Chapter 14 – Pear Blossom Tree + Spirit Exorcise = Aleyna

Demon's PlayMate

Yunho's Shrine: (note: There are Pear blossom trees on the side path of the entreance.)


-Jaejoong Pov-

I sat unhappily on the ground with my arms crossed

‘Do I have to be here?” I questioned

Just before going to Uni, Byul the crazy demon suddenly out of no where decided we should go together with Yunho…so guess what? We’re at his shrine.

‘this  place is amazing and beautiful Yunho’ Byul said in awe while turning her head side to side looking at her surroundings. ‘Especially those pear blossom trees you have outside.’

Yunho smiled at her…heck he never smiles to anyone but when it was Byul, it came without a doubt. We were siting in the open living room having tea and snacks…that I made. So much for being the guest here…

 ‘it doesn’t bother you or anything right? ‘ Yunho suddenly questioned ‘it’s purified here.’

Byul smiled ‘not at all. Actually its feels great.’ She said, walking around the open living room ‘is it alright if I explore around?’

‘Go for it.’ Yunho said

Byul looked at the photos that were hang on the wall. I wasn’t going to lie…the place was huge, not to mention it was all Yunho’s and just himself living here.

‘my family are really well off.’ Yunho stated ‘they both own overseas companies, but I’ve decided to stay in Korea with my Grandfather. But he passed away years ago and left his shrine to me.’

I looked down at my tea on the table, I felt empathy and sympathy for him…it must be really lonely living on your own. I mean I am too…but then Jihyo, Byul and the wishing shop happened and often I stayed there.

‘it’s not bad. I sometimes still feel my grandfather’s presence here’ Yunho said, answering my thoughts.

‘oh you have a little sister Yunho?’ Byul suddenly questioned while looking at a certain picture.

Yunho shook his head ‘I’m an only child.’ He answered ‘that’s me when I was 7.’

‘WHAT?! I GOTTA SEE THIS!’ I exclaimed and went to look at the picture Byul looked at

Sure enough I was laughing like a crazy person on the ground. The picture was of a 7 year old Yunho wearing a female’s hanbok with long braided hair, which I assumed to be a wig.

‘That’s hilarious!!’ I laughed on the ground

‘Aww your so cute and pretty’ was Byul’s comment of Yunho’s cross dressing photo, before pouting ‘I think you look better then me when I was young.’

Yunho chuckle ‘that’s not true.’ He said smiling ‘your beautiful now, so you must be cute when you were young.’

Byul face flashed red before she squealed happily and attack Yunho in a hug

‘YOU’RE THE BEST KNOWING EXACTLY WHAT TO SAY!’ she beamed happily but stopped and pouted looking at me ‘unlike my playmate who doesn’t know what to say to girls.’

‘YAH! I SOOO TOO KNOW!’ I agued ‘it’s just your nothing to be complimented about.’

I stood up and head towards the door

‘We’re going to be late for class.’ I said

-Yunho Pov-

‘His so mean.’ Byul mumbled pouting

I smiled down at her and pat her head

‘Your great just as you are. His just blind to see it’ I said

Byul smiled up at me ‘hahaha thanks Yunho. That means a lot’ she said

‘YAH! Are you two going to look like a couple there or get going?!’ Jaejoong snapped outside

I smirked ‘what jealous?’ I joked

He groaned not saying anything just stomping off.

‘Let’s go before he start snapping more non-sense’ I said holding out my arm to Byul

Byul laughed and hugged my arm, following me as I followed Jaejoong.

-While walking to Uni-

Jaejoong was smirking to himself while also chuckling, sometimes he would look at me and smirked more….creepy or what?

‘What?’ I questioned him

‘The time for that arrogant, insolent, and audacious attitude is finally over!’ He said with a wide smirk

‘He has no idea how dumb and creepy his sounding right now….’ Byul whispered to herself with a sigh, but I heard it and held in a laugh.

I kept a motionless face at Jaejoong, listening to him.

‘Today, right now, at this point in time.’ Jaejoong continued on ‘when you were small, you were frail, weren’t you?’

Both Byul and me raised a brow at Jaejoong’s behavior…why was he smirking and laughing so creepily ‘what?’ we both uttered

‘That’s why you’re a girl when you were young right?!’ He stated and pointed at me, proudly…

‘I wore a Hanbok.’ I said in boredom ‘I was told by my grandfather of a teaching where in order for a frail boy to grow up strong, he must dress up like a girl when he is a small child.’

At that Jaejoong’s proud smirk was gone and replaced with a look of disbelief


‘my grandfather said it was something close to an incantation.’ I continued on ‘do you want to wear a Female’s Hanbok?’

 ‘WHO THE HELL WOULD?!!!’ Jaejoong exploded angrily

‘Please do.’ Byul said ‘you need it and I’d love to see how good you’d look as a girl’

‘SHUT IT YOU!’ He snapped at Byul.

-Later that Day- - Lunch-

-Jaejoong Pov-

‘You wore girls’ clothes when you were little, Yunho Oppa?’ Dambi questioned amazed with a smile

‘At this point your more of a girl to gossip Joongie.’ Byul stated with full of food.

I groaned annoyed and irritated…I was an idiot to expect Yunho to have an easy, sensitive spot. But brushing that aside I went through my bag

‘oh hey I brought some strawberry mousse cake’ I said

Dambi cheered ‘I love strawberry mousse’ she exclaimed

I smiled happily ‘I’m glad.’ I said


‘STOP SAYING THAT SO LOUDLY!’ I snapped at her angrily while handing her a piece as well ‘there now shut up and eat it.’

Byul fake cry ‘Joongie is so mean.’ She cried while still eating her cake

I rolled my eyes, geez food will always be the thing for her even when crying.

‘This is why you’ll never get a girlfriend.’ Yunho stated


I grumbled trying to calm down and handed Dambi her piece.

Which part of Dambi do you like?

Which? Well, she’s cute, and kind, and… all of her!

Really? All of her? Is that really true?

Jihyo’s sudden words came into my mind…why did she ask and say that to me? Was there something about Dambi I didn’t know?

Not realizing it, I was staring at Dambi,

‘Something wrong?’ Dambi asked breaking my thought and glaze.

‘No nothing!’ I said quickly ‘How does it taste?’

‘Really tasty!’ she beamed

I smiled ‘I’m glad.’ I said

‘Give me another one.’ Yunho said holding out his hand

…And Byul joined him

‘I’m away steeling you, you two eat too much!’ I snapped

‘Because your food taste good.’ Byul stated and grinned ‘another one!’

‘Ah! Did you guys see the TV show that was on at nine yesterday?’ Dambi asked getting our attention.

‘What kind of show?’ I asked

‘An authentic paranormal experience, a world you might not know of.’ Dambi explained

I shook my head ‘I didn’t see it.’ I said feeling slightly scared

‘I didn’t either.’ Yunho said

‘Hmm? What was it about?’ Byul asked interested

‘It was a story about an abandoned hotel where a girl’s ghost was said to appear.’ Dambi explained, by face was becoming pale and blue hearing her explaining ‘and the program was basically about exorcising the ghost.’

‘But the surprising this was…’

‘That the one doing the exorcising was a small girl who was still around elementary school age.’ Dambi said ‘they say she’s going to do it again. This time, it seems to be a ghost that’s haunting a pear blossom tree.’

It surprises me how Dambi wasn’t afraid of these kind of things or stories.

‘Dambi….your fine with all that ghostly stuff?’ I asked with a weak smile

‘Yes I love them’ Dambi beamed brightly

‘Ah…r-really?’ I shuttered…near tears of fear.

I admit…I’m seriously not a fan or like those kind of things, and you must of course understand why right?

‘But people who can really see and feel those things have it tough.’ Dambi said worryingly

I smiled feeling moved by her caring nature.

Munch munch

Munch munch munch…

‘DON’T CONTINUE CHEWING AND MAKING SOUNDS WHEN PEOPLE ARE BEING MOVED BY THE MOMENT!!!’ I snapped angrily at the two pigs that always eat.

‘Munch’ Yunho said still eating

‘Joongie, I want to go to the park after class!’ Byul beamed ‘Dambi Yunho can come too!.’

‘Sorry have club activities after’ Yunho said

Dambi pouted ‘aww can’t too Byul, got things to finish at home.’ She said

‘Maybe another---‘ ‘Guess it’s just you and me Joongie~ it’s a date!’ Byul said happily


-After Class- -To The Park -

-Your Pov-

‘God, that Yunho, he doesn’t have any sense of etiquette or delicacy. ‘ Jaejoong complained

I chuckled ‘But he was eating like he really enjoyed it, wasn’t he?’ I stated

‘But he eats too much ‘ He continued ‘And this applies to you too.’

We reached the park, but just continued to walk around.

‘So what you want to do at the park, anyway?’ Jaejoong asked

I smiled ‘just relax and walk around.’ I answered

Jaejoong nod and remained quite walking beside me. We continued to walk around till, we came upon a path with lines of Pear Blossom trees on the side, at the end of the path was the biggest, largest pear tree I’ve ever seen.

I stared in awe at the scene ‘so pretty…’ I whispered without realizing it.

‘Yeah.’ Jaejoong agreed also in awe

I smiled and pulled Jaejoong’s hand ‘c’mon lets get to the end.’ I said excitingly

Tagging and pulling Jaejoong with me, we both walked through the path.

‘I have to show Unni here someday.’ I said smiling and looked at Jaejoong ‘wish we could take a picture here together. It’s so pretty.’

‘I got my phone here, if you want a picture.’ I said taking out my phone from my pocket.

‘Yay! Selfies with Joongie!’ I cheered ‘c’mon let’s take one with the huge pear blossom tree’

‘Hey hey, don’t be so hype and excited.’ Jaejoong uttered

Reaching the end, I noticed there was a girl standing under the tree just staring up at it. She was young very young, not near the age of 10. However that wasn’t what caught my attention, it was the strong aura, the energy that gave off of her.

‘Hey what’s wrong?” Jaejoong’s voice broke my thought, standing in front of me

‘Ah,’ I responded but no words formed after ‘it’s just…’

My eyes looked pass him towards the girl. Jaejoong followed my gaze.

‘Is she a spirit or something?’ he asked quietly

‘No…’ I answered and walked pass him towards the girl

The girl turned away from the tree looking at me, staring at me.

‘Hey---‘ ‘DON’T COME ANY CLOSER!’ an elderly woman’s voice made me froze in place

I was slightly pushed aside, as the woman stood in front of the girl with her arms out, as if protecting her from me. My back hit into Jaejoong’s chest, his arms held me in place for my balance.

‘Whoa’ he uttered startled ‘you alright?’

I nod my head but stared at the woman and the girl.

The woman glared at me ‘don’t come any closer to her!’ she said raising her voice. ‘You saw her on the TV, right? Then you must know!’

‘TV…could she be the one Dambi was talking about?’ I wondered silently

‘Her power dissipates when people touch her.’ The woman stated

‘Tv?’ Jaejoong uttered

‘Don’t play dumb!’ the woman shouted

I haven’t paid any attention to the angry shouting woman, only staring at the young girl who was looking back at me.

‘Mother.’ The girl finally spoke in a monotone ‘mother…’

‘Goodness, I can’t let my guard down for a moment.’ The girl’s mother said ‘even though I’ve specifically instructed that I don’t want ignorant people near her, since they said it was here this time, I had to go along with it.’

I watched as the girl reach out to her mother’s arm, but it seemed like the mother sensed it and turns around avoiding the contact.

The mother smiled down at the girl…a smile that wasn’t sincere or was filled with warmth like it should of.

‘A-ah, what is it? What’s wrong?’ the mother asked voice shaking

From behind I could see her body trembled but I was barely noticeable. The girl just stared at her mother’s face, emotion unchanging form her motionless face.

‘Th-that’s right, we should be heading back home.’ The mother said standing beside the girl.

The mother walked ahead, while she followed behind, she gave Jaejoong a glance and another at me.

‘It’s not like you don’t understand anything, right?’ she said

Jaejoong was surprised ‘s-she knew?’ he stuttered ‘B-Byul..h-how…’

 I watch the girl and her mother left.

-Wish Shop-

‘A spiritual cleanser, huh?’ Jihyo questioned

‘She was a girl, still a child’ Jaejoong said

‘And so, that girl said it to you guys, didn’t she?’ Jihyo said.

‘She said that’s not like you don’t understand anything.’ Jihyo stated

‘Neh’ Jaejoong said

‘And what did you think of her?’ she questioned

‘I don’t know if she can exorcise ghosts, but I felt she was similar to me.’ Jaejoong answered

‘That girl’s power is genuine’ Jihyo commented ‘Your fate has now been linked to that girl’s’

Jaejoong had a worried expression on, unsure if it was good or not.

‘What happens from now on, Jaejoong, depends you yourself.’ Jihyo finished

‘So…I’m on my own now?’ Jaejoong asked ‘Byul won’t be…’

‘That’s not what I meant. Your choices, actions are now all on you.’ Jihyo explained ‘Byul won’t stop or intervene with your decisions’

Jihyo looked at me form the corner of her eyes

‘She was never meant to from the beginning…she was only suppose to be there so spirits won’t attack you.’ She added

Jaejoong looked at me, there were many thoughts on his minds, as well as questions.

I let out a sigh ‘I understand.’ I said with a small nod

‘Leaving that topic aside…is there something on your mind?’ Jihyo asked me ‘you were pretty silent. And usually when you are there ‘s something on your mind or that’s bothering you.’

‘It’s something that’s none of my concern…but that girl’s expressions…her mother’s behavior towards her…’ I said looking at Jihyo ‘it bother’s me.’

Jihyo nod ‘I see.’ she said and asked me ‘what will your actions be?’

I shook my head ‘I don’t know. I haven’t thought of anything yet.’ I said ‘but there’s one thing…’

Jihyo watched and listened attentively at me, as well as Jaejoong.

‘I want to know her.’ I said

Jihyo smiled and pat me on the head ‘do as you pleased, after all your fate now also had linked with hers.’ She said

-Jaejoong Pov-

I was staring at Byul long without realizing it, because what Jihyo had said was caught in my mind. Thoughts and questions were forming in my head, Byul caught me staring at her…and I was expecting her to say something about it, but she dismissed by nodding and saying she understood to Jihyo.

The topic then changed to Byul’s silence…which I was always so curious why she was often so silent.

‘It’s something that’s none of my concern…but that girl’s expressions…her mother’s behavior towards her…’ she said looking at Jihyo ‘it bother’s me.’

That little girl…

Remembering the event in my mind, that little girl’s expression didn’t show emotions like a child of her age would…it were stoic…expressionless. And then there was her mother who avoided any contact with her own daughter…it looked like she feared her own daughter

Jihyo nod ‘I see.’ she said and asked ‘what will your actions be?’

Byul shook her head ‘I don’t know. I haven’t thought of anything yet.’ she said ‘but there’s one thing…’

Both Jihyo and me closely paid attention to her, wanting to hear her answer.

‘I want to know her.’ she said

Jihyo smiled and pat heron the head ‘do as you pleased, after all your fate now also had linked with hers.’ She said

Byul smiled, a smile I noticed that always appear when she’s with Jihyo.

‘It’s getting late. Yunho should be outside by now.’ Jihyo said to me

‘Ah…neh…’ I said

I didn’t want to leave yet. I wanted to stay and get answers out of Byul.

‘Bye~ and good night Joongie!’ Byul beamed and hugged me, broking my thoughts

I returned her hug and smiled ‘good night.’ I said ‘see you in the morning.’

-The Next Day-

-After Class-

‘Dambi can’t come today because she’s helping the teacher.’ I said sad and let out a depressed sigh ‘It’s such a shame my fun lunch time is with you two…’

Our classes already finished, and to my disappointment I had made food enough for the 4 of us, but as said…Dambi was helping the teacher. It was raining outside, matching my sad mood that Dambi wasn’t with us.

But with that thought aside …I couldn’t help but to feel annoyed and irritated…

‘AND YOUR BOTH ALREADY EATTING!!!’ I snapped angrily

Of course Byul and Yunho couldn’t care less of my sad moments ….they were both wolfing down the food I had prepared

‘What are your plans today.’ Yunho asked

‘We’re going back to that pear tree.’ Byul said

I looked at her ‘What?’ I questioned slightly caught off guard ‘why?’

‘Because…she’ll be there today.’ Byul answered

There was a short silence

‘She?’ Yunho asked breaking the silence

‘A girl from that paranormal program Dambi was talking about.’ I answered  and looked at Byul ‘It’s raining pretty bad out…I doubt she’d be there.’

‘No she will.’ Byul said certainly. ‘ and you will go there. By yourself’

‘WHAT?! b-but…’ I uttered surprised ‘t-the spirits…’

‘I’ll be at Yunho’s.’ Byul said ‘and you’ll be fine, trust me.’

‘Aishi why are you always making do these things!’ I whined

She only smiled ‘because your both similar.’ She said. ‘ah and don’t forget to pick me up at Yunho’s’


I couldn’t believe I was actually heading to the pear blossom tree right now…in this rain. I continued to grumble and complain to myself. Soon enough the view of the tree came in sight

‘She came…’ I thought amazed

There she was…that same little girl, standing underneath the huge tree just staring up at it. I followed her glaze at the tree and could see what she was staring at…

‘A spirit?’ I thought

The spirit took appearance of a middle age lady in a traditional Hanbok, there wasn’t any bad or threatening aura from it.

‘If you stand out here like this, you’ll catch a cold’ I said out loud to her, realizing she was there without an umbrella

I rush to her and held my umbrella over her, covering her form the rain.

Slowly she looked away from the tree and stared at me ‘So we meet again’ she said

‘That makes it sound like you knew we were going to meet again’ I stated’

‘Not, it’s not that… I just wished I could see you again’ she said but then looked slightly pass me, roaming around as if she was searching for something. ‘She’s not here?’

‘She? Does she mean Byul?’ I wondered mentally

‘Ah…she didn’t come along…she told me to come here.’ I said ‘because she knew you would be here.’

The girl eyes widen almost not noticeable before they went back to normal.

‘You understand right?’ she asked and looked back at the tree, or more like the floating spirit above the tree. ‘That, that woman is someone from along, long time ago.’

‘So the ghost haunting a pear blossom tree that they were talking about on Tv was…’ I started.

’it was this person, I think.’ She said ‘But it’s not like she’s trying to threaten anyone. She just loves this tree and wants to stay here.’

‘So it seems.’ I said nodding

‘But if she’s a nuisance, she says she’ll go away. ‘ she continued ‘Because it’s just too pitiful for the pear blossom tree to be filmed on TV and to have lots of people brought here.’

‘But if that woman goes away, this tree will wither.’

‘This tree is at the end of it’s life, and it is only blooming because that person is there.’

‘If I hadn’t come here, then this woman could always stay here, and that tree could always bloom.’ She said

Byul was right…that girl and i…we are similar

‘I always thought like that as well.’ I said ‘I began to think about whether there’s anything I can do.’

There was a short silence. I was thinking what I could do…honestly why did Byul had to leave me here like this…surely if she was here she could of help.

AN idea then came in mind. ‘Do you still have time?’ I asked her

‘For what?’ she asked

‘Let’s do what we can.’ I said with a smile


Without word or question she followed me as I lead her to Yunho’s shrine.

‘It’s a shrine, right?’ she questioned

‘I know an annoying guy lives here’ I explained ‘and she’s here too.’

The girl came to a sudden stop, in front of one of Yunho’s pear blossom trees. I stopped beside her, staring at the beautiful pear tree.

‘You’re both here.’ I heard Byul’s voice

‘Byul’ I uttered

Byul smiled ‘and you brought guest.’ She stated looking behind both the girl and me.

That right…the pear tree spirit followed us.

‘She said she likes it.’ The girl said

I watched, as the spirit happily moved to it’s new home

‘I’m glad.’ I said with a small smile ‘That pear tree may wither, but that person has found a new place.’

‘Yeah.’ The girl agreed

‘You knew about this didn’t you?’ I asked looking at Byul

Byul shrugged her shoulders like it wasn’t an important matter

‘I’m going back home…’ the girl said getting our attention ‘before my mother returns.’

Both Byul smile and mine dropped

‘I’m sorry for dragging you around in the rain.’ I said ‘here’

I held out my umbrella to her

‘I’m already wet, and it’s not that cold today.’ She said

‘I’m already wet as well, and when you return it, I’ll be able to see you again.’ I reasoned with a smile

The girl stared at me then to Byul who gave her a nod to accept the umbrella ‘Thank you.’ She said taking the umbrella.

‘Ah! Your name.’ I said before the girl left ‘will you let me know your name? so that I can call you properly by it.’

‘Yilmaz Aleyna’ She said

I smiled ‘Kim Jaejoong.’ I introduced

She glanced at Byul

‘Song Ki Byul. But just Unni, is fine.’ Byul said smiling ‘walk safely home, Aleyna’

Aleyna’s eyes widen in surprised this time more noticeable

‘Unni…Byul Unni’ she whispered to herself

‘Ah it’s okay if you don’t want to address her as that’ I said chuckling ‘she tend to get too overly friendly with people that it sometimes makes them uncomfortable.’

Aleyna shook her head ‘No…it’s been a while since anyone’s called me by my name.’ she said ‘and it’s the first to have a Unni’

‘So you don’t mind it?’ I asked her

She shook her head ‘See you’ she said giving Byul and me the last look before leaving.

‘There’s a saying that fools don’t catch colds, but… ‘ Yunho’s annoying voice said ‘idiots probably do.’

I frowned ‘geez who’s the idiot…’ I stated angrily and stomp into the shrine.

‘I’ll get extra clothes for you to change into’ Yunho said

-Aleyna Pov-

I entered my house, feeling the cold air inside.

‘Where did you go, on a rainy day like this?!’ my mother’s voice shouted once I entered ‘what if you were to catch a cold!’

I looked up at her, could it be she was worried?

‘I told you that tomorrow is the TV shooting!’ she continued to shout ‘ what if they decided to cancel it!.’

I stare at her silently, after a short minute she gasped…she must of realized that she was raising her voice at me.

‘I went to that pear tree.’ I said changing the subject, while closing the umbrella

‘By pear tree, you mean the recording site?’ she asked more calmly this time ‘in that case, we should have gone together.’

I walked pass her with the umbrella in hand, closely to me. ‘we’re not together.’ I stated ‘mother is not with me.’

She’s just here….

‘Wait! What’s that umbrella?!’ she snapped

But the ringing of the phone in the kitchen got her attention, she when and answered it.

‘Yes…’ she answered tone nicer and kind ‘tomorrow’s filming? Of course, it’s fine.’

I walk into the kitchen; there was homemade dinner on the table.

‘What do you mean ‘can she exorcise the spirit?!’’ my mother yelled ‘in order to maintain her power, I don’t let her touch or eat anything impure!’

Silently I turned around head up stairs, passing the living room I saw it was filled with bags, clothes, shoes and many other expensive things. But ignored them walking up the stairs

‘The girl’s food is the same as that of monks in a temple!’ I could still hear my mother’s yelling voice And as for the money…This is not what we had talked about?!’

I entered my room and closed the door, shutting out the voice of my mother.

I sat on my bed, still with the umbrella in my arms…hugging it close.

It kept me constant…

It kept me comforted

‘Jaejoong…’ I uttered ‘Byul Unni.’



Name: Yilmaz Aleyna

Age: 7

Race: Human

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Chapter 25: Im so glad i found this fic based on my favourite anime of all time. All I could imagine is the scene from the anime hahaha. But thank u for making this into a jaejoongs fanfic. Fighting author nim!
Chapter 16: I liked this storyyy ! Haha
Jamilah21 #3
Chapter 21: yahh!! Stupid Jaejoong alert again!!! seriously oppa!! Just TRUST Byul unnie! hhmp!!! And please Kill that Ga In b*tch that ruin the relationship of Jaejoong nad Byul unnie! Please Ji Hyo unnie help them! >.<

fighting authornim !! I really mad what just happened in this story but I REALLY LOVE it because you updated it!!! I'm waiting or should I say we are waiting for the next awesome chapter! :)
Chapter 21: again...stupid jaejoong strikes theres a reason why people say date within your league....take for example, jaejoong...ugh...that dumbhead is just sooooooo dumb.

byul, go find yunho and get together with him are more suited than that asshat, dumbhead jaejoong
lollipopXcandy #5
Chapter 19: I enjoy this. Keep writing ne!!!
Chapter 19: awwww......jaejoong is growing up nicely...
lazycharms #7
OMG! I'm only on chapter 5 or 6 can't remember but OMG! It's so goooood
Chapter 15: this i like.
ckossi #9
Chapter 14: Is it bad that I want to slap the little girl's money hungry and attention/fame seeking mother? I love your story by the way. ^^
very good story. different plot. keep up the good work