Random Prompts

Ƨex, Ɗrugs & Ƈocoa Ƥuffs


More random prompts that I had in a doc. Some mine - some not




•    People start to disappear in broad daylight. It turns out demons have finally found a way to summon humans by name.

•    Some years ago, you sold your soul. Today, the Devil gives it you back and says “I need a favor.”

•    You tossed your rent bill across the room in frustration and it went under the bed. A minute later, a grotesque hand pushes it back out, along with a wad of cash.

•    Your character is stuck in a playlist of songs. Every time a new song plays, a new world appears.

•    A child realizes that there is a monster in their closet, but the monster never moves or does anything. One day, the kid brings it food and they become friends.

•    It was over something stupid, but I snapped and tried to hit him with a refrigerator.

•    For some reason, every local gang is scared of your best friend.

•    He spent all day out in the cornfields, trying to get abducted.

•    On the first day of May, boys dress like girls to avoid being kidnapped by fairies.

•    You pass by a fence and hear a voice say "Excuse me? I wonder if I might ask you for a favor?" Write the conversation between you and the non-human speaker.

•    Did you know you can never forget a face? In dreams, your brain can't make up faces - they're all ones you've seen before. And those strange nightmares you've had of those terrible demons creatures? You've seen those, too.

•    A 16 year old boy with con heart disease recently has surgery. He walks out happily only to see the girl who donated her heart - very much dead.

•    You wake up on the living room floor with a strange tattoo on your forearm.

•    One day, you notice a new key on your keychain.

•    You use a new app on your phone to record a sound-clip to send to your friend (as a joke), but they ask about the creepy talking in the background. You think she's messing with you but when you listen back, there is another voice - and it's as clear as your own, as if it's right there beside you.

•    Which conspiracy theory does your character think is true?

•    In 6 words or less, write a story about partners in crime.

•    Describe a wedding from three points of view.

•    Write the last paragraph of a story that ends with a character saying: "She wasn't afraid of you anymore."

•    Write the consequences of a wasted afternoon.

•    Write an angry letter to an inanimate object.

•    Write about the book she read until it fell apart.

•    Who would your protagonist call in the middle of the night for help?

•    Evaluate your antagonist's progress halfway through the story. How could he or she improve?

•    Use these words to describe a character: Indemnify, wicket, pollination.

•    In 6 words or less, write a story about going too far.

•    Use these words in the final paragraph of your story: Checkmate, painted, bookmark, Singapore, Impulsive. Write it so we want to buy your next book.

•    The day _ disappeared, she was...

•    He called her at midnight to tell her...

•    Write about an assassin who was unable to kill their target. Explain why.

•    Make a list about 3 things your protagonist's love interest wants to avoid at all costs.

•    It was a crooked doorway that reminded her or...

•    Open a book to page 23. Use the first four words on the third line as a line of dialog. Use this as the first line of a story.
•    Page 65 - last line.

•    The one thing you need to know about me is...

•    Write about lost internet connection that cost you something important.

•    She said he was a liar. I didn't believe her until the day he...

•    Forever after, she believed betrayal tasted like...

•    The thing about resolutions he hated was (he always felt like they were meant to be broken. Like they were there only to test him, and remind him of his misgivings when he failed.)

•    List 5 things people can say instead of saying: "I don't love you anymore."

•    Write a story with this sentence: "My real name is _ and I am here to _"

•    Write about the first girl/boy who made you cry.

•    Write about the girl they left behind

•    Write a short scene about a conversation you've overheard.

•    Write about an argument between a couple as they compete against each other whilst playing with a puzzle.

•    At birth, everybody has the date they will die tattooed on their arm. You were supposed to die yesterday.

•    She showed up at his door, soaking wet, bruised, and covered in glitter.


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Chapter 15: I'm thinking of using everything on this list to create an all or nothing fanfic, haha
Sounds pretty crazy but I guess it's going to be on my summer to-do list XD
Chapter 8: You really have a lot of ideas! O.O
Chapter 6: *Standing ovation* BRAVO! I really like this ^_^ It's so helpful for any aspiring/Experienced writer and it's an easy to understand guide.

Granted, I'm still too ing stupid to come up with a title of my own story yet OTL