6th Anniversary

My True Rose

"I don't think the ducks like me." Jinki pouted, throwing the bread into the near by pond.

"What do you mean Babe?" Minho gave him a sideways glance, breaking off another piece of bread and throwing it on the ground in front of the ducks.

"They never take my bread." The man hmphed. "No matter how I do it, or where, the stupid ducks just ignore it."

Minho smirked. "Maybe if you didn't call them stupid."

"Shut up would you." Jinki glared, his bottom lip between his teeth, crossing his arms as he turned away.

"Oh Babe, are you really upset that the ducks don't want your bread?"

There was a quiet reply. "Yes."

Minho just softly smiled, touching Jinki's arm. The man looked over, and his eyes lowered to the offered piece of bread. "Here, just put it down softly." The man hesitantly took it, before turning completely. His knees were pressed together, his elbows brought in as he leaned forward, and slowly let out his hand. The smallest duck, the one who kept being pushed around, looked over at him before waddling over. Minho couldn't tell you how amazing it was to see the childish glee that erupted on his husband's face when the duck quickly took the bread, quacking quietly as he nudged the man's shoe with his beak.

"Heh.. I did it. I really did it." Jinki looked over with wide eyes, a huge smile on his face.

Minho just smiled, before handing him another piece of bread. "Here."

"I shall call you Gilly." Jinki giggled quietly as he fed the small duck the bread. You would never have guessed he was the almost 30 year old CEO of a huge company at first glance then, but that was okay to Minho, because it was this Jinki that he always found enduring.  


Jinki was hovering over the stove, making sure that the food in the skillet didn't burn when the phone rang. "Hey Babe, could you get that?"

"Hmm?" Minho asked, poking his head in, and when he heard the phone ring he chuckled. "Oh sure."

Jinki just shook his head before turning back to the food, still listening to the conversation


"That would be us..

"What do you mean shes...

"Is the baby okay?" Jinki turned when he heard Minho say that, his voice low and full of concern.

Jinki wiped his hands off and walked over to the man, placing a concerned hand on Minho's shoulder. "What's wrong Minnie?"  

Minho just shook his head before answering whoever was on the phone. "We will be there as soon as we can." He then hung up the phone, slowly placing it on the counter. His expression was grim, his eyes casted down before looking up at his husband. "It's Jessica. There was an accident."

"What? Is the baby okay?"

"They wouldn't say, but Jinx, she isn't suppose to be due for another 3 months..." Minho bit his lip, trying to keep his emotions under control. "I.. I don't know how she could be okay." Jinki just wrapped his arms around the man, allowing him to press his head into his shoulder.

"Everything will work out okay? Let's just get down there. Jessica needs us right now." Jinki took in a deep breath. "Our baby girl needs us."


When they arrived, Jessica was in surgery. The car accident wasn't serious, being that neither driver was seriously injured, but Jessica was sitting in the passenger seat, and when the air bag shot out, the seat belt tighting and the door slightly bent in.. the baby was under distress. When she arrived at the hospital, her body was doing the only logical thing it knew; that it was safer for the baby outside the womb at that moment. 

Jinki and Minho sat in the waiting room, the younger man's hand clasped tightly between his husband's as they waited. It had been a long road to here, and they had just finally came to terms that things were going to be alright, that they would finally have the family both have wanted for a long time. Now, that persumtion just seemed to shatter. Their baby girl was 3 months premature. If she survived tonight, and that was a big if both men knew, she had a long way to go before she could leave the hospital. 

"What a way to spend our anniversary huh Babe?" Jinki asked quietly as he laid his head against Minho's. The man didn't respond with words, just opting to squeeze his eyes shut and hold Jinki's hand tighter. "She'll be okay Minnie. Both of them will."

"You don't know that." Minho quietly stated. If they weren't so close, the older man probably wouldn't have been able to hear him. "You don't know that." He repeated, his voice finally cracking as the tears fell. Minho was never one to cry, only ever allowing Jinki to see him do so more often then none. The older man just wrapped his arms fully around the man, knowing that he could say nothing to calm him he just kissed the man's neck softly as Minho cried. Jinki's touch had a way of calming him down, and the older man knew that. "I'm.. just so ...afraid."

"Me too.. Me too Minnie." Jinki whispered, the tears falling. 

It seemed just yesterday they were at the doctors seeing the ultrasound for the first time. To find out what the baby's was. It seemed like they were just feeling the baby kick for the first time when they went out to dinner with Jessica.. and now.. They weren't sure if either would make it. There was a nursery all made up. Onesies and blankets folded neatly in the closet, a stuffed bunny in the crib both men had argued over while building it. Both men had laid in bed, talking happily with soft smiles on their faces talking about bring their baby girl home, feeding her. Argueing on who's turn it was to get up in the middle of the night to pick the crying baby up. They had thought about it and dreamed about the day they got the call and had to rush up here to hold Jessica's hand as she brought their baby girl home.. but now? They weren't even sure if they would get the chance to hold their baby, let alone take her home.


Some time later there was a loud cough, and an excuse me, making both men look up as they wiped their eyes. A man in dark blue scrubs was standing there, his face mask still present on his face. "Are you Lee Jinki and Minho?" Both men nodded, making the Doctor sigh in relief. "I'm Doctor Kim, I was in the room with your surrogate Jessica."

"Is she..."

"Jessica is well and sleeping in recovery. Your baby survived too, but is in the SCN."

"Can we see her?" Minho asked softly.

The Doctor nodded. "Yes."

Both men nodded, following the man with their hands clasped together. They were lead to a room, where a nurse asked them to wash up, take off any extra clothing, and put on the necessary garmets. The SCN was a place where premature babies were taken care of, and with their immune systems lacking, the hospital took extra care on what and who they let in. The nurse lead them to the incubator, and smiled softly at the two men. "This is your baby girl."

Jinki choked back a sob when he saw the tiny baby. She looked to small, so fragile. She was small and fragile, the tiny pink hat on her head a little too big for her. He knew that he would have to go meet with the doctor, find out what the future held for them if she survived the night, but he couldn't bring himself to think about any of that. All that was on his mind was how small she was. How precious she was and how much love his heart felt for the little girl he helped create.

"She's so beautiful." Minho whispered, his fingers barely touching the surface as he looked down, his one hand still clasped tightly with his husband's.  


They weren't allowed to hold her just then, but both men stayed as long as the hospital would let them. Jinki and Minho wanted to know if she survived the night, wanted to be there if anything happened, but around 11 they were sent home. The younger man sighed as he collasped onto the couch, closing his eyes before staring blankly at the ceiling. He barely took notice of the older man sitting next to him then, or the man's hand on his knee.

"Minho.. I know you probably don't care about it right now.. but I got these for you." Minho looked over to see Jinki staring at his lap, 6 roses in his hand. The man's face wore the expression of guilt, worry. He didn't want to make his husband mad or sad. He didn't want Minho to think that he wasn't aware of their little baby girl Yuri fighting for her life at the hospital, but Minho also knew that the roses meant a lot to the older man. 

"I do care Jinki." He softly gave the man a slight smile, taking the flowers and kissing Jinki on the cheek. "I thought you had forgotten." 

"A rose every year remember." 

"I love you."

"I love you too."

"We will get through this right?" Minho asked softly, laying the roses on the table. " We will be the family we always thought we would, won't we?"

"Do I always give you roses on our anniversary?" Despite everything, Jinki was still Jinki, and that made Minho smile fully for the first time that night as he leaned into his husband's embrace.  "We will bring Yuri home with us. She's a fighter, just like her Umma."

Minho made a face, "Who says I'm her Umma?"

Jinki just kissed his husband's forehead. 







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Chapter 16: Love the anniversaries :) :)

Sweet and cute :)
myownsaviour #2
Chapter 16: So beautiful!!! I loved their early anniversaries because onho is damn y ;) but their latest anniversaries are so cute!!!! their babies are awesome, i really enjoy their dynamics *-* great job really!! jinki's leuchemia saddens me a lot though :( i will wait happily for any update!
Chapter 16: woah so cute
update soon, please
really, you make the best onho stories
nagii_SHAWOL4ever #4
I hope you'll update soon :)
Chapter 16: Wuah... I do really love this story and hope that this happens to me..plus when I read this and listen to 'in your eyes' made this story more perfect...
Chapter 15: aww.. adorable...
nagii_SHAWOL4ever #7
Chapter 14: Awwww~ it ended well :) thank you for this update and merry Christmas :)
Chapter 13: :'( ... *sobs*
nagii_SHAWOL4ever #9
Chapter 13: Please....please update soon~ you can't leave them like this author-nim~~ please~~~~