Day out with teen top

Our crazy vacation
"Are you guys coming with us?" Sara asked the Teen top guys. "We can go alone. I'm sure there will be fan girls." Niel looked at Changjo and Ricky. "Excuse us for a second. We need to talk this over with the other guys." Niel dragged Changjo and Ricky by the sleeves and went back to their hotel room. "Wait right there." He said before he left. Lina and Sara stared at the door. Sara shrugged and flopped back down onto the couch. Niel dragged Ricky and Changjo by the sleeves and went back to their hotel room. Chunji, Ljoe, and Cap were still watching T.V. "You guys. The two girls are gonna go grocery shopping. Should we go with them?" Niel asked. Chunji looked up. "Hmm. They're pretty cute so sure. I don't mind accompanying them." Ljoe glared at him. "Chunji you're such a lady's man. You would go for anyone cute." Chunji laughed and said "Guilty as charged." Cap ignored them and went up to Niel. "Why do you bother with those two girls? You just met them yesterday and you act like you've know them forever." Niel thought for a while. "I don't know...It might be that I think they might be fun...or maybe love at first sight..?" Niel mumbled. Cap raised and eyebrow. Ricky's eyes widened. "Ah?! Niel hyung! You fell in love at first sight?" I shrug. Chunji and Ljoe stop arguing and turn to Niel. "Niel. Are you sure? You're a member of Teen top. The fans and our manager would never allow you to date anyone." Ljoe said. "I know...But still....Changjo. You seem to be interested in one of them. What do you think?" Niel asked. Changjo looked at him "I'm not in love or anything...You guys all know that there's no possibilities of me feeling love anymore...not after...well you know. But I wouldn't mind playing around with them." Changjo smirk. Ricky and Cap stare at him. Niel looked down to the ground. "Changjo...We know you had it rough. But don't play around with their feelings. It's not right." Chunji muttered. Changjo shrugged. "So are we gonna go or not?" Ricky asked. Ljoe looked at Cap and Chunji. "You guys can go. We're gonna stay here." Niel nodded and headed back to the girl's room. Changjo followed. But when Ricky was about to go as well, Cap grabbed him and pulled him back. "You stay. The two of them will be better at being incognito. You would blow their cover in less than two minutes." Ricky pouted. "But hyung..." "No buts." Ljoe cut in. "You are too loud and you like to draw attention towards you." Ricky nodded sadly and sat down besides Chunji on the couch. Mean while, Sara and Lina were sitting on the couch waiting for Niel. "Hey, Lina. Why is Niel even bothering with us? I mean. We just met them and yet he's offering to do this and that. Don't you think that's kind of weird?" Lina thought for a while. "Well I guess it would be. But still, it's Niel. " She sighed. Sara nodded slightly. "Okay. But I think I'm going to keep my guard up. Because...Well you know why. I definitely won't let that kind of thing happen again." Lina nodded. She knew Sara very well. Sara was the type of person who would put her friends before her. She was kind hearted and very generous. But that also makes her vulnerable. She may seem tough on the outside, but Lina knew just how breakable Sara was. Just then, Niel opened the door. "Hey. Lets go. You need food right? I know a perfect restaurant. We can all eat lunch there."
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Chapter 7: Haha, that must be some sneeze for the hat to fall off! hahaha