I'm gonna make you mine

Please stay with us

"Yuri?" Tiffany calls Yuri's name as soon as she let her foot set on the dorm's entrance. Tiffany turn her gaze in every area of the dorm, but found no one even the other girls.

"She must be in her room right now" She hasten her pace and went to Yuri's room wihtout thinking if the latter is really there resting or not, but the room is empty. Tiffany is about to cry when she heard her phone ringing, she took it from her handbag. Tiffany look at the caller's name on the screen before answering.

"Tiffany, where are you?" The mad Jessica is on the line.

"Jessi, I'm.." Tiffany started to stutter.

"Look Tiffany Hwang, whatever you are doing right now you better stop it and get your in here!" Jessica said in a most demanding tone.

Tiffany hurriedly went to their favorite hang out not bothering if she stumbled or not. She doesn't care if she bumps into someone. All she cares right now is to arrive at the place  and stop Yuri.


"get your in her, Fanny, Yuri is freaking out!" The last statement from Jessica before Tiffany ended the call. "Yuri, what is going on with you?




Tiffany arrived at the said bar. The entrance of the place is too dark, good thing that there is a small light which help her to find her way to the nearest stall. Tiffany decided to stay in that area until she finds her friends. She turns her gaze to the place, her attention has been caught by the noise of the crowd in the middle of the dance floor. Tiffany put her attention to the crowd and she is in a state of awe as she saw her best friend dancing wildly in the middle of the dance floor. At first, Tiffany did not believe what she just saw, but Tiffany's feet are seems to have a mind of their own and started to lead her to the direction where her best friend is. As she is getting nearer to the latter's direction, Yuri's silhouette is getting pellucid in Tiffany's eyes.

"Yuri" Tiffany mumbled "Yuri, what's wrong?" Good thing that the dance floor's lights are dim. Yuri would not be recognize easily by the crowd, Tiffany walks closer to Yuri which it cause the latter  to stop dancing and just look at the confused Tiffany. Tiffany knew that Yuri is drank. "Tiffany!" Yuri said carelessly doesn't care if someone would hear her calling the latter's name so loud. Yuri hug Tiffany tight and start moving their bodies with the tune of the music. Tiffany don't want to upset Yuri so she just let the latter lead her to dance. "She never act like this before, what has gotten into you, Yuri?" Tiffany said to herself hugging the girl back and making the latter comfortable. "I thought you won't coming back" Yuri said in Tiffany's ear. Yuri's breath tickles Tiffanys exposed skin much more when Yuri intentionally snuggled her face in Tiffany's bare neck and let her lips slightly touch the milky skin. Tiffany felt a different  yet an amazing sensation of their skinship.

Yuri knew that Tiffany is enjoying it for the latter didn't protest or move a bit from their closeness, instead Tiffany wrapped her arms around Yuri's neck tighter.

"I will gonna make you mine, Tiffany Hwang" Yuri thought to hersel and smirk as they continue what they are doing.


"Sir, your daughter is now in the good hands. You can finally relax now" The man said as watching the two people hugging each other at the middle of the dance floor.





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Aish1994 #1
Chapter 12: please this story.i wait.
PilotIsMyJob #2
Chapter 12: Hmm, wht'll happened?
yultijjang #3
Chapter 11: Seriously..i really miss ur story author shii
PilotIsMyJob #4
Chapter 11: Too short! I just can't get enough.
Chapter 10: please update soon author shi...........
yultijjang #6
Author shii..please update this story too..tq
yultijjang #7
please update author shii...love ur stories
yultijjang #8
please update author shii...love ur stories
PilotIsMyJob #9
Chapter 9: JGS favour8 is Yuri actually..Fany's just his friend..so,ff still ff r8? Fiction..hehehe..
ctmeoya #10
Chapter 9: Haha.. happyyuricornday :) they are together again..

I hope yulti will be together here