Somefan girls are scary!

Our crazy vacation
"Run!" That was all Sara could here before she realized that Changjo had grabbed her hand and pulled her from one street to another with fan girls chasing behind yelling. "AH! Changjo!" "Wait!!" "Who's that girl?!" "CHANGJO!!!" 'Thank god I'm wearing sunglasses.' Sara thought. Meanwhile, Niel and Lina were running from an big crowed of fan girls as well. They chased Niel and Lina non stop. Yelling for Niel's autograph and such. after several blocks, they managed to duck and hide in an alleyway and the fan girls ran past. After a minute or two, they came out. Lina poked her head out first and when she gave the thumbs up, Niel came out too. "That was scary..." Lina whispered. Niel looked at her. "I'm sorry...I didn't think that this would happen." Before Lina could say anything, Niel wrapped his arms around her and held her in a tight embrace. "Sorry. I won't let you be scared anymore.." he whispered. Lina could feel her heart pounding in her chest. She nodded slightly. Niel suddenly realized what he had done and quickly let go. "Ah...uh...let's try and find Changjo and Sara..." Lina nodded and started to walk towards where they came from. Niel suddenly grabbed her hand and pulled her towards another road. Lina blushed as she realized that she was holding hands with Niel. 'Omo...I'm so nervous...this is a strange feeling...He's so close...but still out of my reach..." Her chest tightened at the thought. 'We're gonna go our separate ways one day... He's a star, and I'm...just me.' Lina lowered her head and hoped that Niel wouldn't turn around to look. Lina used her free hand to reach into her purse and grab her cell phone. "I'm gonna call Sara to see where she is." She said. Niel looked back and nodded. Lina quickly speed dialed Sara. Beep beep beep. No answer. Lina checked her service and dialed again. Once again, no one answered. "There's no answer...I hope she's alright." "She'll be fine. Changjo's with her." Niel replied. "I hope so..." Lina whispered. She thought back to the time when Sara didn't have a frozen heart. She used to be so free and lighthearted. And now, even though she looks cheerful and easygoing, Lina could see the ice in her eyes. "Hey. I'm going to the washroom. Do you mind waiting for me here?" Niel asked. "Oh no problem." They headed to a small café and while Niel went in, Lina waited outside for him. A minute later, she saw a girl walking towards the café. At first she didn't pay much attention, then the girl stopped in front of her. "Hey...Aren't you the girl clinging to MY Niel oppa?"
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Chapter 7: Haha, that must be some sneeze for the hat to fall off! hahaha