Tiffany Hwang from San francisco, California, U.S.A.

Please stay with us

Girl's Dormitory


"Wow, is this the place?" the girls said happily.

"It's big and beautiful!" exclaim the girl with a blond hair while the others are very busy checking out the rooms, except the dark browned hair Tiffany who is still standing at the doorway of the dorm, hesitating herself to join the others.

"Hey, why are you stll there?" the man they called manager ask the browned hair girl with confusion, but before the girl give her answer, the manager clap his hands calling the attention of the other girls.

The girls gathered immediately in the living room as soon as they heard the clap, they are all excited.

"Okay, quiet girls and please allow me to speak" said the manager in a soft tone. "Tonight, we must rest early for we all have an early schedules tomorrow" the girls giggles as they heard the good news "Yes, I know that you are all excited about your first work tomorrow, but please let me finish my instruction" the girls then stood still and listen to him attentively.

"I am going to assign you to your room and who will be sharing with you during your stay in the dorm, but before that I think you don't know each other yet, except Yuri and Jessica for the two of you has been with each other in this company for quite along time" the manager look at the two girls who are busy giggling. "So, shall we start now?" the manager ask the girl beside her to start the short introduction.

"Hi, my name is Kim Tae-yeon, I am from Jeonju of North Jeolla"

"Jessica Jung here of California, U.S.A" Tiffany raises her head to see the latter. Tiffany who was seems hopeless since the day she set her feet on Korea started to see a small hope as she heard the girl named Jessica introducing herself in English. "I think I need to get closer to her" Tiffany thought to herself.

"Lee Sunny, same with Jessica I am from L.A California, too" Tiffany now started to show some interest to the other members "another prospect" she chuckled to herself.

"Kim Hyo-yeon here evryone from Incheon, South Korea"

"Choi Soo-young"

"Kwon Yuri" as the latter said, but her eyes never leaves the beautiful face of the girl in front of her.

"Im Yoona"

"Tiffany Hwang from San francisco, California."  said the latter shyly lowering her head as she introduce herself. Tiffany heard that the others are laughing because of her action, but as soon as she raises her head to look at those who are laughing at her, she caught a two beautiful eyes staring at her without blinking. They are staring with each other without any plan of breaking it, but Tiffany pulled her eyes away from the girl who is standing at the dim corner of the dorm as soon as the girl next to her started to speak.

"Seo Joo-hyun" as soon as the last girl ended, the manager then said: "okay girls that's all for tonight, and now I am going to assign who will gonna stay with who" then the girls walks closer to the manager.

"Soo you will stay with Sunkyu" Soo young seems a little disappointed for she is hoping that she would be partnered with her favorite member. "Hyo you will be with Taeyon" the two high five each other for they are expecting it. "Jessica will be with Yoona" Yoona is happy for she is with her favorite unnie "Yuri and Seo Jhu-hyun" Yuri just give the man a simple nod. "and Tiffany you will be staying alone in your room" Tiffany thank the manager after the announcement.

"Okay girls, you can fix your things tomorrow after your schedule. I want you to take your rest now" the manager said and decided to go home after seeing that the girls are ready to go to their respective rooms.

"Goodbye, manager!" The girls said in unison.


Tiffany is about to open her room when a soft hand suddenly landed on her right shoulder "make yourself comfortable when the others are arround, you will get use to this kind of life "the owner of the hand lean closer to her and whispered those words to her ears. Tiffany's heart started to beat extraordinarilly.



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Aish1994 #1
Chapter 12: please this story.i wait.
PilotIsMyJob #2
Chapter 12: Hmm, wht'll happened?
yultijjang #3
Chapter 11: Seriously..i really miss ur story author shii
PilotIsMyJob #4
Chapter 11: Too short! I just can't get enough.
Chapter 10: please update soon author shi...........
yultijjang #6
Author shii..please update this story too..tq
yultijjang #7
please update author ur stories
yultijjang #8
please update author ur stories
PilotIsMyJob #9
Chapter 9: JGS favour8 is Yuri actually..Fany's just his,ff still ff r8? Fiction..hehehe..
ctmeoya #10
Chapter 9: Haha.. happyyuricornday :) they are together again..

I hope yulti will be together here