It's time to say goodbye

Please stay with us

"Sir, we don't have to pay the judges to let the young Miss to win the audition. She is doing great. I must say that your daughter got your talent and attitude.

Secretary Lee ended the call as soon as he is done reporting to Mr. Hwang. A smile then formed to his face as he learned that his daughter doesn't need his daddy's influence. "The time has finally come. Korea will be surprise of your existence. The elders of the last blood line of the royal clan will be shock. We will rise again. The Hwang will return to its rightful place." Mr. Hwang took the picture frame from the table. "Our victory is near. You could have wait for your daughter to rise." A soft knock interrupts Mr. Hwangs deep thought. "Get inside" The eyesmile princess soon appeared to his door "Daddy, I make it! I can go to Korea" Tiffany said excitedly. Tiffany loved her father so much, she does not like to disappoint her father. She doesn't like the idea of leaving her father alone in the big house. She has no choice for her father is the one who wants Tiffany leave L.A. "Baby, I am so proud of you. I know that you can make it without daddy's help." Mr. Hwang said in a teasing manner. "Of course I am your daugheter, I am just like you, never retreat nor surrender in any battle. I am a determined person just like you, daddy" Tiffany leans closer to her father and hug him tight. "Its time for you to face your own battle" Mr. Hwang give his daughter a last hug. He ask Tiffany to prepare all the things she will need to bring. "Its time for you to leave this place and have a better life in Korea" the last statement she heard from her dad. Tiffany could not understand why she must live a low profile in Korea. Mr. Lee talk to her after the announcement of her victory in the audition. 



"Your father ask me to tell you that you will live in Korea as an ordinary young teenager with a not so good reputation." Tiffany's confusion has become visible. "I know that you are a little bit confused of this whole situation, but its for now. Time will come that you will understand everything, Ms. Hwang, please don't let anyone know that you are one of the most important people of Korea let them think that you are bubbly, noisy and stubborn. I know that its the opposite of your true nature, but in this way people will not give importance of your family." Tiffany simply nodded her head giving Mr. Lee an assurance that she understand and she is willing to follow every instruction. "I think you are ready" Mr. Lee took his phone and dialed a number.

End of flashback


"Welcome everyone to Incheong International Airport. You are now in South Korea"


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Aish1994 #1
Chapter 12: please this story.i wait.
PilotIsMyJob #2
Chapter 12: Hmm, wht'll happened?
yultijjang #3
Chapter 11: Seriously..i really miss ur story author shii
PilotIsMyJob #4
Chapter 11: Too short! I just can't get enough.
Chapter 10: please update soon author shi...........
yultijjang #6
Author shii..please update this story too..tq
yultijjang #7
please update author ur stories
yultijjang #8
please update author ur stories
PilotIsMyJob #9
Chapter 9: JGS favour8 is Yuri actually..Fany's just his,ff still ff r8? Fiction..hehehe..
ctmeoya #10
Chapter 9: Haha.. happyyuricornday :) they are together again..

I hope yulti will be together here