Reality is scary and sweet.

It just.......Happened!

Kyuhyun started laughing.

Kyu: its a joke. You didn't think I actually...hah!

Yongs nerves began to calm down. He chuckled nervously.

YH:A joke. Funny.......

Kyu:The atmosphere was tence....I just wanted to break the ice.  

'Oh yeah pull the I like Yonghwa card.'

Kyu: so do you like Hyun?

Back to reality.

YH: Why do you want to know.

Kyu:You should know Jung Yonghwa, She and I had been through see her with another man...well lets just say I don't like that very much. I need to know.

YH:I dont feel like telling you.

Kyu:Be fair.

YH: Dont want to.

Kyu: You do like her, dont you?

Yong stayed quiet

Kyu: Its inevitable. But Im not worried.

YH:Why not?

Kyu:Im pretty sure I can make her fall for me.

YH: oh well I spend more time with her. She'll fall for me faster.

Kyu: silly yonghwa. In your dreams.

YH: Wanna bet?

Kyu: Bet?

YH: Loser praises the other on every show he's on.

Kyu: You're serious.

YH: Dead.

Kyu said nothing but he got a text. His eyes grew big and he ran off.

YH: coward.

He heard an ambulence come. Had someone gotten hurt. No one is in the lounge except for a guard.

YH: Excuse some one hurt?

Guard: A young lady. The girl who came for thw event.

Yonghwa felt a knot in his stomach. He dashed out the room and followed the noisy voice Please dont let it be Seohyun. Please not Seohyun. He arrived in the room. Seohyun was semi concious. He semi made his way to her with the big crowd around her.

YH: can you please give her some air.

SH: Yong...

YH: what happend?

Snsd manager: She says she saw a snake and fainted.

YH: A snake?

Kyu: What kind of snake, hyunnie?

SH: just a snake...I dont know. The parametics rushed to her. They tried to check her but she pushed away.

SH: Sunbae..I just got frighted thats all.

Snsd Manager:I don't think that was the only thing Joo hyun. I wont take any chances. You've been very pale lately. You should go to the hospital.

SH: I don't want to cause a scandal especially out of nothing.
YH: Seohyun, it's for you're own good. we should--
Kyu: Hey! She doesn't want to go. Manager, I suggest a call in doctor. In the privacy of her own home. It's better that way.
SH: No I really--
Kyuhyun grabbed her hand tightly. Seohyun could feel chills go up her spine.
Kyu: Seohyun....Please.
Seohyun nodded.
Kyuhyun looked up and Yonghwa. Yonghwa's blood began to boil. 'This guy is playing dirty' he thought to himself.
Kyu:You should take her home now.
YH: I will
Without another word yonghwa grabbed Seohyun's wrist and went out. He said nothing to her until they got to van. Seohyun was still pale but he saw that she was smiling.

YH: Why are you smiling?
Seohyun jumped.
SH: N-nothing!
YH: Was Jung Kyuhyun hand warm?
Seohyun looked at Yonghwa's direction. she frowned.
SH: What did you say?
YH: you heard me
SH Are you jealous?
Her question toke him off guard. Seohyun had never been like this before. Seohyun just laughed weakly
SH: I'm kidding. Why would you be, jealous?
YH: Psh....You're Seohyun.
SH: Huh?
YH: You don't get it, do you?
SH: Get what?
Yonghwa took a mirror out from Seohyun's purse.
YH: What do you see?
SH: Dark circles.....Bug eyes...chubby cheeks.
Yonghwa turned to Seohyun and got closer to her face. Seohyun could feel the heat go to her face.
YH: You're adorable. You're dark circles say you're hard working because I know you don't get enough sleep. Your eyes are probably my favorite pair of eyes in the world, so dont' you dare insult them again and those cheeks......well they make you prettier when you right now. 
Their faces were so close to eachother one move and they'd be touching. Yonghwa pulled back.
YH: Ahhh really. Do you think I'd stay married to an ugly girl? You're beautiful Seohyun. Thats why alot of people like you....especially Jinwoon, But honestly in his case it's obsession. 
Seohyun stayed quiet. She held her hand to her heart. It was beating very fast.
YH: Why are you so quiet? What? You didn't know that?
Seohyun continued to say nothing. She couldn't she feltlike her heart would burst.

SH: Thank you for you're kind words.
YH: Don't thank me. Thank God and your mother.  Both for making you.

The Snsd manager smiled hearing them the whole time. He worried about Seohyun but was happy that Yonghwa was there to help her. they really seemed like a real couple. That made him happy and sad at the same time. he began to wonder what would happen when their time was over. 

Doctor: She's a bit dehydrated. You girls have to all make sure you eat right and rest well. I can tell the girl doesn't sleep enough.
Manager: I'll make sure she's more careful
Doctor: She must have been weak from the start, so when she saw the snake it was easy for her to pass out.

Taeyeon overheard the doctors speaking and she shoke her head. She made her way to Seohyun and Hyoyeon's room.

Taeyeon: Hyo, Do you think I can talk to Hyun alone, please.
Hyoyeon: Sure. Call me if you need anything.
Taeyeon nodded.
SH: Unnie, What is it? You look upset.
Taeyeon: We need to talk and I want you to be honest. 
SH: Ok.
Taeyeon: You're not eating right, Seohyun. I'm worried about you.
SH: I am eating enough.
Taeyeon: Joo-hyun 3 to 400 hundred calories a day doesn't cut it! You're starving yourself!

Much Love!

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tingkor #1
Chapter 32: New reader here authornim.. I really like your story ^^ Fighting!!
Geelzuta #2
Chapter 32: just finish your sweet story.. such a good day too spend my weekend.. thank you for writing.. :D
oqyoiko_89 #3
Chapter 32: This is ur old story but it good i found it now..this one so angst and success play with my heart. Really hate bekah buy like jinwoon already. Ys always be my fav cpl. So tyx for this. They are still have a connection after 3 years. Hope thiz cpl will be the real one in the end. Aminnnn
maerd82 #4
Chapter 32: Pity your story did not continue up to the present, the latest news on yonghwa and seohyun living in the same apartment complex would be a great addition to your story.
Chapter 4: I remember when first time SH call YH with "Yooong" shyly and sounds soo cute.. Hehe. Yes, she learned hard on guitar,even with asking Jung Mo sunbei (trax).. :)
poppop3 #6
I really love this story very much
That was epic! I was really touched :) I know it has been a while since yongseo and this fic finished but I can't get over it! XD I really hope that it would be possible to have a season two!! YONGSEO forever!
why im so late keke :D
anyway new here
super cute!1