I don't want to lose her

Please stay with us

Tiffany went out from the dressing room in pain. The latter didn't want to leave, but she doesn't want to see Yuri so mad at her. Yuri has been so good on her since the day she met the latter.


Flash Back


"Okay girls welcome to the Sone Entertainment Company on behalf of the management and staff we would like to congratulate you for being now a part of the family" Mr. Lee said proudly as he raises the contracts of the nine girls and wave it at his right side. The eyes of the big bosses of the company are focusing only to one person. The young girl who is sitting far at the left side of the big room. She doesn't show any interest of what Mr. Lee had just said a while ago because first and foremost she is an american-korean. She can't understand every words he said to them. The young girl could only sigh. She finally caught the other man who sit behind Mr. Lee who keep on staring at her at first she thought that its just nothing, but when she notice that the others are looking at her too, fear is slowly creeping to her spine and it sends shiver to her entire body. "Daddy" The word that she manage to say that only herself could hear. She lowered her head and stared on her hands that is on her lap tightening its grip to her skirt a soft hand suddenly landed at the top of her hands holding her lightly. Tiffany is shock of the sudden skin contact she raises ber head only to meet the charming face of a girl. She didn't know the other members of the group yet not even their names including the girl next to her. "Don't be nervous we are all feel the same in here, we will get use to this." The girl showed her a charming smile" Tiffany smiled back at her. Tiffany felt comfort for the first time since she arrived in the country. "I will survive" She said to herself "Of course you will, I will help you" The girl next to her said and wink at her. Tiffany didn't say anything, but give the latter a slight nod. "I'm Yuri by the way" Yuri said leaning her face close to Tiffany's ear. Tiffany smiled at her and said: "Nice meeting you Yuri and I'm" Tiffany didn't finish because Yuri cut her off "Tiffany, I know your name already" Yuri said proudly.

End Of Flash Back

Since that day the two get along well with each other.

"Yuri, why do you have to act like that?" Tiffany is in her deep thought, she is thinking of Yuri's reaction a while ago. "Why do you have to get mad at me? I am so confused, we were good this morning before our schedule even after the show. Why all of a sudden you change?" Tiffany took a deep breath and lean her head on the headrest of the car. She didn't notice that the young man on the steering wheel is stealing glances at her from time to time.


Flash Back

 Tiffany is about to open her room when a soft hand suddenly landed on her right shoulder "make yourself comfortable when the others are around, you will get use to this kind of life "the owner of the hand lean closer to her and whispered those words to her ears. Tiffany's heart started to beat extraordinarilly. "Yuri!" Tiffany was startled with the latter's action.


End of Flash Back

"Hey, you look so sad, is there something wrong?" the young man ask. Tiffany didn't say anything, she just give the young man a slight smile and then turn her head to her left side and let her gaze outside the glass window of the car.

The young man knew that there is something wrong with the girl, but he didn't ask the latter further.

"Geun Suk" Tiffany sadly call the young man who is busy driving.

"Yes?" Geun Suk replied immediately.

"I want to go back to the dorm" Tiffany closes her eyes as she leans her head to the glass window.

Geun Suk is a little bit disappointed about the latter"s decision, but he knows that if he is going to force her it will be a big trouble. "If that's what you want" 

"I need to talk to her, I want to know what's in her heart and mind. I don't want to lose Yuri, she is my best friend" Tiffany thought.






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Aish1994 #1
Chapter 12: please this story.i wait.
PilotIsMyJob #2
Chapter 12: Hmm, wht'll happened?
yultijjang #3
Chapter 11: Seriously..i really miss ur story author shii
PilotIsMyJob #4
Chapter 11: Too short! I just can't get enough.
Chapter 10: please update soon author shi...........
yultijjang #6
Author shii..please update this story too..tq
yultijjang #7
please update author shii...love ur stories
yultijjang #8
please update author shii...love ur stories
PilotIsMyJob #9
Chapter 9: JGS favour8 is Yuri actually..Fany's just his friend..so,ff still ff r8? Fiction..hehehe..
ctmeoya #10
Chapter 9: Haha.. happyyuricornday :) they are together again..

I hope yulti will be together here