Chapter 21 - Ga In + Warning = The Second Wish

Demon's PlayMate


-3rd Person Pov-

It was a beautiful day, people would be just be smiling or dancing in joy for such a wonderful day…though that was not the case in the shop as someone was far too gloomy

‘How long do you think his going to be like that?’ Junsu asked siting in the living room, looking outside

Micky shrugged ‘don’t know don’t care anymore.’ He stated siting next to his twin.

Out on the veranda that was mopping and sulking was none other then Jaejoong.

‘Why are you still sulking? She said she’ll be back before dinner.’ Jihyo stated staring not amused at the sulking boy. ‘Don’t be a spoil brat now.’

Jaejoong pouted ‘she left without even saying bye!’ he whined ‘she didn’t even wake me up!’

The three in the living could only roll their eyes.

‘Why not go out and enjoy the day.’ Junsu suggested

‘And be laughed at for being a loner? Hell no.’ Jaejoong remarked

‘Well Yunho will be with you.’ Micky stated

‘Another reason to not go!’ Jaejoong snapped.

‘What about Dambi?’ Jihyo asked

‘She’s spending time with relative this whole break.’ Jaejoong answered

‘Well thanks for ruining our day with your gloominess.’ Micky stated

‘GLADLY!’ Jaejoong snapped

The three looked at each other and nodded

‘Call Yunho. Now.’ Jihyo whispered to the twins.

-10 Minutes Later-

‘YAH! LET ME GO YOU BASTARD!!!!’ Jaejoong shouted angrily while Yunho drag him out easily

‘BYE! HAVE FUN!’ Jihyo shouted happily

‘BE BACK BEFORE DINNER!!!’ The twins shouted after waving.

‘JUST YOUSE WAIT WHEN I GET BACK!!!!!!’ Jaejoong shouted angrily

-Yunho Pov-

We walked around the town, looking for something to do or that’d catch our attention.

‘They really didn’t plan this out well..’ Jaejoong stated

‘It is a nice day.’ I said completely out of topic

 ‘Your not making sense as always.’ He mumbled

‘Latte would be nice.’ I continue to say randomly

Jaejoong eyes twitched ‘STOP SAYING RANDOM THINGS!’ he snapped

‘HERO OPPA!!!’ someone shouted behind us

We both turned around to meet eyes with the same girl yesterday…

‘Oh it’s you.’ Jaejoong said smiling ‘it’s good to see that your well.’

The girl smiled widely ‘I can’t believe that we’ve meet each other again! This must be fate!.’ She beamed

Jaejoong chuckled, wile I only keep quiet observing the girl. She was beautiful more then most female, like a model...however there was an uneasy feeling something about her.

Something dark.

‘let’s go I’ll treat you to anything you guys like as a repayment for saving me yesterday’ the girl said smiling

Jaejoong shook his head ‘ah no it’s fine.’ He said rejecting her offer.

The girl frowned ‘But I insist! You can’t leave a girl indebt to you.’ She said determined

 Jaejoong exchange looks with me, as if telling me he was unsure of what to do.

‘Let’s go.’ I said

The girl squealed happily ‘great! Let’s go.’ She said and hug on to Jaejoong’s arm dragging him with her

Jaejoong was surprised by her actions, looking back at me questioningly. I could only shrug my shoulders and follow behind the two

‘Ah I forgot to introduce myself. Please call me Ga In or Gain ‘ the girl said

‘I’m Kim Jaejoong’ Jaejoong introduced and looked at me ‘his Jung Yunho’

Gain grinned ‘I finally get to know my savior’s names!’ she beamed ‘I know a really good café in this area, let’s get to know each other more.’


I kept quiet during their conversation, often Jaejoong would direct her questions to me and I would short answer. The girl seem to have a strange charm able to keep attention on her, because it wasn’t only Jaejoong who seems captivated by her but also other random people around us. I could see the waiters of the café, people from tables near ours were either staring or stealing glances at Gain.

Strange Indeed

Their conversation continued, I was surprised at how long it could be dragged on and on, the topic often changed from family, studies, hobbies and now friends.

‘But seriously I don’t understand why it always has to be this guy that I’m always stuck with.’ Jaejoong finished pointing at me unhappily

Gain laughed ‘you guys seem to get along really well.’ She commented

‘a lot of people say that.’ Jaejoong said unhappily

‘But there’s one of your other friend that I am very interested in hearing more about.’ Gain said with an eerie smile ‘Byul I believe was her name.’

‘What about her.’ I spoke after long silence

Jaejoong frowned at me, must be because of how I worded and sounded saying what I had to Gain.

It’s not my problem though.

‘Well what does she do for starters? From how Jaejoong Oppa described her, she sounds really intriguing’ Gain explained

How Jaejoong described Byul… it was along the lines of clingy, childish and unpredicted. How was anything one of those intriguing?

‘Well she works in a wish shop.’ Jaejoong answered

Gain looked at him questioningly ‘Wish shop?’ she questioned

Jaejoong nod ‘the shop gains you what you desire most. With the equal value of payment.’ He explained

 ‘That’s an awesome job.’ She said in awe

Jaejoong smiled and nod, but behind that smile I could see otherwise…he wasn’t happy that Byul was constantly busy because of her job.

‘But not anyone could just come to the shop. It’s only those with a strong desire.’ Jaejoong added ‘if you don’t. You won’t see the shop.’

I paid closely attention to Gain, whose facial expression darkens, a scorn expression but it was barely noticeable because of her mask smile.

I can confirm that something was not right about this Girl.

I stood up getting Gain and Jaejoong’s attention ‘it’s time to go.’ I said

‘But it’s only noon.’ Gain whined wanting us or should I say Jaejoong to stay back longer.

Jaejoong smiled apologetically ‘sorry but we have to get going.’ He said

Gain nod sadly ‘we’ll meet again right? I like talking and hanging with you.’ She said

‘Sure we will. We’ll run into each other again.’ Jaejoong said jokingly

‘How about we exchange numbers.’ Gain suggested taking out her phone.

Jaejoong seemed hesitated but then got his phone out ‘sure…’ he said

Gain happily took his phone and gave him hers, both exchanging numbers.

‘I’ll see you again soon.’ Gain said happily waving at us.

-On the way Back to Wish Shop-

‘Don’t see her.’ I stated

Jaejoong gave me a questioning look ‘what do you mean?’ he asked

‘There’s something not right about her.’ I stated

‘Like what?’ Jaejoong continue to ask

‘She’s eerie.’ I answered short

Jaejoong frowned ‘that’s not really a good reason to not see someone.’ He stated

‘And Byul wouldn’t be happy to know that you’ve been with another girl.’ I said

Jaejoong looked away ‘it’s not like she around anymore anyway.’ He mumbled

‘Your still angry.’ I stated

‘Who wouldn’t?!’ Jaejoong snapped ‘she left without telling me!’

I rolled my eyes ‘you sound like her obsessive boyfriend.’ I mocked with a smirk

Jaejoong’s face turned red, I knew it was from embarrassment

‘I DO NOT!’ he denied loudly

‘ Sure.’ I said sarcastically

-That Night-

Byul and Max returned just before dinner started ‘WE’RE HOME!’ they both beamed

They were greeted by the twins and Jihyo hugs, I watched amused by Jaejoong giving Byul the cold shoulder, when she went and back hugged him in the kitchen after greeting me.

‘JOONGIE~’ She beamed happily hugging him tightly from behind

Jaejoong didn’t say a word or even glance back at her.

‘is that a pout…I see’ Max stated quietly for only me, Jihyo and the twins to hear, who were watching from the living room

There was a pout, Jaejoong was pouting like an angry child.

‘Joongie?’ Byul called his name again seeing he didn’t respond the first time.

Still no response

‘Joongie, why are you ignoring at me?’ Byul whined cutely

‘I am not mad.’ Jaejoong said stubborn like a child

Byul pouted letting go of Jaejoong and returned back to the living ‘I lost my snuggling buddy.’ She fake cried ‘my teddy bear!!!’

Everyone in the living laughed at Byul’s cuteness

‘Yunho why not stay for the night?’ Jihyo asked smirking ‘Byul needs a snuggling buddy.’

I caught on what Jihyo was doing and smirked, looking at Jaejoong I saw him froze up

‘Sure, why---‘ ‘The Guest room is free for you!’ Jaejoong stated from the kitchen

Everyone looked at Jaejoong who was cooking and glaring at me at the same time

I smirked ‘I rather share a room with Byul then you.’ I stated

‘Tsk you can stay in the guest room alone! I’m sleeping with Byul!’ Jaejoong snapped

Byul grinned and ran back hugging Jaejoong again ‘Joongie is not angry anymore.’ She beamed

-The Next Day-

-Jaejoong Pov-

I was awoken by light stirring beside me, alarmingly my eyes shot open.

I guess you can say I was paranoid of not seeing Byul when I woke up.

I turned to my right to see the peaceful look that Byul had on while sleeping, I couldn’t help but to smile at the sight…but seeing her stirring meant she was waking up soon…and waking up would mean…she’d had to leave.

I frowned at that thought, moving closer to Byul’s figure, I wrapped my arms around her waist pulling her facing into my chest and held her there.

I didn’t want her to go.

I closed my eyes wanting to fall back asleep, but couldn’t when I heard Byul letting out a small morning yawn I mentally smiled knowing how cute she’d look doing so. I heard her gasped and her body tensed knowing that she must have been surprised by the position we were in when she woke up.

I faked my sleep, curious of what her actions may be…

But my curiosity disappointed me, when I felt Byul gently and carefully trying to get out of my hold…not wanting to wake me up. I tightened my hold, trapping her close to my chest not letting her escape. I moved my head laying it on top of hers acting like I was still sleeping.

‘J-joongie…’ I heard her uttered softly

I didn’t respond

‘Joongie I know your awake.’ Byul stated I could hear amusement in her voice

I ignored her still faking my sleeping.

Byul’s arms wrapped around me hugging me lightly and patted me on the back ‘c’mon Joongie I need to get ready.’ She said

‘Stay.’ I said not opening my eyes yet

‘I have work to do.’ She said

‘Take a day off’ I stated finally looking at her

Byul chuckled leaning up pecking me on my cheek ‘C’mon Joongie.’ She whined, another kiss

I sighed giving in to her cute actions; I loosen my arm around her ‘I’ll make breakfast.’ I said ‘don’t you dare leave without saying bye’

Byul laughed and nod ‘Kay.’ She grinned

-Your Pov-

I sat at the dinning table watching Jaejoong cook.

‘How’s your last few days?’ I asked

I wanted to catch up with Jaejoong, after all we haven’t been together the past many days…and not to mention there was that strange scent on him again…that scent of a demon.

‘Bored. And frustrated’ Jaejoong answered ‘there’s nothing to do and to top that off Yunho has been dragging me everywhere he pleases.’

I laughed ‘it’s better then to be alone though right?’ I questioned

Jaejoong huff an reply making me chuckle ‘ are there any interesting jobs from the clients?’ he asked

‘Many involved lost spirits, usual occurrences, bad habits, etc. Nothing out of the ordinary’ I answered

Jaejoong gave me a funny look ‘seriously? You call those not ‘ out of the ordinary’? ‘ He stated

‘We’ve help those who had it worst.’ I reasoned

‘That’s true.’ He nodded

There was a short silence

‘Will you be able to finish your jobs before this break ends?’ Jaejoong asked

‘I don’t know. But I’ll try.’ I said honestly

It was no lie that me and Max had been going overboard and working pass our limits, we knew…but there’s nothing we can do if we’ve managed to earn a feather or not, it depended on the deed’s worth to the client.

I knew Jaejoong was frowning and was disappointed, and I felt bad for the cause of it.

But it’s what I believe is best.

-3rd Person Pov-

-3 Hours Later-

‘Yah can’t you just get over it?’ Micky stated looking bored at the sulking Jaejoong. ‘Every single day It’s like this.’

As expected and probably a daily routine, After Byul and Max finish breakfast they would leave to work and that was made the gloomy Jaejoong sulk in the corner…he had been sulking for 3 hours….

‘Your only making this harder for yourself’ Junsu stated

‘And for us.’ Micky added rolling his eyes

Jihyo sat on the couch shaking her head with a smirk

Ring Ring Ring

 Still in the corner Jaejoong took out his phone and answered

‘Hello?’ He answered

Yay you answered! -???

Jaejoong frowned not reckoning the voice on the other end, he looked at the caller ID…It Was Gain

‘Hi Gain-iss’ Jaejoong greeted

hehehe I called wondering if your free today - Gain

‘yeah I’m free…’ Jaejoong said thinking ‘just have to be home before dinner.’

That’s perfect! I got tickets to the movies, but have no one to go with me…so I was hoping that you would be free and join me?’ - Gain

Jaejoong thought for a bit and nod ‘yeah sure’ he agreed


Jihyo who was still siting on the couch had a stern expression, hearing Jaejoong talking to someone on the other line

‘Gain?’ Jihyo thought to herself

The name of the person was a familiar one, a name she had once heard before. Yet hearing it gave her an uneasy feeling

A bad feeling.

She silently listen to Jaejoong laughing slightly and chatting a little longer on the phone, agreeing to go somewhere with that person on the other end before hanging up.

‘Who was that?’ She asked

‘A friend.’ Jaejoong answered with a smile ‘I’ll be heading out.’

‘Is Yunho going with you?’ Jihyo continue to question

‘Thankfully nope.’ Jaejoong with a grin ‘I’m still Spirit free or a couple more weeks.’

‘You should still take him with you incase.’ Jihyo stated

‘I’ll be fine.’ Jaejoong assured and left. ‘Bye guys, I’ll be back before Dinner!’

‘Should we call Yunho?’ Micky asked

Jihyo shook her head ‘Jaejoong won’t listen to Yunho.’ She said in deep thought ‘Micky Junsu.’

The twins waited for Jihyo’s order

‘We need to get Byul.’ Jihyo said sternly.

-Jaejoong Pov-

Arriving to the meeting destination, I could see Gain from a distance

‘Jaejoong Oppa!’ Gain beamed happily waving at me

I smiled and wave back, Gain was such a lively person and she was like the other ious times I’ve seen her very Beautiful.

‘Hey Gain.’ I greeted once reaching her

‘I’m glad you’re able to come.’ She said smiling ‘c’mon let’s head in before the movie starts.’

I nod and allowed myself to be dragged by her into the cinemas.

- Inside Cinema -

We brought snacks and went to our seats.

‘Sorry if you’d expected Yunho to come along.’ I said

Gain gave me a confused look before smiling

‘Ani, I was actually hoping to be able to spend alone time with you.’ She said

I felt happy by her words, because she had wanted to spend time with me rather then Yunho. I had finally won Yunho over something.

‘oh, the movie is starting.’’ I stated watching at the screen

We both fell into a comfortable silence, enjoying the movie.

-End Of Movie-

We both laughed leaving the Cinemas; the movie we had watched was a comedy romance leaving us in a good mood.

‘That was a pretty good movie.’ Gain commented

I nod agreeing with her

‘Oppa can i always call you, so we can hang out like this right?’ Gain suddenly asked smiling at me

I looked at her surprised but then smiled at her ‘ you don’t have to force yourself to just because of that past incident.’ I said thoughtfully ‘I don’t want to waste your time‘

 Gain chuckled ‘it’s nothing like that! I actually really love spending time with you’ she beamed ‘I’d always make time for you.’

Make time for you…

I couldn’t help but to let my smile drop…

A stranger that I barely knew was making time for me…

So why couldn’t Byul?

Infuriated. Was how I felt

Was I not worth her time then?

‘Oppa? What’s wrong Oppa?’ Gain’s worried voice cut off my thought

I shook my head and smiled ‘sorry my mind just wondered off.’ I said

‘Oppa you know you can talk to me about anything that bothers you.’ Gain said encouraging him

i smiled, happy that she was thoughtful and caring ‘thanks but I’m fine really.’ I assured ‘let’s have a walk in the park’

Gain nod and we both walked in silence to the park

‘Oppa I have a personal question to ask.’ Gain said breaking the silence

I looked at her and nod

‘Oppa do you have a girlfriend?’ she asked

I could feel my face burning up and was probably bright red out of embarrassment

‘…w-well..’ I stuttered like an idiot ‘n-no I don’t’

 Gain gave me an amused looked ‘really? I would of thought that you would have dozen of girls after you.’ She joked

I chuckled ‘sadly that’s Yunho’ I said ‘Girls would prefer him over me.’

‘Ani that’s not true,  I like you more then him’ She stated

I was surprised but never the less happy ‘thanks Gain.’ I said

‘Then do you like anyone?’ she asked

I stopped for a second…did I liked anyone?

Byul flashed in my head and I smiled

‘Haha by the looks of your face it seems you do.’ She said

My face was red again ‘its…’s complicated.’ I stuttered

‘So who is she?’ Gain asked

‘Someone I’m currently working with.’ I answered ‘She’s my age’

‘She can be a handful at times.’

I smiled remembering how annoying, bossy and childish at times

‘She can easily get worried and worked up over those who are close to her.’

Byul was easily bothered, and she doesn’t hide it well.

‘She can be wise and be a good influence at times.’

Those times are only during serious moments, but still Byul was one to have taught me many things.

‘Really…how does she make you feel though?’ Gain asked

I looked at her and smile ‘she makes me happy.’ I stated ‘ She makes me feel protected and loved.’

‘Does she share the same feelings as you?’ Gain asked

I thought for a moment. There were times Byul would say she likes me, we do have a lot of skinship hugging and kisses…that does mean she likes me right?

I nod unsurely ‘ I guess…but she’s been pretty busy…I don’t get to see her often.’ I said

‘But…if she likes you. Shouldn’t she make time for you?’ Gain questioned ‘even if it’s just a little.’

I question myself that everyday.

‘It’s her job, It can’t be helped if she’s busy.’ I reasoned

‘Well I know that you sometimes have to make sacrifices for the one you care for…’ Gain said ‘maybe you should talk to her.’

I had. And it changes nothing.

‘And if she doesn’t try…I’m afraid she’s not the one for you Oppa.’ Gain said

I was a taken back by her words.

Not the one for you.

I won’t lie…hearing those words stung.

‘But Oppa I really like you a lot .’ Gain suddenly stated

I looked at her surprised ‘huh?’ I uttered

Gain smiled ‘ I really like you, more then a friend’ She repeated

‘i…G-Gain..’ ‘JAEJOONG!’ a voice shouted my name

I instantly turned my head hearing my name called

My eyes widened ‘B-Byul!?’ I stuttered surprised ‘B-but..A-Aren’t..’

Byul had a stern look, behind her was Max who also looked serious.

‘Byul…what are you doing here…’I said slowly still trying to understand ‘aren’t you suppose to be…working?’

But she wasn’t looking at me, she stared at someone pass me.

‘Max take Jaejoong Home.’ Byul said sternly

I looked at her surprised by her sudden order and by the sound of her tone.

‘Byul…but…’ ‘I’ll be fine. It won’t be long.’ Byul said cutting Max off.

I looked behind seeing Gain was staring at Byul, and Byul returned her stare but with a warning glaze.

‘B-but…Gain…Byul..’ I uttered completely confused at what was happening.

-3rd Person Pov-

With Max dragging Jaejoong away, the two girls stare down at each other.

Gain smirked ‘long time no see…Song Ki Byul.’ She said mockingly

Byul eyes hardened glaring at Gain ‘What is your intention?’ she asked straight to the point

‘Aw now, is that how you greet someone after a long time’ Gain mocked

‘We weren’t on good terms as I recall, you trying to kill me.’ Byul stated

Gain smirked widened ‘I see you have a puppy following you around.’ She said changing the subject ‘a cute one he is.’

‘Leave Jaejoong out of this.’ Byul hissed

‘And who are you to demand me?’ Gain taunted ‘You. Your not who you use to be’

‘Your just a low class demon now.’

‘What? Gonna ask that Witch to help you?’

Byul eyes narrowed completely angered by Gain’s insults of Jihyo, without thinking her anger got the best of her. Byul charged forward grabbing Gain by the neck and powerfully pinned Gain onto the ground, struggling her.

Gain eyes widened staring up at Byul who glared dangerously above her.

‘Don’t you dare ever come close to Jaejoong ever again’ Byul said darkly and tightened her grip on Gain’s neck ‘or your existence will be erased.’

- Max & Jaejoong -

‘YAH! HEY! What are you doing?!’ Jaejoong snapped at Max who was holding his arm tightly, dragging him towards the shop.

Max didn’t utter a word only glaring in front and wanting to get Jaejoong back to the shop. Hey reached the shop, where Jihyo, Junsu and Micky were already sitting on the veranda waiting for them.

‘Where’s Byul?’ Junsu asked

‘Jihyo what’s going on?!’ Jaejoong questioned confused

‘Byul will be the one, to explain’ Jihyo said mono-toned.

‘Byul’s not back yet?’ Micky asked worried

‘She said she wouldn’t take long…’ Max mumbled ‘ I’ll go back for her.’

‘Ani She’s Back.’ Jihyo said

At the very moment Byul came through the front entrance, no emotions were evidence on her face, but her eyes was set on one person.

‘Jaejoong. We need to talk.’ Byul demand

Jaejoong swallowed hard feeling nervous ‘sure…’ he uttered

-Gain Pov-

I let out an angry growl while getting myself off the ground. I was surprised that she still had such strength even though her aura was weaker then before.

How was it possible?

Was it because of that filthy human? Jaejoong?

If that was the case…

I’ll get rid of what’s most precious to you.

‘Song Ki Byul I will kill you.’ I whispered to myself ‘I’ll have your head.’

That is all I live for.

That I what I wish for.

- Jaejoong Pov-

I stood quietly in front of Byul, waiting for her to say what she wanted to, we were in her room for a private talk.

‘Don’t see her anymore.’ Byul said bluntly, her tone making it sound like an order.

I looked at her questioningly ‘Why?’ I asked

‘She’s dangerous.’ Byul answered simply

I frowned…how is Gain dangerous?

‘She’s not who she seems to be.’ Byul said ‘I want you to stop seeing her.’

‘How do you know I’ve been seeing her?’ I asked ‘and what do you mean she’s not who she seems to be?’

‘I’ve caught her scent on you previous days.’ She stated ‘she’s not someone who you should be hanging around.’

‘if you saying she’s some kind of spirit that could harm me like in the past. Your wrong.’ I retorted ‘Yunho can see her. She’s not a spirit.’

Byul eyes narrowed looking displeased ‘because she’s not a spirit. She’s a demon.’ She stated darkly

My body froze hearing what Byul had told me.

I shake my head denying what she had said ‘She can’t be! How I meet her was saving her from being harassed’ I explained to her ‘She’s not dangerous or a Demon!’

‘Jaejoong, Demons are capable of deceiving.’ She said

My hands clutched themselves into a fist…Demons are capable of deceiving…

‘Jaejoong, Please you have to trust me and stay away from her.’ Byul continued

Trust? How could I…when I don’t even know what the F*** was going on. How can I when she wasn’t even telling me anything.

‘Trust? How can I trust you?’ I uttered bitterly, glaring at her

Byul was taken back by my words and bitterness ‘I had never given you any reason to distrust me’ she said looking straight at me

I could feel anger rising inside my chest, as well as my thoughts and feelings that I wanted to let out

‘Really? Then why haven’t you told me the reason behind why you’ve been working so much lately?! Huh?!’ I snapped ‘ how can I trust you anymore when your hiding things from me?!’

‘That’s different!’ Byul defended


‘I told you I’ll tell you when I’m able to! I didn’t make any lies or excuses!’ She remarked

‘Demons are capable of deceiving’ I repeated her words ‘Did you forget you ARE one as well? a Demon?!’

-Your Pov-

‘Demons are capable of deceiving’ Jaejoong repeated my words bitterly ‘Did you forget you ARE one as well? a Demon?!’

My eyes widen feeling hurt hearing those words from him, I could feel my eyes teary but I bit down hard on my lips holding back my upset tears.

‘ I would never lie to you or deceive you, Jaejoong.’ I said glad I didn’t choke on my words. ‘you know me.’

He scoffed ‘ well I don’t. I don’t understand what your doing. What your trying to do.’ He spoke, eyes glaring at me ‘I don’t know whats in that mind of yours’

‘I, just don't know you anymore.’

‘it’s probably best if I didn’t know you.’ He said smiling bitterly ‘I was better off anyways before meeting you.’

My heart dropped.

My hands trembled from how much emotion I was feeling.

Sad. Panick. Hurt.

‘You don’t mean that.’ I managed to utter out

He doesn’t mean that. He doesn’t...And I believe that.

I looked at him hoping he would say something, however he didn’t he turned towards the door to leave. Feeling insecure and anxious, I pulled on his arm to hold him back from leaving and hugged him tightly

‘Jaejoong. You don’t mean it.’ I whispered desperately hoping

‘I wish I didn’t know you.’ I barely heard Jaejoong uttered to himself

But I did.

My body felt numb, my mind wasn’t able to think properly or function right.

My arms that wrapped around him dropped to my sides. Without words or looking back at me…He left.

Jaejoong left.

The sound of the door closed behind him.


Finally letting all emotions crashing down on me...I broke down.

Tears that were held back poured uncontrollably. ‘He meant it.’ I whispered in disbelief.

Jaejoong…meant every word he said.

 I felt something in my chest ached. It ached, it ripped and it burned.

My heart was breaking.

I let out silent sobs, not able to control my emotions anymore.

I wanted, I wished…he would come back and told me it was a joke or it was just a moment of anger…

But I knew better. I was lying to myself.

‘I love you ’ I cried ' i love you...'

so please don't wish to forget me.





Name: Ga In Aka Gain

Race: Demon

In fact Gain is a Spider Demon, A demon that is gifted with charismatic beauty, which lure in her prey (human).

She has meet Byul, Jihyo and Max in the past.

Byul, Jihyo and Max had a request to go to a rural area of South Korea. There, they had to find reasons of disappearance of men in their early 20s and 30s. It was a mysterious for the females of the town unable to find their child, husband or lover.

It wasn’t hard nor did it take long for them to find the reason of the disappearance, upon seeing Ga In the Spider Demon feeding on a body of a young man was all they needed to understand the situation. Ga In who was displeased to be interrupted attacks them, so a fight happened between her and Byul.

Byul who was a high-classed demon, easily defeated Gain but spared her life giving her a second chance to redeem and pay for her sins. However it was an utter insult and brought shame to Ga In, she held a grudge against Byul one that only grew more hatred and darkness.

She swore and promised to herself and had declared it to Byul, that she’ll kill her one-day.




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Chapter 25: Im so glad i found this fic based on my favourite anime of all time. All I could imagine is the scene from the anime hahaha. But thank u for making this into a jaejoongs fanfic. Fighting author nim!
Chapter 16: I liked this storyyy ! Haha
Jamilah21 #3
Chapter 21: yahh!! Stupid Jaejoong alert again!!! seriously oppa!! Just TRUST Byul unnie! hhmp!!! And please Kill that Ga In b*tch that ruin the relationship of Jaejoong nad Byul unnie! Please Ji Hyo unnie help them! >.<

fighting authornim !! I really mad what just happened in this story but I REALLY LOVE it because you updated it!!! I'm waiting or should I say we are waiting for the next awesome chapter! :)
Chapter 21: again...stupid jaejoong strikes theres a reason why people say date within your league....take for example, jaejoong...ugh...that dumbhead is just sooooooo dumb.

byul, go find yunho and get together with him are more suited than that asshat, dumbhead jaejoong
lollipopXcandy #5
Chapter 19: I enjoy this. Keep writing ne!!!
Chapter 19: awwww......jaejoong is growing up nicely...
lazycharms #7
OMG! I'm only on chapter 5 or 6 can't remember but OMG! It's so goooood
Chapter 15: this i like.
ckossi #9
Chapter 14: Is it bad that I want to slap the little girl's money hungry and attention/fame seeking mother? I love your story by the way. ^^
very good story. different plot. keep up the good work