Crown of Glory

Those Unspoken Thoughts



When Jongin and Soojung were still small peas, he once gave her a wildflower from the playground. "Place it close to your heart and make a wish." he said. Naive little her did the exact thing he said while Jinri casually rolled her eyes at their antics once again.

"Magic, magic your wish came true!"

"Shut up don't be jealous cause i only gave it to jung. Just say if you want it come on." he places a hand against his ear which is greeted by Jinri letting out a huge breath of air into it.

"Damn it! What the hell was that for! Hmm... do you smell that foul thing? Ah yes, it's jealousy I smell."


Their consistent bickering results in Soojung being unable to concentrate on her wish so she abandons that task and instead decides to pass the flower to Jinri instead. "You need some love." she said casually. Jinri is left sputtering for a comeback while Jongin leans against the pillar, looking at his favourite with a smug grin. Wow what an he is but deep down Jinri secretly loves the flower even though it's worth nothing much but still it's the thought that counts even though the flower was originally meant for Soojung. But formalities did not matter.. right?


"Genie don't worry, one day I'll buy you and jung jung real lilies since we are the bestest friends ever."

"Idiot get your grammar right, there's no such thing as bestest, it's best." although no one could deny that the thought was sweet. "Ok fine grandma, I like Sehunnie more than you hmph!" Jongin sticks out his tongue before making his grand departure, oh how nice it would be if Jinri would bow down to him and call him her king. He chuckles at that silly daydream, nah Jinri will be his queen.

"Wait Jongin!" he spins around to face Soojung, "I like childish things ok Jongin, give them to me if Jinri doesn't want mmph..." Her voice is muffled by Jinri clamping her hands around Soojung's mouth so she settles with waving Jongin goodbye.



"Ok, now open your eyes." 

Jongin produces a bouquet of lilies for her and Soojung cannot contain her excitement. All these years he actually remembered that promise he made under the old playground tree! But why is it that although she has these beautiful flowers in her hands the initial excitement is gone so quickly? The wildflower of the past that she gave away to Jinri held her raw emotions of trust and happiness and no matte how pretty this bouquet was, it just wasn't the same to which Jongin does not fail to notice how her smile seemed to momentarily slip off before she went into another one of those daydreams. After plenty of times, he realises that at times like these, it was better to leave her to her own thought and each time after she comes out of one of those moments, her reply to his questions would always be "just thinking of things". 


But that doesn't stop Jongin from asking.


"Hey deep thoughts, what's going on in there? Too touched by your boyfriend's act of love hmm?"

"Shut up Jongin. And no I was just thinking about the weed from the playground." He never really knew how important that flower was to Soojung and now that she finally mentions it does his thick skull finally get the message. To think that Soojung passed it on to Jinri at that point. Oh Jinri, Jinri that name used to roll off his tongue so frequently. 


"Close your eyes beautiful, I'm doing some magic." Never had she doubted Jongin's words and when Jongin promised magic, she got magic. It was as simple as abc, Jongin never broke a promise, at least not those important ones. He bends down to pick the white daisies lying amidst the bushes, clumsily joining them together by knotting the long stems around each other before placing the now completed chain around Soojung's head, planting a very convenient kiss along the way. 

"It's beautiful." In fact, she can't believe that the reflection in the river is actually her. She was the princess and Jongin was her prince.

"You sure do look gorgeous, my princess all that is left is for you to make a wish." He thinks that he definitely could have done a better job but it's amazing how something so small can make Soojung so happy and contented. Soojung is pretty when she smiles. Scratch that, she's even prettier when she smiles. A pretty blush sets on her cheeks, shyly dipping her head. She never really received compliments but when Jongin says them, it makes her heart pump a little faster, her brain process a little slower, all in all, she became an embarrassing emotional wreck that was incapable of controlling herself. 


"Last one to tap is the winner! I win! " He taps her shoulder, skipping, yes skipping away gaily into the sunset on a moo moo cow. Stupid Kim Jongin, always cheating in this game and taking advantage of those times that she spaces out. How on earth is it fair that he is the winner when one is supposed to say "start" before the game begins no? Useless bastard with an obvious lack of manners. Little she'll teach him a lesson for cheating in this, Soojung never loses in the tap game!

"Come back you !" and she takes off gaily as well on top of a moo moo cow after Jongin to give that guy a good beating for causing her to lose this round. NO NO NO she still hasn't lost yet. 




Step 2: Remember that she loves flowers. She prefers wildflowers over expensive bouquets.




Come closer, let me tell you a secret ok? Guess who is a comment monster? //winks//


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Thanks for sticking here so long guys, updates are a little slowed down :(


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Chapter 17: simple story but i like it ..
fxwhuut #2
Chapter 15: weee i just found this and i loveeee this fic<3 your writing is so so beautiful and they're simply perfection.
Please update again soon... Im rooting fir kaistal
Chapter 2: So.. Jinri is badgirl girl here?'-' she left soojung rite?
Chapter 1: New reader here! Read ur story just now.. And yeah, I don't get the story yet..-_-
iwannalivefortoday #6
Chapter 13: Awww this chapter was so sweet but also somehow bittersweet because of the memories about her lost friend.
I understand her feelings because I personally experienced it...I think it's worse when you drift apart this way, without an actual fight but because that's just how life goes.
Sorry for being a little bit sentimental xP

Anyway I really enjoy reading story ^~^
(I also noticed that you added the Kaistal tag ;P)
iwannalivefortoday #7
Since I finally read it all I thought it'd be good to drop a comment ;>
I reaaally like it so far ^~^
I like how you focus more on their emotions and feelings, so we're able to know better the characters.
I'm glad Jongin is there for Soojung, as a friend and now as a lover. (*whispers* shouldn't be the story tagged as a KaiStal story as well? Or should I just silently wait for some real SeStal's moments ^~^?)
Soojung is sooo precious, don't be sad anymore :'(
Sehun didn't mean those words but Soojung happened to be a person who couldn't just laugh about it and here it goes the misunderstandings.

Anyway, I'll be patiently wait for the next update so for now, byeeee ♥
Chapter 12: Nice story.can't wait to read the next chapter