14th Anniversary

My True Rose

"Jinki Appa?" 


Jinki turned toward the sound of his little girl, and smiled when he saw Yuri standing awkwardly by the bed. "Yes sweetie?"


"Can I aa, talk to you about something?" 


Jinki frowned slightly at how nervous the young girl sounded, but smiled and sat on the bed; patting beside him to have Yuri climb up. "Sure sweetie. Come on up here."


She gave a small smile and climbed up. She bit her bottom lip and looked at her hands. Jinki touched her hand, and when she looked up he gave her a reassuring smile. The fact she wasn't just asking whatever she wanted to and the fact she was so nervous she couldn't look him in the eye worried him. "Sweetie what did you want to talk about?"


"When's Minho Appa coming home?" She asked quietly.


"Hmm a couple hours I think. Right after Sehun's karate lesson. Why?"


"Because I want to talk about something that I don't know that he would understand."


Jinki gulped softly, but still smiled. "Why don't you tell me what's up Yuri Bear."


"Well, I don't know if I want to play soccer anymore."


Jinki let out a sigh of relief. "Is that all?"


"I'm scared Appa wouldn't allow me to."


"Oh." Jinki smiled, and softly opened his arms. "Come here sweetie."


"Aren't I getting a little too old to sit on your lap Appa?" 


"No matter how old you get, you will always be my baby." He kissed her forehead softly. "Now listen here. Yes, Minho Appa loves it when you play your soccer games. He loves seeing you play and practice, and yes he might be a little dissapointed if you stopped, but he wouldn't force you to play. Was there a reason you don't want to play anymore?" 


"I want to try horseback riding."




"Yea. When we went on that field trip, and I got to pet and take care of that pony, I had a lot of fun. When the girl jumped it was just amazing. I've wanted to try it for a while now."


"Do you really want to try it Sweetie?" Jinki asked softly. Yuri nodded gently. "Then I'll talk to Appa for you."


"Really?" Yuri's face was alit; a huge smile on her face.


"Of course. Just know you can come to me for anything okay? And I mean anything Sweetie."


"Okay." She smiled and kissed Jinki's cheek. "Thanks Appa."


She then dashed off; her long dark hair flying behind her. Jinki just chuckled and walked back to fold the towels that had been discarded.


"How's the lesson going Hon?" Jinki asked as he pressed the phone between his shoulder and his ear. 


"Pretty good, but I've realized something." 


"Oh and what's that?" Jinki asked as he paused over making a snack for Yuri and Luhan. 


"We are paying for Sehun to learn more ways to attack us." The older man laughed. "But he seems to be really enjoying it."


"Well he should. He's been doing it for 2 years now." Jinki looked over at the two who were sitting in the living room. Luhan was laying on the ground paiting something, and Yuri was looking up something on her father's laptop. "You know I was talking with Yuri this afternoon."


"Oh about what?" 


"She said she wants to try horseback riding."


"Like with a giant alive horse?" 


Jinki chuckled slightly. "Yes, that would be how you do it."


"She doesn't have much time for anything Jinx. Soccer and dance lessons are taking up most of her time." 


"That's the thing Babe." Jinki took a deep breath. "She doesn't want to play soccer anymore."


There was silence on the other line for a moment. "Did she tell you that?"




"Why didn't she come talk to me?" Minho mumbled but Jinki heard it. The younger man was closest to their daughter.


"She was afraid you wouldn't understand. She didn't want to dissapoint you. One moment." He placed the phone on the counter before calling the kids. "Lulu, Yuri!"


Luhan looked up and smiled. "Food?" Jinki nodded and laughed when the boy scrambled off the floor and rushed into the kitchen. Yuri was slower; carefully pushing the laptop onto the table before following. 


Jinki helped the boy up onto his seat and pushed the plate closer to him and watched Yuri climb up as he grabbed the phone back off the counter. "Okay I'm back. Sorry, the food was ready."


"That's okay Baby." Minho's voice was quiet, which told the older man he had been thinking. 


"We'll talk more about what we were talking about when you get home okay?" 


"Okay. Are you feeling okay today Jinx?"


"Yea. Just fine. Why?" Jinki asked as he pressed the phone between his shoulder and his ear. 


"I thought I saw.. .oh nothing. I'll be home soon okay?" Jinki frowned.


"Okay. I love you." 


"Love you too Baby." Then Minho hung up right as Jinki could hear Sehun screaming as he ran toward his father.


"So she wants to ride horses now?" Minho asked softly as he watched Jinki change. The older man paused in taking off his shirt and turned toward the man.


"Yea. She saw a woman jump when she went to that farm a couple weeks ago." He pulled off his shirt and Minho looked for the spots he had seen earlier. Sure enough there they were. The big bruise that lined Jinki's spine. 


"Are you sure you are okay?" 


"What? Why do you keep asking me that?" Jinki turned as he pulled on his pajama shirt. 


"Jinx.. there are bruises on your back. Very bad ones." Minho said quietly.


"Oh those things? I tripped and walked into a wall. I'm fine Baby really." He tried to give him a reasuring smile, but by the look on Minho's face it was everything but that. He quickly crawled onto the bed and gently kissed the younger man before saying with his hands still on Minho's cheeks. "I am fine. I'm not going to get sick again Minnie." 


"Just promise me you'll tell me if you don't feel well." 


"I promise." He smiled softly before kissing Minho's forehead gently. He scooted under the covers and smiled widely when the younger man wrapped his arm around him and pulled him in closer. "So what do you think about Yuri?"


"I think that she's only 7 and she shouldn't really know what she wants to do." Minho started, "But that doesn't mean I don't think we should give it a try. Yuri's a smart girl, and I mean she played soccer for 4 years. She doesn't jump from one thing to another." 


"So you want to look into it?" 


"Yea. I think it would be a good idea to look into it." 


Jinki snuggled closer as Minho reached over and turned off the older man's light before doing the same to his own. "Mmm, your warm."


"And you are a giant baby."


Jinki pouted. "But you love me!" 


Minho chuckled. "That I do." He kissed the man's hair gently. "That I do." 

"Appa why do I have to wear this blind fold?"


Minho looked down at the young girl who was holding his hand softly. "Because I have a surprise for you." The little girl hmphed. 


He looked back at his husband, who was making sure the boys had their coats on and Jinki flashed him a smile. Soon enough Jinki was walking with a boy on each side of him. Luhan softly walking as he swung his fathers hand, and Sehun making sure he could jump on every little pile of snow on the frozen dirt path. 


"Alrighty Yuri, are you ready?" Minho whispered. She nodded her head quickly and squealed when the man picked her up and placed her feet on something. "Okay. Open your eyes in 3. 2. 1." He pulled the blind fold off and watched as Yuri's face brightened. "Happy Birthday Yuri."


"Wait, he's mine?" She turned her head, looking between Jinki and Minho. 


Jinki smiled at the young girl. "Yes. He's yours." 


"Why does Yuri get a pony?" Sehun whined. 


Luhan didn't even look at the boy as he stated. "Because you would kill it." He then tugged on Jinki's arm making the man look down. He rose his arms and Jinki smiled before leaning down to pick him up and set him on the wooden fence; placing himself behind the boy to make sure he didn't fall off. 


Yuri looked at the beautiful black pony running around and she smiled and giggled. "He's really mine?" 


Minho nodded as he wrapped his arms around the girl. "He's not a full grown horse yet, so you'll have to grow with him, but he's yours. You have to take care of him because he's yours. Not mine, or Jinki Appas, but yours. If you don't take care of him we'll have to give him to someone who will."


"Oh Appas I will take care of him. I will I promise."


"I know Yuri Bear. I know." Minho kissed her cheek. "Would you like to pet him?"


Jinki chuckled at how fast she nodded her head. He waved his hand and the previous owner of the pony walked over and put the rope around pony. The man lead the animal over to the edge and Yuri yesitantly reached her hand out slowly just like she was taught at the farm she visited a couple months ago. She giggled when the pony whinnied at her touch. 


"Does he have a name?"


Jinki shook his head. "No he doesn't. You get to name him."




"Yea really." Minho stated softly. 


Yuri softly petted the white spot on the horse's nose with wide eyes. "He's so pretty."

Later that night Taemin and Key came over and babysat for them so they could go out. Jinki smiled widely as he pulled Minho along the snow covered sidewalk. 


"Where are you taking me?" Minho asked gently.


"No where. Some where. I don't know. Do you?" Jinki questioned with a big goofy smile on his face.  15 minutes later they were standing in front of the movie theater. 


"What are we going to watch Jinx?" 


"You get to pick." The older man rose up onto his tippy toes and kissed Minho's cheek before handing him the money. "I'll be right back okay? Meet me by the concession stand." Minho nodded as he watched the man go. He wondered where he really had to go, but shook his head and went to get the tickets. 


After getting their snacks the movie went on smoothly. Though Minho wonders why the older man bought him all his favorite snacks, we he knows they would just end up not being eaten. Though Jinki was almost 40, and they haven't been teenagers in years, the two men found themselves making out like they used to back in college, and they loved it.


On the way home Jinki stopped in front of a store and made Minho wait outside. He returned a minute later with 14 roses and a cup of the younger man's favorite coffee. "Happy Anniversary Minnie." 


Minho accepted them with a smile before nodding up at the store. "So is this where you get my roses every year?"


Jinki looked between the building and the man and shook his head. "No. Jonghyun's girlfriend owns the coffee shop that's adjacent to this, and I had him pick them up for me while we went on our date."


"Ah." Minho slightly pouted. "I really will find out where you get my roses every year."


Jinki just softly kissed him and smiled as Minho moved his nose against his. "Good luck Baby."


Yuri's pony looks like the picture. Just smaller and younger. And I don't own the picture.

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Chapter 16: Love the anniversaries :) :)

Sweet and cute :)
myownsaviour #2
Chapter 16: So beautiful!!! I loved their early anniversaries because onho is damn y ;) but their latest anniversaries are so cute!!!! their babies are awesome, i really enjoy their dynamics *-* great job really!! jinki's leuchemia saddens me a lot though :( i will wait happily for any update!
Chapter 16: woah so cute
update soon, please
really, you make the best onho stories
nagii_SHAWOL4ever #4
I hope you'll update soon :)
Chapter 16: Wuah... I do really love this story and hope that this happens to me..plus when I read this and listen to 'in your eyes' made this story more perfect...
Chapter 15: aww.. adorable...
nagii_SHAWOL4ever #7
Chapter 14: Awwww~ it ended well :) thank you for this update and merry Christmas :)
Chapter 13: :'( ... *sobs*
nagii_SHAWOL4ever #9
Chapter 13: Please....please update soon~ you can't leave them like this author-nim~~ please~~~~