Time is passing

Our crazy vacation

2 months flew by in the blink of an eye.  During this time, the girls and Teentop got to know each other a lot better.  Sara could tell that Lina's feelings for Niel was growing and Niel felt the same.  But they wouldn't tell each other and it was making Sara mad.  Changjo had been acting strangely lately too.  Sara sighed.  She couldn't blame them.  Her and Lina were to go home in 1 week.  A relationship starting now would be troublesome.  And yet, Sara couldn't help but feel a pain in her chest when she thought about Changjo.  Sara shook her head.  It was their last week in Korea and she was gonna make sure it's the best week ever. 

Lina was in the bedroom looking through her camera.  Especially the ones with her and Niel in it.  She sighed.  'We'll be leaving in a week huh...'  she thought.  Even thought Lina knew,  it just didn't feel real.  the past two months were the best of her life.  She got to spend so much time with Niel that she didn't want to leave.  Lina quickly shook her head.  No.  I cant be thinking like that.  Ive got to make this last week memorable.  She thought.  Lina put down her camera and went to go find Sara.  Sara was sitting on the couch staring at her phone.  "Thinking about Changjo?"  Lina asked.  Sara looked up startled.  "Lina...."  she looked down. "No....I cant..."  Lina frowned.  " I know you like him.  I can tell by the way you look at him."  Sara shook her head sadly.  "Even if i do like him,  I'm not the one he likes."  "What?  That's crazy.  He likes. you too."  Lina argued.  Sara just shook her head.  "Anyways.  any plans for this week?"  Sara asked.  Lina shook her heaad.  Sara grinned.  "Didn't think so.  That why I took the liberty of arranging Hanboks for us!"  Lina gave Sara a funny look.  "Why did you get hanboks?"  Sara gave her a sneeky smile.  "There's a festical here the night before we leave.  I want to go.  They're going to have floating latterns."  Lina eyes. sparkled.  "floating lanterns?  Oh wow!  Lemme see the hanboks you got us!"  Lina said excitedly.  Sara reached behind the couch and produced two bags with tissues in them.  "This one's yours."  She gave Lina a light pink bag..  Lina opened it a there was a beautiful hanbok with a pink and pale green hanbok inside.  "Oh wow!  This is beautiful Sara!"  Sara took out her own and it was light blue and white.  The girls laughed excitedly. 

On the night of the festival,  Sara and Lina put on their hanboks and did their makeup.  While Lina was still apllying her makeup,  She heard a knock on the door.  Sara quickly went to it and Teentop walked in hanboks as well.  Lina stared a Sara.  You didn't.  She mouthed wordlessly.  Sara grinned and nodded.  I did.  Lina hurriedly put on the rest of her makeup and went up to Teentop.  "Hi....What...what are you doing here..?"  She asked.  "Sara invited us all to go.."  Cap said.  "Alright!  Now that we're all ready.  Lets go!"  Sara grabbed Ricky and Lina and dragged them to the elevator while the rest of Teentop followed.  Once they got to the festival,  Sara, Lina, and some teentop members looked around excitedly.  Niel and Changjo walked more slowly.  "Changjo...I think...i'm in love with Lina...." he said.  Changjo looked at him.  "Yea...I know.  It's pretty obvious.  She likes you too you know?"  Nie looked at him surprised.  "Really?!"  Changjo nodded and unknowinly stared at Sara laughing a Chunji.  "You....Like Sara.  Dont you..."  Niel asked quietly.  Changjo stared for a moment.  "Yea...I think I do...."  He looked down sadly.  " But anyways.  You have to tell Lina about your feelings before she goes.  which means you have to tell her tonight."  Niel shook his head in surprise.  " What?!  I can't!  I mean.  What if she rejects me?"  Changjo glared at him.  "Do you want to regret this later?" He asked and walked away.  Niel stood there dumbfounded.  the word regret echoed in his head.  'No!  I can't have any regrets.  I wont!'  He thought.  Niel rushed up to Lina and pulled on her arm.  "Hey, uh..can I talk to you for a sec?"  He asked and pulled her towards a big oak tree away from the crowds.  Lina gave him a questioning looks but followed.

Sara and the others noticed Niel pulling Lina away and secretly followed to listen.  Sara hid behind a bush and listend.  "So uh...You're going back tomorrow.."  Niel sighed.  Lina nodded.  "Yea"  was all she could say.  "Um....This might,  be a burden to you, but i have to say it..."  Niel took a breath.  "I LIKE YOU!"    Niel looked up in surprise.  He realized that he and Lina said the same thing at the same time.  "wait...you like me...too?"  Niel asked breathlessly.  Lina blushed and nodded.  Niel's eyes widened and he started to smile.  "I know you're leaving...but,  I'll make you to call you...and I'll visit you...so...will you wait for me?"  Lina could feel tears rolling down her cheeks.  "Yes!"  She gasped.  "I'll wait for you.."  Niel pulled her into his arms and hugged her tight.  "Thankyou."  He whispered into her ears.  Sara couldnt watch any longer and she yelled.  "JUST KISS HER ALREADY!"  Sara suddenly realized that Changjo had yelled this as well.  But she didn't pay any attention to that.  She was too busy smiling at Lina who was surprised that Niel had suddenly kissed her.  The wind blew softly and cherry blossoms fell all around her.  It was a magical scene.  Sara smiled.  'I hope you have a happy ending Lina.'  she thought.  Sara suddenly felt someone watching her and realized that it was Changjo.   She felt a stab in her heart and quickly turned away. 

The next day,  Sara and Lina woke up at 3 to pack and left the hotel before 6 am.  Sara slid a letter under the door.  It had Changjo's name on it.  the letter said. 

Dear Changjo.  By the time you read this letter, we would be at the airport getting ready for our flight back.   You must be wondering why i am writing you this.  I just had some words that i couldn't say to you face to face.  I like you.  You might not feel the same but I just wanted you to know.  Love,  Sara

Lina looked at Sara.  "Are you sure you'll be fine?"  Sara nodded.  Lina looked at her and when Sara wasn't looking,  she slid a piece of paper under Teentops door. 

At the airport,  Sara was waiting for Lina to get back from the washroom when her cell phone began to ring.  There was no caller ID but she asnwered anyways.  "Hello?"  "Sara!  I like you too!"  Sara's breath caught for a moment.  "wait.  Changjo?!  How did you get my number?"  "There was a piece of paper beside your letter and it said 'Sara's number.  Give her a call.'  I think Lina left it."  Sara couldn't find anything to say.  "Listen sara.  I know that you probably didn't trust at the beginning...but Please hear me out!  I didn't know you long, but you're the only girl who makes my heart go crazy everytime you smile.  So please...say you'll accept my feelings..."  Sara felt like crying.  "Yes.  I...I accept your..feelings.."  "Good" said a voice from behind her.  Sara spun around and saw Changjo standing there.  "But...How..."  "I told him where you were."  Lina walked up from behind him with Niel.  "This person ran like a mad man to get here.  He was so flustered."  Niel laughed.  Sara couldnt believe her eyes.  Lina walked up to her.  "Sara,  you always help me whenever im in trouble.  So now im helping you."  "Linaaa."  Sara cried and hugged her friend.  "Youre hugging the wrong person."  Changjo said and pulled sara away from lina and into his arms.  Sara cried into his chest.  Niel came up behind Lina and put his arms around her waist. "Do you think we'll have a happy ending?"  he asked.  Lina smiled at him.  "I think we'll have the best ending ever."  And with that, Niel leaned down and kissed her lips. 


The end everyone!  I know its boring but I had to finsih it.  haha   I'll work on improving and hopefully make a more exciting story next time!

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Chapter 7: Haha, that must be some sneeze for the hat to fall off! hahaha