Rising Action

Those Unspoken Thoughts


"Soojung, what on earth are these on your wrists?" jongin turns her hands around, showing the recovering scars on her pale skin.

"Nothing." she says before hurriedly burying them under her skirts. what on earth would happen if jongin finds out the story behind those scars? would he leave her? or would he look at her like she was a monster that was not worthy of his attention. jongin is squeaky clean and unmarked unlike her and he should not be polluted by her ugly scratches. its a wonder that jongin even hangs out with her in school despite all the taunting. but then again, this is jongin we are talking about here, he has never cared about others' opinions nor has he been the outcast and he definitely was not about to let soojung suffer anymore. 


and soojung sure was glad that she at least has that one friend, or in this case, only friend that cares about her despite what everyone else says about her. and she thinks that she just might be losing him at this rate she is going. 


"Soojung, i dare you to look into my eyes and tell me you are not lying."

"I'm not." hazel meets brown defiantly.

"You're lying." he says simply and that is all that takes for her strong gaze to waver. the things he could do to make her feel that way.

her vision is blurring. no soojung you stupid girl, don't cry in front of him, flooding his shirt once is enough, not in school, no. 

"Soojung," her name comes out like a whisper.

"Tell me what is going on with you, you can do that for me at the least right?"

she shakes her head profusely, brown curls bobbing up and down her shoulders.

"I'll always be here for you, you know that right? I don't care what others say about you. But is it true? Did you-"

Not Jongin as well. He was different, he said that he did not care what others said, he couldn't just do this. jongin was different from the others.


she breaks into a run, away from jongin, away from jongin, her mind chants and that is the sole goal she has in mind right now that is to get away from him. the only friend that she thought would never judge her actions.


"Soojung wait, i did not mean it this way-" but she keeps sprinting away. away.


but it's jongin after all, he was a head taller than her and long legs allow said owner to run faster. damn those long legs.dit doesn't even take long before jongin hugs her from the back, panting tiredly. "Caught you."

he grabs her body closer to him, "soojung you know i'm not like the others, please let me help you."

like everyone says after the rising action comes the , but rules were always meant to be broken so soojung screws the skewed logic and dives right into the falling action where the words come out in a mess.


"things, things were hard jongin and yo-you weren't there, I-I just had to." said tears begin falling, those dreaded tears oh how soojung hates them and she reckons so does jongin. amazing how he is still her friend.

"It's alright, I'm here now and its all that matters." he lifts that marked hand of hers and lifts it slowly to his lips. and pecks it. its so gentle that soojung wonders if she's dreaming. 


"You are beautiful Jung Soojung, don't let anyone else say otherwise."


Step 1: Kiss away all her scars and hurt. Tell her that she is beautiful until she is convinced. Ask her to repeat after you if necessary and make sure she knows her full worth. 

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Thanks for sticking here so long guys, updates are a little slowed down :(


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Chapter 17: simple story but i like it ..
fxwhuut #2
Chapter 15: weee i just found this and i loveeee this fic<3 your writing is so so beautiful and they're simply perfection.
Please update again soon... Im rooting fir kaistal
Chapter 2: So.. Jinri is badgirl girl here?'-' she left soojung rite?
Chapter 1: New reader here! Read ur story just now.. And yeah, I don't get the story yet..-_-
iwannalivefortoday #6
Chapter 13: Awww this chapter was so sweet but also somehow bittersweet because of the memories about her lost friend.
I understand her feelings because I personally experienced it...I think it's worse when you drift apart this way, without an actual fight but because that's just how life goes.
Sorry for being a little bit sentimental xP

Anyway I really enjoy reading story ^~^
(I also noticed that you added the Kaistal tag ;P)
iwannalivefortoday #7
Since I finally read it all I thought it'd be good to drop a comment ;>
I reaaally like it so far ^~^
I like how you focus more on their emotions and feelings, so we're able to know better the characters.
I'm glad Jongin is there for Soojung, as a friend and now as a lover. (*whispers* shouldn't be the story tagged as a KaiStal story as well? Or should I just silently wait for some real SeStal's moments ^~^?)
Soojung is sooo precious, don't be sad anymore :'(
Sehun didn't mean those words but Soojung happened to be a person who couldn't just laugh about it and here it goes the misunderstandings.

Anyway, I'll be patiently wait for the next update so for now, byeeee ♥
Chapter 12: Nice story.can't wait to read the next chapter