The Good Girl

Bad Girls

What Hyori didn't know about TOP was that behind his smooth and suave ways was actually a womanizer. TOP had a lot of lady friends, or at least he claimed they were. TOP's lady friends were the beautiful and classy type, women like Sandara Park, Jessica Jung, Tiffany Hwang, ladies from abroad who had a distinct accent and a sophisticated taste. They knew what the finest things in life were, things that Hyori knew but couldn't attain. The women TOP also knew, though inferior in appeal to Hyori, were much beautiful and fashionable than the meager and average incomed Hyori who only made up for what she lacked through appeal and style as well as flirting techniques and that bad girl vibe that only Hyori can emanate. 

Hyori and TOP seemed to be in good terms. Since giving him her number, they had been texting and talking quite a lot on the phone, having clandestine, late night meetings which TOP would often tell Hyori had to be secret in order to hide from his pesky guy buddies who often invited him for social drinking and other uptown boy activities that Hyori had no interest in. 

Hyori only looked rich, but wasnt. 

Hyori didn't mind this at first and thought that it was nothing. What she didn't know was that TOP was harboring a deep secret from her.

TOP actually had a girlfriend, and you're about to meet her.

Park Bom  was the sweetest girl you could ever encounter. Beautiful, smart, demure, polite. She had milky white skin, long, straight, silky brown hair, high cheekbones,and eyes that naturally squint into crescents when she smiled.  Everything Hyori wasn't. Born to a rich family as well, Bom had manners and breeding, things Hyori may or may not have. She was as delicate as a flower, and soft spoken as the wind. In all probability, she was a reincarnation of Audrey Hepburn, the epitome of the beautifully elite. She was TOP's girlfriend whom TOP loved dearly. Though he and Bom had been together for only a year, you could tell whenever they were together that they were truly in love. 

And Hyori was just another woman. But she didn't know that yet. What she knew was that she and TOP had something special for each other and just had no label for it yet because she wasn't quite sure about her feelings for him.

Hyori, as far as this bad girl was concerned, had no emotions. Especially towards men.

Bom was everything Hyori wasn't. Naturally beautiful, vice-free, a domestic goddess and not a shabby partygoer. Bom did party and drink occassionally, not as much as Hyori would. Hyori who would buzz her head or get high every opportunity she got, even if she was alone. Bom wasn't that way. Bom indulged in activities such as playing the piano, drawing, reading fantasy novels. 

Hyori indulged in parties and dry with men. 

Hyori and Bom weren't aware of the existence of each other, but TOP knew he had to tell Hyori about Bom one of these days.

During one of their meetings, they were at a coffee shop one night. TOP was sitting calmly with his iPhone, playing some games while Hyori smoked her 5th cigarette. TOP wasn't a smoker, only a drinker. Much like Bom. 

"Can I borrow your iPhone?" asked Hyori. TOP shrugged and lent the thing to ther. Hyori browsed through the pictures and saw a picture of TOP with a fair skinned lady, smiling beautifully into the camera. Since they weren't officially a couple, Hyori smirked at the sight of the lady.

"Who's this?" she asked.

"That's Bom." TOP said.

"And she's your..."Hyori had a hunch that Bom was TOP's girlfriend but she didn't want to jump to any conclusions. She was attracted deeply to TOP that she didn't want him to have a least yet. Not with anyone else. Just her.

"I'm courting her. Have been for a year." TOP said. Hyori's hopes came crashing down. Her heart sank.

"Oh." she puffed smoke from her cigarette. "Must be something, huh?"

"Definitely. She's studying medicine." Hyori's hopes were buried 10 feet down the ground. Hyori was a Mass Comm graduate who worked an okay job and his girlfriend was yearning to become a doctor.

. Hyori said in her mind. With her lips together, she gritted her teeth in jealousy.

"Hm. Well good luck. I hope you get her." she said. 

"Yeah. I do." Truth is, TOP was so enamoured and attracted to Hyori that he lied to her, saying that Bom was just someone he was interested in so that she would keep contact.

"Well you tell me what happens. I'd love to meet her." Hyori said with a devilish smirk and arch. Those were her habits, her trademarks. 

"You bet. You'll be the first." TOP promised. Hyori smiled, her hands folded in front of her chest and her cigarette stuck in , smoke emmitting from it. 


Bom loved TOP, that was no lie. Everyone knew how much TOP loved Bom and vice versa. However, this particular day, Bom was feeling quite inadequate, a bit insecure.She felt as though TOP was starting to lose interest in her as he texted her less, saw her only on weekends instead of picking her up everyday as he used to. TOP was growing cold and it had only been a year.

Bom loved him dearly and hoped that he would stick around with her longer. She had really big plans for the both of them. Decent plans. Typical female plans. 

Then, it struck her.

TOP might be getting sick of her style. Her sweet, loving, caring style. Maybe he needed a change. A new aura. A new look.

It was time for her metamorphosis. 


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Limzhiqi #1
Chapter 9: Don't make Bommie so depressed:(
Applebloom #2
Chapter 7: Topbommmmm don't change Bommie :(((
Wow all you readers seem to be rooting for Bommie (I love hyori tho because she badass hahaha.) i appreciate it but yer gonna have to wait for the ending to find out~
meanbelon #4
Chapter 6: i hope it will end with bommie. TopBom fighting!
imnotokay #5
Chapter 6: It was not good to did self-destructive just because a man.. ckckckkk
I hope it will be topbom but decision is in your hand author-nim :D
Limzhiqi #6
Chapter 6: End up with Bommie pls
imnotokay #7
Chapter 5: I love lee hyori but i love my bommie more than her.. hehehee sorry hyori unnie.
Oh no!! Dont turn urself into a ba girl bommie, but maybe a little is fine.
Can i get park bom PV please author-nim!?
Limzhiqi #8
Chapter 1: update pls