
The Stupid Cupid

Playlist: A Pink - Good Morning Baby


Huiju pouted as she packed her bags. It'll be a little while, she reminded herself. Maybe she could buy a souvenier for Yixing. 

Outside her window, Chanyeol and Soojin perched. "If Yixing dies, I swear I'd rebel on this job and strike everyone with an arrow." Soojin cursed.

"Why? You like Yixing too?" Chanyeol laughed. "Aigoo, I thought you don't believe in love? Do you believe now?"

"Nope. It's not that I don't believe in it. I just hate the concept of it.  Like now, what if a random cupid shoots an arrow and I fall in love with a rock? Love is stupid, but it's quite..." Soojin trailed off

"Quite...?" Chanyeol asked, looking at her intently. Darn, he swear she looks like someone, but he couldn't figure it out. His head throbbed and his eyes clouded. 

"Y-you're leaving?" a soft sob echoed in a white room. He couldn't see her face but he could tell she was breaking. Her body was fragile and helpless as she kneeled weakly on the floor.

"It's for your safety." he said before walking out.

"Quite intersting." Soojin laughed. "Isn't it?"


Huiju boarded the plane and looked back. She found herself staring at the floor, who was she kidding? She've watched enough dramas for her not to know about this. Yixing was always pale, his body is too skinny. He was coughing before and he turned down a chance to go to Korea. Something's wrong, very wrong. 

"Miss, is everything okay?" the flight attendant asked. 

"Y-yes. I'llbe back in a minute." she muttered.

And with that, she ran.


"She's running!" Soojin exclaimed and flew above her. She galnced back and saw Chanyeol flying behind her with a straight face. She slowed down to match with his speed. 

"Are you okay?" she poked.

Chanyeol looked at her and smiled as he nodded. "Yeah, sure." Their eyes met once more and Soojin gasped.  Her wings stopped moving and she started to fall.

"Really? Too bad." a girl laughed. She leaned on her table and stared at the guy infront of her. She smiled and lowered her head.

"Too bad what?" the guy asked, a smle creeping through his voice though their faces were blurred.

"I like you." the girl sighed and stood up. "But you don't have to like me back. I know." she smiled sadly once more before turning to leave.

"Are you sure about that?" he called out.


"Kris, your spell is faltering."  Xiumin shouted, running to Kirs, who's frowning in front of a fountain. The water reflected Chanyeol and Soojin as they flew. "You know it would..." 

"I know." Kris snapped. "We've got to fix this Minseok."

"I'll bring them here right away." Xiumin nodded and left. Without another word, his head popped inside of Kris' office once more. "And you do know I don't like being called Minseok right?"

"Yeah but Xiumin is not my style." 


"Huiju? Why are you here? I thought you were-" Yixing started but trailed off at the sight of her. She was breathing heavily, her hair flown all over her face. she walked to him and grabbed his shoulders.

"You're dying, right?" she said, closing her eyes.


"I know you're sick that's why you were going to Korea and..." she breathed.

"Huiju." Yixing said in a louder tone. She looked at him nervously. Yixing stood up and towered over her. He pulled off her hands on his shoulder before cupping her face with both hands.

"What. Are. You. Talking. About." he said, tilting his head.

"You...are not dying, aren't you?" she muttered. "Geez, I'm so stupid!" 

"Well, I am sick, but I'm not dying." Yixing laughed. "You should've looked at your expression." Huiju frowned and tore his hands away from her face.

"You..." she started. "Forget it. I'm out of here."

Yixing grabbed her arm gently and turned her. "Why were you so worried?" he asked, a playful smirk forming in his face.  "Don't tell me you..."

"I think so." she cut him off. "Too bad, eh?"

"Nope." Yixing smiled.


"Omo." Soojin exclaimed, covering her eyes. "Tell me if they stopped kissing."

"They're not." Chanyeol sighed. He placed his hand on her fore head. "Are you okay? Do you have a fever?"

"Eyy, I fell down earler because my wings cramped." Soojin stated. "You know that feeling? When your head suddenly throbs and your body can't move?"

"Nope, you're the weird one here." Chanyeol laughed as Soojin's glare became futile on him. He turned around and found his face centimeters away from her's.

"Excuse me cupids, may I interrupt your...moment?" Xiumin grunted, crossing his arms.


"You two are in big trouble." 



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[Stupid Cupid] Uhh...I need beta's...anybody?


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Chapter 10: .. will he die before the week end? >.< noo
Chapter 9: ........... Its gonnabe sad..yup q.q
But if thy only become friend for 1 week thn it might not hurt a lot.. Maybe.. I hope so q.q

Btw :o some spelling mistakes
you wrote Yicing instead of Yixing the one for the texting thingys
Also her knew
And acvtually .. Those what i noticed idk if there r some more ><
and sorry cuz i'm kinda of proofreading storys of my friend so it becomes a habbit nd i thought i should tell u since u didnt notice thm i guess.. >.<
Chapter 8: I feel it will be sad.. It wontbe sad right? D:
washupkrease #4
Another great story from a great author :)) FIGHTING author-nim!
Chapter 2: Hi ! New reader is here.. it's cute-your story is cute...! Chanyeol as a silly young Cupid, I can imagine that hahahahaha. And soojin is such a realistic girl ! Update when you are free ^^