Sara! Calm down!

Our crazy vacation
"Aren't you the girl that was clinging to MY Niel oppa?" said an angry voice. But she said it in Korean so Lina didn't really understand what she said. Lina looked up and saw a pretty looking girl standing there. She had big eyes and long eyelashes. She could have been a model in Lina's mind. "Um...Pardon..?" She asked. The girl looked at her. "So you speak English. How pathetic. You can't even speak Korean and yet you're sticking so close to Niel oppa." She scoffed at Lina. The girl towered over Lina. "It annoys me how you stick to Niel oppa like that." She muttered into Lina ear. "Um....How do you know I'm sticking to Niel? I just got here yesterday..." Lina whispered. "Don't play dumb with me . Niel oppa is MINE!" Lina saw the girl raise her arm and about to punch her but the punch never hit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sara and Changjo walked around for a while looking for Niel and Lina. "So your friend..Lina. She won tickets to come to Korea?" Changjo asked. Sara nodded. She wasn't really paying attention to Changjo. Her thoughts were drifting elsewhere. "Sara!" Changjo called. Sara looked up. "Pardon?" She asked. "I was just asking. she single?" Sara looked at him from the corner of her eyes. "Yea. She is...why do you want to know?" Changjo shrugged. "Just wondering. She seems like a cute person." Sara nodded. " an amazing person..." She whispered. Changjo looked at her. Sara looked around. "Oh! A café! Let go in! The heat is killing me and we didn't get to finish our food." Sara smiled happily and headed to the cute café. Changjo followed her but Sara suddenly stopped. Changjo nearly crashed into her. "Hey what are y..." Sara cut him off. Changjo looked and to see what made Sara stop and saw that Lina was talking with another girl. He couldn't really make out what they were saying but the other girl didn't seem friendly. "Can you hear what they're saying?" Changjo asked quietly. Sara nodded. "Hey you and Niel know that girl?" she asked. Changjo shook his head. Sara muttered something but Changjo couldn't hear what she said. He looked back to Lina and realized that the girl had just raised her arms and was about to hit her but before he could do anything, Sara had already ran up and grabbed the girls hand. Changjo stared at her. The girl was clearly shocked. "Hey! What the hell do you think you're doing?! Let go of me !" Sara glared at her in a way that even scared Changjo. "For a Korean girl, you sure have a foul mouth. How about I make it swollen for tomorrow?"
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Chapter 7: Haha, that must be some sneeze for the hat to fall off! hahaha