(Chanstal) Be in love with me alone


There was this girl living at apartment 503, four rooms down Chanyeol's. At 8:30 am, she wakes up, opens her door just a tad bit, and reaches out for the milk and newspaper delivered that day. At 12 pm, she goes out to buy lunch, in her thick coats, knitted scarf and jet-black hair. At 8 pm, the smell of ramen or samgyupsal or whatever she was having that day will waft through the hall, and at 10 pm her lights will go off and she will sleep. Every day it was the same thing, never missing an hour or a beat. It didn't matter if it was a work day, or a Friday night, or weekends. That girl with the pale skin and straight hair would almost always stay inside the four corners of her apartment.

                She is, in every sense of the word, mysterious; and it was safe to say that Chanyeol was curious. Or maybe curious was an understatement, he was hooked. Her shifted gazes, her admonishing stares, her cautious gait, everything she does sends a myriad of questions on his head.

Why doesn't she go out? Doesn't she have friends? What does she like? What does she hate? Would she like me if she knew me? Questions that honestly shouldn't be asked to strangers. But there was something about her, maybe the idea that she was more pure-hearted than the partying girls with generic make up that his friends periodically date, or the realization that this girl wasn't afraid to be alone, when everyone else was trying not to be. But whatever it was, it rendered him under her spell and there was no turning back.

                So he opts for what he does best, he uses his experience as a graphic designer to stick post-its with little drawings on her daily newspaper, a way to see her ever so subtle smile that seemingly lights up his little apartment. Every day he does this, along with her routine, just to see the little upward twitch of her lips.

                But today, the girl living at apartment 503 breaks her schedule. Here, at 8:35 am, she stands at Chanyeol's door, all jet-black hair, thick coat and knitted scarf. She hands him a post-it note.

                "Hi I'm Jung Soojung" it says.

                She beams, and Chanyeol does too, and it's this perfect moment of realization that is heavy on the air. The realization that maybe, Jung Soojung would most likely want the idea of being alone with someone for a change; and maybe, that someone could be him.


a/n: For amusingmurdermachine! Heard the song and Flower Boys Next Door instantly popped into my had, so this drabble is heavily inspired by the drama. As usual, enjoy! Comments are highly appreciated :)

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Chapter 2: I love this,
BeepBeep1234 #2
Chapter 6: I love this
BeepBeep1234 #3
Chapter 10: Do you write... you know... ?
sooju_ #4
Chapter 3: i love the chanstal ohhhh loveee
RoyalDream #5
Chapter 10: So beautiful <3
Chapter 9: This is so nice, thank you so much! ^^
Chapter 9: this ones really sweet :)
Chapter 7: the myungzy one is perfect it's pretty and has beautiful visual imagery it's ethereal and abstract everything I like <3