."

The words had tumbled out of his mouth before he could stop himself. Changmin bit his lip as the man looked up from his drink. "Pardon?"

"Your paper." He bent down and grabbed the bundle. "I didn't want it to get wet..."

The man's mouth went slack; he recovered slightly and took the paper from Changmin. "Thank you. I would have never noticed it dropped." He laughed, sending shivers up Changmin's spine. The man held out his hand. "You know...I see you every morning but I don't believe we've ever been introduced. Kim Jaejoong."

"Shim Changmin." As he took Jaejoong's hand, he could not help but blurt out, "So you're married?"

"Ah..." The man closed his eyes, smiling. "No.'s a very long story, one I would prefer to wait on." He gestured to the sandwich shop behind him. "Are you available for lunch, Mr. Shim?"

Changmin's heart began to thump against his ribcage. The image he had created of this man had been all but shattered; he was not married, he was kind, and he seemed...interested, at the very least. "Um..."

"I'll be honest with you, Mr. Shim." Jaejoong leaned forward, smiling. "I've been wanting to speak to you for quite some time."

The thumping turned into hard pounding. Adrenaline flooded Changmin's veins. What did he have to lose? Besides, curiosity concerning the wedding band overwhelmed all reason. "I can be there at 12:30."

"Perfect." Another beautific smile. "See you then."

He returned the flirtatious gesture. "See you then."

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rockabyebaby #1
Chapter 6: YAY FOR JENHOOOOOOOOOO!!!! HAHA Just reread my oneshot :)
Chapter 18: JKSHFKJHDFGKJHFDSGLKJDFLKJFKLHGJ... OH MY GOD ANDIIII!!! I have this BIGGEST smile on my face... I loved ittttttt.... I know I have said this before but u write the BEST JAEMIN FLUFFS EVERRR.... I amm so happy rn that I could cry... This is sooo sweet...*sobs* ILU Andi..
Chapter 14: OH MY GOD!!! HOW COME I NEVER READ THIS BEFORE... hgfvghjsdfbnskjdf... eekkkk... this is soo cuteee... U write the bestest JaeMin fluffs...:D
rockabyebaby #4
Back to read the oneshot you wrote me. I find myself reading it a lot lately^^
rockabyebaby #5
Just reread the oneshot you wrote for me. I love it to pieces~^^
lalalala, casually re-reading because Su is so squishy
generalhardhead #7
This is will be my favorite line.<br />
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“We will not be subjected to unwanted ion.” <br />
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@Andi<br />
Yes, a very heavy drawl LOL
LOLL this reminded me of this one video where junsu yunho and changmin went on made roller coaster rides, and when they got off they all looked high LOLLL<br />
"" LOL<br />
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