So.....are you a genie now?

It just.......Happened!

"JongHyun Get out!", yelled Yonghwa as he tried tofigure the whole thing out. Reluctant, Jonghyun did leave but wasn't finished him yet.
Bekah woke up hearing yong yell.
Bekah: Oppa Whats going on. Why are you yelling?
Yonghwa couldn't even face her. She was acting so calm...
Bekah: oppa?
Yonghwa: Bbbbekah....Um....wwha-what happend last night.
Yonghwa heard a slight chuckle from Bekah>
Bekah: Don't you remember.
Yonghwa: No........
Bekah: Hmmmm.....who knew you could be so nasty.
OH God....We did do it! Yonghwa's face turned white.
Bekah: You just kept going and going.
Oh No. We did it more then once!
  Yonghwa: aigoo......Bekah....I-I'm So sorry. I don't Even know what to tell you.
Yonghwa felt terrible. They weren't even dating......and he disrespected her....more then once..
Bekah: Don't apologize. We Shouldn't have dranken so much.
Yonghwa: Was this your first time.....doing this?
Bekah: No I do it for my unnie's all the time.
Yonghwa almost choked.
Yonghwa: You're like that.......?  *o*
Bekah: Of course......I'd want them to do the same for me.
'This Girl is......Huh..
Bekah: By the way, I borrowed one of you're shirts since you throw up on my dress....
Yonghwa: huh......What happend last night?

Bekah: Wow you must be really hung over....Okay....Let me explain again. Last night....I got drunk, you got hammered. I brought you home and you throw up all over. I took you're dirty clothes off and tried to put clean one's one but you said that you were hot. you kept throwing up and I was worried about you getting dehydrated so I stayed.

Yonghwa blinked.

Yonghwa: Wait....Thats it? We didn't.....Oh Thank God.
Bekah: You thought we.......HAHA! Oppa You are so funny. I have to use the restroom.

Even though Yonghwa had a superbad headache, He felt so relieved.

Seo Joo Hyun's food intake.

Seohyun began to write all she ate that day.
After last night Seohyun decided it was time to go on a diet, She was alway real careful about what she ate but now she wanted to be even more careful. She had gained a bit of weight. It was time to lose some.

Jessica: Hey! Guys I brought Cake and Icecream
Seohyun: Aigoo!
She looked in the mirror and sighed.

Jonghyun Mugged Yonghwa during their practice, then sent Minhyuk and jungshin to get food.
Yonghwa already knew that Jonghyun wanted an explanation. So he explained what happened, Leaving out the fact that he didn't remember a thing.

JH: I see......What were you doing with Bekah anyway.....weren't you suppose to be with Seohyun?
YH: Plans changed. 
 JH: Are you going to tell Seohyu about last night>
YH: Why should I? She's not my wife.
Jonghyun let it go.....then remembered something,
JH: Ya...hyung. Since the new album is coming out I started to look though your material and found a song I liked.
YH: Which one?
JH: I think It's called Lovelight.
Yonghwa froze.
YH: Ah....Yes......
JH: Why didn't you show me earlier. Isn't that the song you've been working on for like 2 years now.
YH: Yes.
JH: Hmmm.......?
YH: What is it.
JH: Hyung the lyrics are really good. Not like before......They are very touching. It's like the song went a different direction.
YH: Really? I don't know....The lyrics came to me just a couple of weeks ago.
JH: Who is the song about, again?
YH: This girl from high school.
JH: Really.......hmm.
YH: What?
JH: Oh nothing......I think we should put it on the album.
YH: You really think so.
Jonghyun nodded and smiled.
JH: Thats my wish.
YH: Huh?
JH: I'm Genie for you, Girl
YH:YA!  Lee Jonghyun!
Yonghwa began to chase Jonghyun around the room
JH: So.........are you a genie now?

Yonghwa knew things had ended weirdly the last time he and Seohyun had been together. It seems she was better with Jinwoon. He felt the need to apologise. A smliing Seohyun came to him as they got on the train for a roadtrip.

YH: Hey.
SH: Hey.
YH: ummmm. Hhh-hows it going.
SH: Fine....And you?
YH: Good. 
Seohyun took something out of her bag.
SH: This belongs to Bekah. Can you please give it to her?
Yonghwa took the blouse adn set it down.
YH: Did you and Jinwoon have fun after we left?
SH: We didn't stay long. We left shortly after. I was very tired.
YH: Really? Did he bring you home.
SH: Yes. 
YH: oh.
It was silent again,
YH: Do you want to know what we did?
SH: no not really.
Yonghwa felt shocked. She didn't even care. And there he was asking her question about her and Jinwoon.
Seohyun wanted to know, but had a feeling she would get hurt if she did.
Yonghwa was angry, but turned to Seohyun. He noticed that her banged eyes. He wondered if she's been resting.
YH: Ya Seohyun. Do you not see me as a friend?
Seohyun was shocked by the question. She didn't know what to say.
YH: I think we should be friend....after all we are married.
He smiled at her.
She felt her heart thump....this feeling again.
SH: Ok.
YH: Well first order of our friendship.....Hyun..You must speak to me informally.
SH: Negative.
YH: Why Not?
SH: Didn't we talk about this before.
YH: Ahh but now we're friends.
SH: Aigoo....this is going to be difficult. I'll try.
YH: Ahh and Hyun...?
SH: Yes?
YH: I promise to make you smile alot from now on......please forgive my past behavior. I guess I Just want you all to myself.
Those words tugged on Seohyun's heart.
SH: Yes.......Oppa.


After 2 days of filming Seohyun went to her dorm. She decided to call her mother to see how she was.
Seohyun's Father: Hello?
SH: Appa.....hello,
Seohyun's father: JooHyun? How are you sweety?
Seohyun was shocked to hear her dad acting so sweet. It had been a while.
SH: I'm good. Just really busy.
Seohyun's Father: AHH. With the show? I've got to tell you. I really like it. Your mother and I imitate you and Jung YongHwa.

Seohyun was dumbfounded.
SH: Really?
Seohyun's father: Yeah! I really like him. A true musician, thats the kind of guy for you.
SH: Appa....It's just a show...besides, we're just friends.
Seohyun's father: Are you kidding me? Have you seen the way he looks at you. He's been in love with you since you sang together!

Authors Notes

Whew! He didn't do it with Bekah!

So I just want to ask If you've seen Episode 27 of the Yongseo couple. I'm so happy!!! If you haven't, I suggest you go watch it NOW!!!!  Tell me you're thoughts on it. For me it was the best episode yet! It confirmed Lovelight being about Seohyun.....did I call that or what?!?!?!

Also.......I have a dilema! I feel the story might be going slow because I want to follow WGM. Now that the show reached the cute turning point, I have an opportunity to make things go faster but end the story in like 10 more chapters....but my heart wants to keep going till the end of the YongSeo couples season. ( who knows when that will be). Give me your thoughts.   

Also......I want to start another story. I was thinking Kim Jaejoong, Kim HyunJoong, C.N blue( I Totally have to....I'm devoted!).  Your comments are more then welcome.   
Thanks alot! Much love love LOVE! 


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tingkor #1
Chapter 32: New reader here authornim.. I really like your story ^^ Fighting!!
Geelzuta #2
Chapter 32: just finish your sweet story.. such a good day too spend my weekend.. thank you for writing.. :D
oqyoiko_89 #3
Chapter 32: This is ur old story but it good i found it now..this one so angst and success play with my heart. Really hate bekah buy like jinwoon already. Ys always be my fav cpl. So tyx for this. They are still have a connection after 3 years. Hope thiz cpl will be the real one in the end. Aminnnn
maerd82 #4
Chapter 32: Pity your story did not continue up to the present, the latest news on yonghwa and seohyun living in the same apartment complex would be a great addition to your story.
Chapter 4: I remember when first time SH call YH with "Yooong" shyly and sounds soo cute.. Hehe. Yes, she learned hard on guitar,even with asking Jung Mo sunbei (trax).. :)
poppop3 #6
I really love this story very much
That was epic! I was really touched :) I know it has been a while since yongseo and this fic finished but I can't get over it! XD I really hope that it would be possible to have a season two!! YONGSEO forever!
why im so late keke :D
anyway new here
super cute!1