
Those Unspoken Thoughts

Soojung feels that she is treading on a handful of eggshells. No, in fact she is stomping, not even treading on them. The cracks are there but they are still held together by that fine white membrane.

She wonders how much longer they are going to be held together. One day? Two days? A month? Or if she’s lucky, perhaps a year? But she knows that it is just a matter of time before they can’t take her weight anymore.


Weight, hmmm speaking of weight she thinks that she has grown fatter. It must be the waist that is the problem. Yes, definitely the waist. She reckons that she has her 23 inch waist has been replaced with a car tyre. Or maybe the problem lies with her thighs. Now that she looks at it in the mirror they seem like elephant stumps. Chubby, fat, ugly they screamed.

It makes sense why no one likes her, she had always been so ugly and everyone knew that fact except her. Just her and her delusions , so much for thinking that she looked fine.  How nice would it be if she could take a chunk of those stuff out.


Perfection was something that she was chasing and it hurts to know that at the same time she would never ever be fit enough to achieve that. Why does she chase it? Is it because of how humans are all creatures that all secretly chase perfection and the need to be flawless?

Or was it that greed was the main issue her and not perfection that they were chasing. But don't they both came hand in hand? Or maybe not. She was confused, the fantasies in her mind and reality itself often merged blurring the line drawing the difference. It was like how black mixed with white, one contaminating the other and now she couldn’t even tell them apart at times.


Occasionally she lies with her eyes wide open in the dark, wondering why she deserved this fate. Wasn’t God a fair one where everyone was made with equal talents, just in different fields? It took her a long time to finally realize that equality and justice were different things altogether. Equality was were everyone stood on the same platform regardless of the inborn talents, justice was boosting the weaker ones and dulling out the stronger beings, that was justice.


But that simply was not the way the world works, the perceive equality as justice and mixed the black with the white creating the eyesore known as grey.


She used to love the colour grey for the very fact that it matched with everything and seemed to be beautiful no matter what. However, it was the very strength that the colour grey possessed that became its weakness as well. Having no opponents meant having no allies as well which meant that being grey meant that you did not belong anywhere for the fear of being the outcast

Soojung was pretty sure she was a white since whites usually were the neglected ones since they were always viewed as having the potential to be easily dirtied and simply were burdens since one never knows when white would turn yellow.  Whites were bad investments, they would say. and a bad investment she was.


In another one of those night she lay awake staring at the ceiling she thinks that she can see the end coming. The “falling action” people like to coin it and the sounds of the eggshells cracking are even more audible tonight. Yes, she thinks, the end is near and she can finally see the end to the tunnel coming.


She will embrace it no matter what whether it kills her in the process or not, she no longer cares.






So here's my first author note and I really just want to thank all of you for even bothering to read this crap story and lazy me never bothers to check my work after it's done //guilty// so yes you guys are important to me oh and feel free to shoot me anything that's to be improved :-)



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Thanks for sticking here so long guys, updates are a little slowed down :(


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Chapter 17: simple story but i like it ..
fxwhuut #2
Chapter 15: weee i just found this and i loveeee this fic<3 your writing is so so beautiful and they're simply perfection.
Please update again soon... Im rooting fir kaistal
Chapter 2: So.. Jinri is badgirl girl here?'-' she left soojung rite?
Chapter 1: New reader here! Read ur story just now.. And yeah, I don't get the story yet..-_-
iwannalivefortoday #6
Chapter 13: Awww this chapter was so sweet but also somehow bittersweet because of the memories about her lost friend.
I understand her feelings because I personally experienced it...I think it's worse when you drift apart this way, without an actual fight but because that's just how life goes.
Sorry for being a little bit sentimental xP

Anyway I really enjoy reading story ^~^
(I also noticed that you added the Kaistal tag ;P)
iwannalivefortoday #7
Since I finally read it all I thought it'd be good to drop a comment ;>
I reaaally like it so far ^~^
I like how you focus more on their emotions and feelings, so we're able to know better the characters.
I'm glad Jongin is there for Soojung, as a friend and now as a lover. (*whispers* shouldn't be the story tagged as a KaiStal story as well? Or should I just silently wait for some real SeStal's moments ^~^?)
Soojung is sooo precious, don't be sad anymore :'(
Sehun didn't mean those words but Soojung happened to be a person who couldn't just laugh about it and here it goes the misunderstandings.

Anyway, I'll be patiently wait for the next update so for now, byeeee ♥
Chapter 12: Nice story.can't wait to read the next chapter