Chapter 11


Three days have passed. Hogwarts was a noisy place. Hufflepuff was having a Quidditch match with Gryffindor. Sehun and Kai were very excited because they are very competitive and love to challenge each other. That and because every time they have a match the loser has a punishment. This time, whoever loses has to drink a love potion. As usual, Kai was looking for D.O. He wanted to ask him sooner to come, but because of the training he didn’t have the time. He found him chatting with his friends at the Great Hall.

“Hello D.O. Can I ask you something?” he asked, a little bit shy.

“Yes sure. What is it?” replied the other one.

“Well, as you probably know, today there’s a Quidditch game… Can you come?” asked Kai embarrassed.

“Oh… About that… I’m sorry, I can’t go” replied D.O., with a blank expression.

“What? Why? You always come to watch me!” said Kai, surprised.

“Yes but I promised Amanda I would help her study so… Sorry, I really can’t go” continued D.O., apologising to his friend.

“Who the hell studies on a day of a Quidditch game?” asked Kai annoyed.

“People who need to study and don’t find Quidditch that interesting” replied D.O., angrily.

“Why did you have to say yes?” asked Kai.

“Because she asked for my help” responded D.O.

“Well, I’m asking you to go… So come and watch me!” exclaimed Kai.

“You think it works like that? You don’t need me for your stupid game, Amanda needs my help!” replied D.O., upset with Kai. “You’re being childish!”

“Stupid game…?” asked Kai surprised. “Childish…? You never missed one match, why now?”

“Exactly! I never missed one match, I was always there. And now it’s time to help my friend, someone I never helped before” responded D.O. with a serious face.

“You said you would be always there when I need you…” said Kai, with an unhappy face.

“You don’t need me now” answered D.O., coldly. “You always do well, why would it be different this time?”

D.O. turned around, ignoring Kai. The young seeker stood there for a few seconds, watching the eldest one talking to his friends like nothing happened. Then he quietly left.

Going back to the field, Sehun spotted Kai and immediately rushed towards him.

“Hey square pants! Are you ready for today’s match? Imma kick your fat !” he shouted, with an evil laugh. Kai looked soulless. “Hey man… What happened?” asked, worried.

“D.O.’s not coming” he said.

“Oh… I see. But hey there’s no need to be so sad! Your fight is with me, you should be excited!” continued Sehun, trying to sheer up his friend.

“My fight isn’t with you, but with that girl” replied Kai, angrily.

“That girl? What girl?” asked Sehun confused.

“His new girlfriend” answered Baekhyun, coming from inside Gryffindor’s tent. “Hey Kai, you need to accept the reality…”

“He never missed one game!” said Kai, clenching his fist.

“Starting from today he’s gonna miss a lot of them. You shouldn’t let that affect you” replied Baekhyun. “Come on Kai, cheer up! We need to win against these amateurs!” continued, teasing Sehun.

“Amateurs? Haha, we’ll see about that!” said Sehun, with a fighting spirit. “But hey wait… D.O. has a girlfriend?” asked surprised. “How did that happen?”

“Well, they’re still not dating, they’re just friends. I asked him to come earlier but he said he couldn’t because he was going to help her” replied Baekhyun, softly smiling. “You should understand Kai”

“I can’t understand! We’ve been by his side all this time, we helped him a lot these past few months, he has more friends now and he can enjoy his student life peacefully. Why would he trade his friends for that girl? Just because he saw her on a crystal ball? That’s bull!” yelled Kai at Baekhyun.

“Because he likes her” replied Baekhyun, with a serious tone. “When you like someone, you do things for that person such as missing your friends Quidditch match… He has been excited with this day all week. But because she was in trouble—“

“He then decided to stay with her without saying a word?” asked Kai, furious.

“He told me he wasn’t coming” answered Baekhyun, losing his patience.

“Only because you asked!” replied Kai. “And only because I asked!”

“Stop it! I’m not happy about it either but hey! It’s our friend we’re talking about! If he’s happy then I’m also happy! Geez, it’s just one game! Calm down!” said Baekhyun, irritated.

“Everyone knows it’s not just one game. Like you said, starting from today he’s gonna miss a lot of them” said Kai, leaving Sehun and Baekhyun alone.

“Hey… Just ignore him. I don’t know why but D.O. is someone very important to him. Just let him cool down his mind…” said Sehun, lost in the middle of the conversation.

“D.O. is also very important to me, but I’m far more understanding than Kai…” replied Baekhyun, apologising for their wrong behaviour.

It was finally time for the match. Everyone was pretty excited and shouting for their teams. Meanwhile, D.O. was in the library, explaining the wonderful world of Potions to Amanda.

“You don’t seem like you have a lot of trouble with this…” said D.O. “In fact, I think you got this pretty well…”

“Can I tell you a secret?” asked Amanda, with an innocent look on her face. “Please don’t be mad…”

“What?” asked D.O., lifting his eyebrow.

“I only had one question… But I kept asking you things because I wanted to be alone with you…” she said, shyly.

“What is this? What are you saying…” questioned D.O., laughing nervously.

“And since today everyone is outside, I thought this would be the perfect timing…” she continued.

D.O. sighed. “I see…”

“Are you mad?” she asked embarrassed.

“I had a fight with my friend because I was going to miss the game…” replied D.O., sounding like he was disapproving the situation.

“Oh no! I’m so sorry!” said Amanda, immediately blushing.

“That’s okay… So, what should we do now?” asked D.O. awkwardly.

While this young couple was trying to figure out what to do, back in the field everyone was pretty euphoric. Both teams were even, waiting for Sehun and Kai to decide the final winner. Sehun was better than Kai today. He was focused, while the other one was distracted.

“Keep your head in the game, Kai!” yelled Baekhyun, disappointed with his performance.

“I’m trying!” shouted Kai from above.

“Try harder!” replied the Chaser.

But it was no use. With a final blow, Sehun got the golden snitch. Kai was exploding in anger inside. Not because his friend won, but because he couldn’t stop thinking about D.O.’s “betrayal”.

“What the hell was that?” asked Chen, shocked with the scores.

“We lost… I can’t believe we lost!” replied Chanyeol, pissed off.

“Thanks for your hard work everyone…” said Baekhyun to his teammates. “Kai we need to talk… A professional player does not let other things get into his mind during a match…” said, with a serious expression.

“Yeah, don’t forget that you’re not playing alone nor for yourself! We are a team!” continued Chen.

“I am sorry to let you down… It won’t happen again” replied Kai, unhappy.

Time passed. After dinner, Kai went to the toilet.

“It’s curious how I always find you here…” said Kai, with a blank expression.

“Nature must like to call us at the same time…” replied D.O., laughing at his own joke.

“Oh, you’re on a good mood. Was the afternoon that funny?” questioned Kai, trying to keep his feelings inside.

“As a matter of fact, it was” answered D.O., ignoring Kai’s stare.

“That’s good. At least you had a great time, while I had a ty day” replied Kai, angrily.

“Don’t blame me because you lost…” said D.O., coldly.

“It’s because you weren’t there! I feel more confident when you’re watching me!” continued Kai. “If it wasn’t for her…” said, clenching his fist.

“Excuse me? Don’t blame Amy! Have you ever thought I also had to miss some things when you asked me for help?” questioned D.O., in anger.

“Amy? So now it’s Amy…” said Kai, bursting into rage.

“Yeah, it’s Amy. Problem?” asked D.O., facing Kai. “If you have a problem with Amanda, tell me what it is!” asked, with a serious expression.

“She’s in the way!” yelled Kai.

“In the way? In the way of what?” asked D.O. confused.

“You only care for her now and you completely forgot about your friends! What did she do for you?” questioned Kai, raising his voice. “Was she there when you were attacked by Tao? Was she there to teach you how to ride your broom? Was she there to take you out of the library? Was she there introducing you to new friends? Was she there waiting for you to get better?”

D.O. said nothing. He was looking at Kai with his eyes wide open, surprised by his words. “What is this about…? I was only helping her… That doesn’t mean I’m going to forget you and the boys…”

“God, sometimes you’re so blind!” replied Kai, turning around embarrassed. His hands started shaking. Then he started to walk around the toilet as if he had lost his mind. “I… I think I’m in love with you”

D.O. was in shock. “WHAT?”

“It’s true… Since the very first day I met you, I can’t get you out of my mind, I always worry about you, I always want to make you happy, when you smile my heart starts beating really fast, my hands are sweaty, I can’t breathe properly, I get jealous easily—“

“SHUT UP!” said D.O. suddenly. He was very serious. “Is this some kind of a joke?”

“No! This is exactly why I never told anyone about this! People think I am joking, but I’m not!” said Kai, afraid that D.O. would reject his feelings.

“Listen… I am thankful from the bottom of my heart everything you did for me. But that… What you just said… Is wrong in so many levels… You’re just confused…” said D.O., looking at the ground. He couldn’t face Kai. “I only agreed helping you because you looked really desperate at that time. I don’t even care that much about you” he said, with a soulless emotion.

“That’s not true… You were happy every single time… When we rode the broom, when I saved you, when I was waiting for you at the Infirmary, when you were watching the Quidditch games, when you brought me beans from Hogsmead—“ Kai stopped. He started to tear up. “Even now… you said you were thankful from the bottom of your heart”

“I only did that… To get rid of the boredom of my life” replied D.O., with a blank expression.

“No… That’s not true… You’re lying…” said Kai, feeling like he was trespassed by an arrow. By a bunch of them, actually.

Suddenly, one of the toilet cubicles opened. Tao came out from there, clapping his hands. “What a show” he said. “That love potion works wonders! And D.O., congratulations my friend! You’re as evil as I can be! Using this poor guy like that…” He stood there for a few moments, enjoying the situation, and then he left, very amused.

The two of them said nothing. Kai was looking lifelessly at D.O., who was looking at the ground, without moving.


“Don’t say anything” said D.O., strained. He was quiet for a long time. Then he left, without saying a word.

When he entered the dorm, D.O. found Sehun and Luhan, sitting in the couch.

“Hi there. Is everything okay?” asked Luhan worried.

“Something really crazy just happened…” said D.O., sitting next to them.

“What?” asked Luhan.

“I don’t know… Kai was under the effect of a love potion or something and he confessed to me. But I only found out he was under that love potion at the end… I had a heart attack” replied D.O., leaning backwards to rest his head.

“Under a love potion? How is that possible? I didn’t give it to him” asked Sehun, pulling an object out of his pocket. “We made a bet and the loser had to drink this” said, showing the love potion. “But because today Kai wasn’t focused on the game and it wasn’t worthy, I saved it for the next time”

“What does that mean?” asked Luhan confused.

“That Kai wasn’t under the effect of this potion… Whatever he said, he meant it” replied Sehun.

D.O. froze. Whatever he said, he meant it?

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neko-likes-mangas #1
Chapter 19: I liked it very very much :) Go for an upvote !!
Chapter 19: I read this whole thing you made me love Harry Potter AND Kaisoo alot more.
wildrose88 #3
Chapter 19: yeayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ><
OhNiniSoo #4
Chapter 19: Awwwwwww. So he finally told him everything!! I'm so glad they've made up. Now I hope that Kyungsoo will break up with Amanda soon and Kai will fall in love with him soon again. <33 QvQ
ash_danish #5
Chapter 19: author-ssi..who will play as cedric in this story??
Chapter 19: Aaaaaaaaa...... i love this and i love you thorrrrr!!!
Update soon jaebaaalllll
wildrose88 #7
Chapter 18: aaaaaaaaaaa no dont cry dont cry !!!! hope there will be shines for them .
thanks authornim >.<
Chapter 18: Omg this is amazing...
Chapter 18: My KAISOO feelz... T^T So sad