13th Anniversary

My True Rose

^^^ Jinki's white fluffy hat in the last part.. but on a different note, arent they adorable? I don't own the picture.


"What do you think about me going back to work fully?"


Jinki looked up as he placed his cup of tea on the counter. "Is that what you want to do?"


"I think so." Minho rubbed the back of his neck before turning and finishing drying the last couple dishes and put them in the cupboard. "It's just the boys will be in school soon, and my purpose of a stay at home parent will kind of be over."


Jinki smiled, "Then come back to work. I've missed having lunch together every day."


"You don't think it will be weird?"


"What do you mean?"


"Coming back after 5 years. Like, do you think I'll be good at it still?"


 The older man chuckled, but stopped himself when he saw Minho's hurt expression. He pushed his cup further onto the counter and walked over to the other man. Jinki wrapped his arms around him, and laid his chin on Minho's shoulder. "You are at the age where most people are just coming into the big companies. You have more experience than them. You will do great."


Minho laid his arms over the older man's and leaned into the hold. "But it's been five years since I've been at the office, and two since I've actually done a case."


"Stop worrying so much Baby/ You are a brillant lawyer. An incredably intelligent man that can do whatever he puts his mind to. You don't have to go back to work. I told you back when we were talking about having another child that I have more than enough money to support us if you didn't want to work ever again."


Minho hummed, "Yes that's true, but what type of man would I be if I allowed myself to mooch off my husband?"


"A husband that I love? A husband in which I take care of?"


Minho just snickered, rolling his eyes. "So you think it's a good idea for me to go back to work?"


"Minho, Baby, you do whatever you think is best. Do what you want to. I'll support you no matter what." He kissed Minho's neck softly before redrawing from the embrace. In the archway inbetween the living room and the kitchen the man stopped and looked back. "Would you like to watch a movie, or go to bed?"


"Go to bed? It's only 8 Jinx." Jinki smirked and gave the man a look." Oh. Go to bed... oh OH." Minho's cheeks flushed, and when he didn't move Jinki came and pulled him by the wrist. "What if the kids hear us Jinx?"


"Has that ever stopped us before?" Jinki asked as he pulled the man down the hall.


Minho gave a soft smile as the older man pulled him into their bedroom. "No."


"Exactly." Jinki growled as the door slammed close; Minho being pressed against it as the older man attacked his neck with his lips. Minho softly moaned, before reaching behind him and locking the door; giving in to the man's touches.


"I've been meaning to ask you these last couple months," Jonghyun paused, tapping his fingers on his knee as he looked over at his boss and best friend. "Now that Minho is back, should I warn Jessica to not allow people to come in here unannouced? Should I knock now?"


Jinki just groaned, slamming the cup of coffee onto the table. "Shut up would you. I have an excruciating headache and have no time for your foolishness."


"Well what crawled up your and died?"


Jinki looked up and glared at the man. "Would you please leave?"


"Alright, alright I get the message. Just look these over and sign them or something. I'm only a call away if you need me." Jonghyun sighed and walked out.


Jinki slouched in his chair with his eyes squeezed shut and his hand over his eyes. He sighed as he rolled his shoulders. He pushed off the chair and grabbed his laptop before going to the couch that was against the window. His back was killing him, and maybe sitting on the couch would help it a little. The clock on the wall read that he had 4 more hours before he could even remotely think about going home, and he groaned loudly. His head was pounding, his stomach felt like it was in knots and as he moved the room began to spin slightly.


As he settled into the couch Jinki closed his eyes and tried to surpress the nausea that was rolling through him. His laptop was laid across his thighs, forgotten, as he rubbed his temples slightly. The room's door was slightly opened after a soft knock was heard, and he didn't have the energy to look to see who it was.


"Baby?" As soon as he snapped his eyes open and moved his head to quickly toward the voice he knew better than his own, he regretted it. Jinki hissed as a sharp pain stabbed him in he back of his head, making Minho rush over to him and look down at him with concern. "Jinki Baby are you okay?"


Jinki waved off the other man with a shooing motion of his hand." Yea, yea. I moved a little too fast."


Minho frowned as he ignored the man's protests and placed the back of his hand against Jinki's forehead. " Jinx. You're burning up."


"I'm fine." Jinki sat up, forced a smile on his face. "Really Baby I'm fine."


Minho's frown became a scowl. "Don't lie to me Jinx. Jonghyun sent me in here, telling me you have a bad headache."


"I'm fi0" Before he could finish his answer, he was shooting off of the couch and running to the small bathroom that was in his office. Minho followed him quickly, pulling his hair back from his face as Jinki vomited into the bowl. As he finished, the younger man rubbed his lower back.


"Are you done Hun?"


Jinki shook his head before another round rolled through him. Once he was finished he wiped his mouth with a piece of wet paper towel, and gave his husband a small smile. "See, I'm fine."


"Are you ting me?" Minho glared. "Go sit on that couch, while I get things together. We are going home."


"What? I have a million files to go through."


"You probably have a 100 plus fever, you were just puking your guts out, and you can't tell me that you head doesn't feel like it's about to explode." Minho's lips were pressed into a firm line. "Now go. I'll be back in a couple of minutes."


Jinki grumbled, but did as he was told.


"Minho stop it! I think I can make my way to the couch by myself." Jinki glared at the younger man. "Stop making a big fuss. It's not like I have cancer." 


Minho just frowned deeply, and turned away and walked into the kitchen. Jinki just scowled at himself for even bringing the damn thing up, knowing full well it was a sore subject for the man, and sat on the couch. He sat his head in his hands, his eyes squeezed shut to stop the stupid light from making his head pound even more. "You know you didn't have to stay home with me Minho." Jinki said quietly when he head the man walk back into the room and set something on the table.


"Baby do you honestly think I could work knowing you are at home sick?" Minho smiled softly at him, kissing the man;s forehead before frowning when he felt the man shiver. "Are you cold?"


"No, no I'm fine." He gave the man his best reassuring smile, before shifting his gaze to the objects on the table. "What are all these for?"


"Change into your pajamas, while I go make you some soup. You'd like that wouldn't you?" Jinki just nodded slightly, allowing Minho to kiss his cheek before leaving the room.


He returned to see Jinki pulling on his pajama pants, and reaching for the shirt that was still on the arm of the couch. Minho laid the pillows he had gotten from their bedroom, and the blanket, onto the reclining chair and slipped into the kitchen before Jinki even noticed he had come in. 30 minutes later he walked into the living room holding a tray of floor, to find his husband curled up in the blanket he had left for him. Minho chuckled softly before sliding the tray onto the table. 


Jinki was beautiful when he slept. His dark hair cascaded over his face and pillow, his eyes softly closed. Minho softly touched the older man's cheek as he whispered. "Baby, aren't you hungry?"


Jinki opened one eyes and smiled softly before looking at the tray. "Chicken noodle?" He asked hopefully.


Minho nodded. "Now sit up."


Jinki frowned as he watched the man get a spoonful and moved to feed him. "I can feed myself Minnie."


Minho nodded and laid the spoon back into the bowl. He handed the bowl over and added more crackers, just the way Jinki loved it, and the TV. He then moved to leave; walking into the kitchen.


Jinki frowned; His head hurt and his stomach was growling loudly. He picked the spoon up and he was finished with it when Minho returned to the room a couple minutes later. He smiled at the sight of his husband, but his expression fell when he saw how sweaty the man was, and the soft weak look of his eyes.


"I never said I wanted you to leave." Jinki said softly, a small smile on his face.


"I wasn't gone for that long Jinx." Minho hated it when Jinki was sick. It made him think about the time he had cancer, and just how weak Jinki was during it. It made him think of how utterly helpless he felt when the older man was getting weaker and weaker with each procedure that he received. "I got you some Tylenol."


"Thanks." After the pill and juice were swallowed, Jinki looked up with a tired smile as he felt Minho's hand running through his hair. "Do you mind sitting with me?"


"One moment Baby." He disappeared into the kitchen, and returned a moment later with a wet towel and a popcicle. He gave a small smile. "You're burning up. Now sit up a little Jinx."


Jinki did as he was told, and the younger man slid in behind him. He smiled as Minho opened his arms and allowed him to lean into his chest. He gently ate the cherry popcicle as Minho gently tan the cool cloth over his forehead. "Mmm cherry."


"You're adorable."


"Mind turning the TV off?" Minho hummed as he reached for the remote and did as he was asked. "Thanks, it was a little too loud.


"Want the light off too?" Jinki nodded, placing the popcicle stick on the table and moved a little in the younger man's embrace. The light was simmed, and JInki smiled softly as Minho countinued to move the cloth. "Do you feel a little bit better Baby?"


"Just stay here." Minho placed the now warm cloth on the table, and kissed the man's forehead. "Babe?"




"What about the kids?"


When I left I called Taemin and asking him if they could stay over for the night. I knew you needed peace and quiet."


"Babe?" Minho chucked softly at how cute the man's voice was.


"Yes?" Minho asked gently, his voice barely a whisper.


"Sing for me."




"Sing for me."


"You are sick, and you want me to sing for you? You really don't want to get better do you?"


"Please Baby?"


Minho groaned, but he knew he could never say no to the older man. Whne Jinki gently kissed Minho's jawline, it made the younger man give in fully and ask, "What would you like to hear?"


"Anything Baby."


"Okay." Minho glanced down at the man, and smiled as he began to sing. His voice was soft and deep, and a little shaky, but Jinki didn't mind it. Minho watched as the older man;s eyes fluttered shut, his fingers curling around his shirt as Jinki leaned further into him. When Minho finished, he smiled as he heard Jinki's soft snores. Minho wrapped his arms fully around his lover, and kissed his hair softly. "I love you Jinx."


Jinki woke up 3 hours later, with Minho's arms still wrapped around him. He shifted slightly, not wanting to disturb the younger man, but when he felt those familiar warm lips against his temple, and the deep voice flowing through him, he knew the other man was already awake. "Do you feel better Baby?"


Before Jinki could answer him, he was shooting off the chair and rushing into the bathroom. Minho walked in to see the man sitting on the floor, his head leaned against the cool white bathrub. He looked up with half closed eyes. "Guess not that well." He tried to give a smile, but the urge to put his head in the toilet and puke prevented him from doing anything.


Minho frowned deeply as he held the man's hair back. "You done Jinx?" 


The man nodded and allowed Minho to help him up from the floor. Jinki quickly brushed his teeth of all the stomach acid in his mouth, before turning and telling the younger man. "You should go take the kids some stuff. Yuri can't sleep without her rabbit and Luhan without his Panda."


"Will you be okay?" Minho's gaze and voice were full of concern.


Jinki gave a small smile. "I would go with you, but we don't need 3 sick children."


"Alrighty. I'll be back soon." Minho kissed his husband's cheek and left to get things together.


"Some Anniversary to have huh Babe?" Jinki asked to his reflection, before spitting into the sink and putting his toothbrush back into it's spot in the cup.


"Jinki I'm back." Minho called as he looked in the living room, and frowned when there was no evidence that the man had been out here. "Jinx?"


He heard shuffling in the hallway, and he surpressed his laughter when he saw the bundle that he called his husband. "Hi."


Jinki was wrapped up in their big blue comforter, his pooh bear footie pajamas could be seen where the huge blue fabric ended, and his big fluffy white hat was on his head. "Were you cold, or something Baby?" Jinki just softly smiled before nodding, "Then why didn't you start the fire?"


"I couldn't start the lighter." Jinki pouted. "My hands were shaking too much."


"Well go sit down." Minho smiled before walking over and kneeling in front of the fireplace. He quickly started the fire, and turned to see the Jinki bundle sitting quietly with a small smile on his face a little ways off. "Want some hot chocolate?" He nodded with a huge smile, but frowned as nausea rolled through him. "Don't move so fast Baby." Jinki gave a small smile and watched the younger man walk into the kitchen. Minho returned a moment later carrying two cups of hot chocolate​, just the way the older man liked it. His smile was huge as he handed the cup over and gave Jinki a long slow kiss on his temple. "Thank you for the roses Baby." 


"I'm sorry I'm sick on our Anniversary." Jinki frowned, his gaze lowering.


"Don't be Jinx. I love you. Now come here so I can cuddle your sickness to death." Jinki smiled a huge smile, and kissed Minho's cheek.


"Happy Anniversary Baby."


"Happy Anniversary my little hot water bottle." Jinki even laughed when Minho softly wiped a bit of a whip cream on the tip of his nose.




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Chapter 16: Love the anniversaries :) :)

Sweet and cute :)
myownsaviour #2
Chapter 16: So beautiful!!! I loved their early anniversaries because onho is damn y ;) but their latest anniversaries are so cute!!!! their babies are awesome, i really enjoy their dynamics *-* great job really!! jinki's leuchemia saddens me a lot though :( i will wait happily for any update!
Chapter 16: woah so cute
update soon, please
really, you make the best onho stories
nagii_SHAWOL4ever #4
I hope you'll update soon :)
Chapter 16: Wuah... I do really love this story and hope that this happens to me..plus when I read this and listen to 'in your eyes' made this story more perfect...
Chapter 15: aww.. adorable...
nagii_SHAWOL4ever #7
Chapter 14: Awwww~ it ended well :) thank you for this update and merry Christmas :)
Chapter 13: :'( ... *sobs*
nagii_SHAWOL4ever #9
Chapter 13: Please....please update soon~ you can't leave them like this author-nim~~ please~~~~