Photo Shopped?

It just.......Happened!

Seohyun ran out the hallway. Hyoyeon tried to catch up with her but figured that Seohyun should be alone.
Seohyun managed to find a Janitorial closet and locked herself in there. She knew no one would find her there. There she cried her eyes out. This was exactly why she didn’t want to love. All these different feelings she’s experience since being on the show with Yonghwa. Love, Heart break, and even to some extent Lust. She didn’t recognize herself anymore. She was no longer the same Seohyun as before.
SH: That’s right….I’m not the same Seohyun. I’m not going to cry anymore. I’m not shy away. I’ll face it.  Jung Yonghwa, You’re history!
Seohyun POV
I stepped out of the closet, tearless, and walked to our dressing room.
My unnies all stared at me?
Taeyeon: Hyun….are you okay.
SH: Mm..why wouldn’t I be?
Taeyeon unnie seemed to be shocked by my calm face.
Sooyoung: Ya! That Jung Yonghwa is going to pay for hurting Seohyun!
SH: Why…..He’s nothing to be.
Hyoyeon: I though….
SH: You thought wrong.
Taeyeon: Then why would Bekah try to hurt you?
SH: She’s a paranoid .
Now all my unnies where taken back. Truthfully, I’ve never cursed aloud. But I felt a strong anger. Bekah was going to pay too!
Taeyeon: Seohyun…
“SNSD you’re up in 3 min!”
SH: Later, unnie.
We walked out of the dressing room and everybody seemed to have their phones out. Bekah had sent it to absolutely everyone. Everyone looked at the pictures and made comments like;
“Wow Yonghwa and Bekah?”
“They’re really eating each other up.”
“Do you think Seohyun is jealous?”
“DO you think her performance will be affected?”

SH: No.
I answered. 
Siwon: We didn’t mean to pry, Seohyun. It’s not like you’re a real couple anyway, right?
SH: Exactly.

I won’t be hurt. I’m not hurt. It was just a bad story. Like in the book. I never did like those books.
Yonghwa POV

I could strangle Bekah! I don’t really care about the picture that everyone is talking about. What I care about is Seohyun. She’s probably hurt.
Minhyuk: Hyung….is that picture real?
Unfortunatly everything was real. One mistake.  That one night! I hate myself for it.
YH: I don’t want to talk about it.
Jungshin: SNSD is on!
I looked at the TV. Would she still be able to perform? To my surprise, she looked fine. Not affected at all. What did this mean?
Kyuhyun: She doesn’t seem affected at all.
Siwon: Affected….why would she be? She just said it was a face relationship.
My eyes met Kyuhyun’s. She stared me down and shook his head
Kyuhyun: is that what she said?
He walked out.
I wanted to be mad at him, but I couldn’t. I messed up. And I and the whole K-Pop world knew it.
Jungshin: I have bad news and worse news. Which do you want first?
YH: What’s the difference?
Jungshin: Manager saw the picture.
YH: Great…..
Minhyuk: and the worse?
Jungshin: It’s on the internet.
YH: What!

CN Blue leader Yonghwa and After school’s Bekah share a passionate kiss. What does this say about the goguma couple.

YH: Damn!
I needed to find Bekah.
CNBLUE manager(C.M): Yonghwa…..come with me. We’re going to meet with Bekah and her manager.
YH: Let me talk to her alone first
C.M: We’ll see.
We walked down to the music bank offices. I could hear Bekah bickering.
 Bekah: I don’t know who sent that picture of us.
she was lying again.
Afterschool manager (A.M): Ahh, finally! Let’s settle this.
YH: First I wan to talk to talk to Bekah alone.
AM: Why?
YH: Please.
Both mangers walked out leaving us completely alone.
YH: Tell them it’s photo shopped.
Bekah: That would be a lie.
YH: You’re good at that, aren’t you?
Bekah: I turned a new leaf.
YH: really, how about this. If you don’t , I’ll tell your manager not only did you sent the picture. I’ll also tell them about the blog.
Bekah: So.
YH: hmm you have a point. Maybe I should tell  SM entertainment then. As I recall, they are very protective of their singers. Especially Snsd
Bekah: You…..Ugh Fine! Do you think Seohyun will believe your lie.
YH: I’m not going to lie to Seohyun. I just need you off my back completely. Who would want a crazy woman like you? You’re pathetic. Seohyun is a complete Goddess compared to you. You must have been out of your mind. Settle this. I’m going to go look for Seohyun.
She didn’t say anything. She just stood quietly.
I walked off.
CM: Yonghwa, where are you going? What about the meeting?
YH: Just ask her!

SNSD had finished performing and like she said, Seohyun performed perfectly. When she came out she heard people talking about the picture being photo shopped.
Her heartbeated fast. What if the picture was photoshopped? ‘Of course’ she thought! Bekah is a liar that just wanted to separate her and Yonghwa. She smiled widely and looked at Taeyeon.
Taeyeon: well go look for him. You two have to talk!
Seohyun ran to  Cnblue’s  dressing room and saw Yonghwa sitting alone.
YH: Seohyun?
She ran to him and hugged him. Yonghwa was shocked but was glad to have her in his arms. But his joy was shortly lived.
SH: I’m so sorry I got so angry because of a photo shopped picture. I should have known.
Yonghwa didn’t know what to say. If he kept the truth from her, he’d eternally feel bad for lying and if he told her the truth he’d lose her for sure.
SH: I’m sorry I got jealous. I just…….I love you so much.
She stood back to see Yonghwa’s face. It was completely somber.
SH: Oppa…..
YH: Hyun……I’m sorry. The Picture…..the picture was real.
Seohyun stood still. Her heart was once again broken, but she didn’t cry.
YH: Let me explain. It was before we got together. I was drunk…..
SH: Answer me one thing. Did you sleep with her?
YH: Seohyun….
SH: Yes or no?
He couldn’t really remember. All he remembered was waking up to her in his clothes and himself undressed.
Tears came from Yonghwa’s eyes by looking at Seohyun’s hardened face.
SH: Answer the question. Did you wake up to her in a bed, yes or no?!?!?!
YH: yes.
Seohyun’s face was completely apathetic. Not one tear came from her eys.
SH: You must think I’m so stupid.
YH: No…hyun please.
SH: I want nothing to do with you Yonghwa. Lets end this now!
YH: Hyun!
Seohyun ran out the room but Yonghwa wasn’t far behind her. He grabbed her wrist trying to talk to her.
YH: Don’t go like this, please.
SH: Let go Yonghwa.
He fell to his knees still holding her hand.
Kyuhyun: Let go of her, Yonghwa.
Kyuhyun broke Yonghwa hands from Seohyun.
Kyuhyun: Don’t talk or even look at her again.
Kyuhyun walked Seohyun out of the building and took her to his car.
He let her in his car and closed the door. Seohyun waited for him to come in but he just stood outside.
Seohyun: oppa…aren’t you coming in?
Kyuhyun: I’m giving you time to be angry, cry, scream, whatever. If you need a shoulder to cry on, take mine.  I’ll be here covering you so no one will see.
Seohyun: oppa….Thank you, I’m okay.
Kyuhyun turned to Seohyun. She had one tear coming down. Kyuhyun wiped it off.
Kyuhyun: If you let me Seohyun, maybe I can make you smile again.
Seohyun smiled at him sadly. She was thankful for him being so sweet but she didn’t like him like that.
But she figured if she opened her heart to such a jerk, she could at least consider Kyuhyun.

It was the day of the shooting of WGM and Seohyun was late. Yonghwa was nervous to see her. He had lost a significant amount of weight. He couldn’t eat or sleep.
Suddenly Seohyun and her manager passed by and headed to see the producer.
Producer: Yonghwa please come here.
Yonghwa walked over. See stayed looking at Seohyun
Producer:  Well, we expected this to happen eventually but it’s very sad. Yonghwa, Seohyun has requested to leave the show.
AHH! Sorry I ended it like this but I want to keep you on the edge. I’m so happy this story has made people smile. I was worried no one would like it :)  Thank you for your love!
P.S I’m thinking of a new story. The plot will come out the day this story ends.
Much Love!
Shout out to Lovesick!
The Mineok Unnie fighting comment seriously made me LOL!
(Somehow it got deleted though..................)  sad

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tingkor #1
Chapter 32: New reader here authornim.. I really like your story ^^ Fighting!!
Geelzuta #2
Chapter 32: just finish your sweet story.. such a good day too spend my weekend.. thank you for writing.. :D
oqyoiko_89 #3
Chapter 32: This is ur old story but it good i found it now..this one so angst and success play with my heart. Really hate bekah buy like jinwoon already. Ys always be my fav cpl. So tyx for this. They are still have a connection after 3 years. Hope thiz cpl will be the real one in the end. Aminnnn
maerd82 #4
Chapter 32: Pity your story did not continue up to the present, the latest news on yonghwa and seohyun living in the same apartment complex would be a great addition to your story.
Chapter 4: I remember when first time SH call YH with "Yooong" shyly and sounds soo cute.. Hehe. Yes, she learned hard on guitar,even with asking Jung Mo sunbei (trax).. :)
poppop3 #6
I really love this story very much
That was epic! I was really touched :) I know it has been a while since yongseo and this fic finished but I can't get over it! XD I really hope that it would be possible to have a season two!! YONGSEO forever!
why im so late keke :D
anyway new here
super cute!1