12th Anniversary/ Christmas extra type thingy

My True Rose
 "Come on sweetie. Wake up." Jinki smiled softly as Yuri slowly rubbed her eyes and focused in on him.  "Good morning Jumping Bean." 
"Jinki Appa? I thought you had to be at work."
He just smiled widely and picked her up out of the covers. She laid her head against his shoulder, clinging onto the fabric of his shirt as he gently rubbed her back. "Not today, sweetie."
As they passed the couch, Yuri yawned. "Why have you been sleeping on the couch Appa?" 
Jinki gulped. He didn't want to lie to his daughter, but he couldn't necessarily tell her that he was in trouble with her Appa, and that Minho was trying to prove a point. For the last 2 weeks he had been put out on the couch, because the younger man wanted to show that he could be upset with Jinki, and that he didn't always give in like he usually did. 
"I snore, and Minho Appa needs a little more sleep. That's all." Yuri believed him, like she always did. That was one thing that the man missed about being a child. The childish glee and characteristic that made them easy to believe and easy to forgive. Yuri forgave him for missing her birthday, and laughed almost the entire next day when he took her to the zoo to see the new baby lemur that had been born. 
Minho was the only one that hadn't forgiven him yet. The younger man had always been stubborn, but when it came to Jinki he was always easy and rather quick to forgive and forget. He loved Jinki more than anything, and the older man knew that whatever came between them, they usually got through it rather quickly, but this time was different. This time Minho hadn't come running apologizing for something he didn't do. He didn't come running offering his forgiveness and asking Jinki to promise to never do it again. This time he hadn't forgiven.
Jinki had made sure he came home every day by 6 on the dot. He made sure to sing for the boys and tickle Yuri before reading her a story. He made sure of it. Jinki made sure that he didn't show how much it hurt when Minho didn't speak to him. The older man made sure that when Minho pushed his plate of food over and the fact his husband didn't say a word to him or even look at him, that he didn't show how much it hurt. When Minho went to bed without a word, just laying another set of pajamas on the couch cushion, Jinki would smile and say goodnight, and try to ignore the stab in his heart when the man didn't say it back. He would call I love you through the closed door, and he would make sure that he didn't allow himself to cry when Minho didn't say it back. He would then go and sleep on the couch, or whatever you would call tossing and turning with his eyes closed attempting to fall asleep. 
Little did the older man know, Minho couldn't sleep a wink. Without the familiar warmth of Jinki against him, sleep was a foreign concept to him too. Every time Jinki would walk by the closed bedroom door, and whisper that he loved him, Minho would always whisper it back after the man had sighed and walked away; giving up on the idea that Minho would say it back. It wasn't that Minho was still mad, but it was the point he still believed Jinki needed to be taught something. That he wouldn't just easily be forgiven like he always used to be. 
"Here sweetie." Jinki handed Yuri her favorite cup filled with her usual apple juice, after softly setting her on the couch. "I'll be right back okay?" She nodded before taking a sip out of the straw.
He smiled softly when he saw the Christmas decorations he had gotten out of the storage room as he walked back down the hall to get the twins. Minho wouldn't be up for another hour, at least that's when he would be getting up if Jinki hadn't snuck in and turned off his alarm. 
The two boys were sleeping soundly in their matching race car beds. Luhan was laying ontop of his giant panda bear, slightly drooling with his blankets on the floor. Sehun was sprawled out in all directions with his blanket wrapped around him. All tangled up in his skinny limbs. 
The smallest of the two would be hard to wake up. He took after Jinki in the fact that he was very cuddly in the morning. Luhan liked to be held as his Appa made him his breakfast. He liked being softly talked to and asked questions about his dreams as he pinched his father's cheek and observed his food that was being made. He was always still tired; half in and half out of sleep against his father's chest before being fed.
Sehun on the other hand was easy to get up. All Jinki had to do was walk over to the boy and gently kiss his forehead and whisper wake up, and the boy was looking at him with big wide eyes. "Good morning Jinki Appa."
"Good morning Sehunnie. How did you sleep?" Jinki asked as he kneeled. He smiled as he helped the boy untangle himself, and slipped on a pair of socks because he knew Sehun's feet usually froze against the cold wooden floors. 
"I was toasty!" Jinki poked the boys tummy softly, making Sehun giggle. "Why isn't Minnie Appa waking me up?"
"Do you not want me to wake you up?" 
"No.. that's not it." Sehun gave a huge smile, jumping off the bed and wrapped his arms around his father's neck, hugging him. 
"Well it's almost Christmas, and the tree isn't up yet. And you know how much Appa loves Christmas, so we are going to decorate before he gets up." 
"Really? Tree and lights and everything?"
"Yes." Jinki smiled at the boys enthusiasm. "Your bananas are made and on the living room table okay? Yuri should be out there too. Go on." The boy smiled once before kissing his father's cheek. Jinki chuckled before calling after the boy before he left the room. "Be quiet remember. Minho Appa is sleeping." Sehun smiled widely and continued on his way.
That being said, Jinki turned toward his little squishy. He walked over and gently patted the boy's , which only made Luhan wiggle it. Jinki chuckled before softly picking the boy up. Luhan only murmured in his sleep, whimpering for a moment at the lost of his bear before quieting when he felt Jinki underneath him. "Good Morning Lulu." Jinki said softly, as he ran his hand over the boy' s soft hair.
"Jinki Appa?" The boy opened one eye, looking up at the man who was holding him.
"Who's little squishy are you huh?" The boy smiled and tucked his head under Jinki's chin as he was carried out of the room. "What would you like for breakfast?"
"I'm not hungry." Luhan mumbled, his eyes still closed.
"Now I know that is a lie." Jinki glanced at Sehun and Yuri, who were both enjoying their breakfast while watching some cartoon on the TV, before walking into the kitchen. "How about cereal?" The boy shook his head softly. "Banana like your brother?" Again he shook his head. "Well, what do you want Squishy?"
"I want waffles."
"Waffles? You don't even like waffles." 
"Minnie Appa just never makes them for me." 
"Maybe he has a reason for it?"
"Yea, because he says they are yours." That warmed Jinki's heart. There was a box of waffles in the freezer, and he usually had them for breakfast every morning because he could eat them on the way. The fact Minho wouldn't allow Luhan to have any because they were his, made a huge smile erupt on Jinki's face.
"Well today you can have some." He moved the boy onto his hip and took a waffle out of the box before putting in the toaster. "Syrup or butter and sugar sweetie?"
"Butter and sugar." Luhan was more awake now with both eyes open and locked on his father's actions, but his head was still pressed against Jinki's chest. 
"Just like me huh?" The boy nodded, a little more happy that he was like his father. After a moment Jinki had the waffle ready, and breaking the rules of the house and allowed the boy to eat in the living room.  He cut the waffle into small pieces and allowed Luhan to feed himself.
He sat in front of the couch with Luhan in his lap, and chuckled at how Yuri was attempting to feed Sehun his bananas.  "But Yuuurrrri I can feed myself!"
"No baby brother. I must feed you." Sehun scowled but allowed her to do so. 
Before they knew it Luhan was finished, and Jinki grabbed a wipe and wiped his face and hands off.  He placed the plate in the fridge, along with Yuri's cup and Sehun's bowl, and when he returned he had to cover his mouth to soften his laughter. Luhan was standing near the open box of tree decorations, while his two siblings wrapped garlen and lights around him. They both looked up as he walked into the room, expressions full of guilt across their young faces. 
"What are you two doing?" 
"Decorating a tree?" Sehun answered hopefully.
"Yes, yes that Appa." Yuri chimed.
Jinki just shook his head and walked over to save Luhan from his siblings torture, even though by the look on the small boys face he hadn't minded in the least. "I doubt Luhan is a tree. He's the smallest of all of you. Now go put yourselves to use and put this over by the actual tree."
Sehun pouted but nonetheless grabbed the lights that Jinki had taken off his twin brother.  Luhan giggled as a bit of tinsel brushed across his nose. "That tickles." 
Jinki just smiled and moved over to the open box. As he reached in to grab all the other lights and decorations, the three kids were looking over the edge with wide eyes. Usually Minho and Jinki put the tree up themselves when the kids were asleep. A little thing between them without the kids. They would put the tree up but leave the stockings for the kids to hang in the morning on the fireplace. The two men would then sit by the fire and drink tea or hot chocolate and just enjoy each others time without the kids screaming for their attention. But Jinki knew that wasn't probably going to happen this year, and he knew how much his husband loved Christmas. 
"What's that Appa?" He turned to Yuri, who was pointing to Minho's frog stocking that he hadn't used in years, and he bit back a laugh.
"That would be your Appa's old stocking. You should ask why him why he still has it." 
"I think we should use it this year."  She stated as she ran her hand's over the very old green fabric. 
"Because he looks like a frog." She mouthed duh and walked away, making Jinki shake his head. 
"That's not something you can put in your mouth Sehun." He scolded the young boy after noticing the boy trying to eat a candy cane ornament. 
"But it's candy!" 
"Sehunnie you are being weird again." Yuri commented with her hands on her hips. Which only made the boy run toward her. She ran away in a fit of giggles, knowing full well she would never allow him to catch her.
"Am I the only normal one Appa?" Jinki took his attention away from the other two to look at Luhan who was standing holding the fluffy tree skirt in his hands.
"Between me and you, I just think you have less Minho Appa in you. Just don't tell him I said that." Luhan smiled, before grabbing the extra lights and raising his hand. Jinki took it with a smile, and led him over to the tree. He glanced over at the other two, and quietly stated. "Stop it. Your Appa  trying to sleep you know." 
"Sorry!" The two of them echoed, before following their father's stern finger pointing beside him. 
"Unwrap the ornaments okay? Be careful." The two of them rushed off as Jinki picked Luhan up, and allowed him to toss the lights on the tree as he carried the boy around the tree.
"Am I doing this right Appa?" Luhan asked.
"Just perfect Lulu. Ready for the top?" The boy nodded enthusiastically, before Jinki lifted him up. Luhan giggled as he tossed the lights and clapped happily once he was finished and lowered back into Jinki's grasp.
"Can I plug it in?" Jinki nodded and let the boy down. Luhan's eyes went wide as the lights flashed on. "Yay!"
Jinki's attention snapped to the right when he  heard glass shatter. Sehun looked up at him with wide eyes. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!"
Jinki just smiled and went to pick the broken pieces up. "Don't worry about it Sehunnie. I've broken more than you could even count sweetie." 
After all of the pieces were picked up, Jinki picked up an ornament and after handing it to Sehun, lead the boy to the tree. He lifted the boy's hand and helped him place it on a branch with a smile. "There you go." 
Yuri and Luhan watched, and once they knew what to do, they began to grab ornaments and place them on various parts of the tree. Jinki just stood a little ways off, watching his children move from the box to the tree; walking over and picking them up so they could put them on the higher parts. He loved seeing them smile, and laugh as they worked. And he was glad he was sitting when Sehun found the bag of tinsel and began to throw it all over everything but the tree, and how he was laying it across Yuri's  hair like a silver wig, because he was laughing to hard to have been able to stand. 
Yuri glared as she blew the shiny piece of tinsel out of her eyes, and the similarity between her's and his husband's was uncanny. "YAH! Do I look like a tree to you Sehun?"
Sehun gave her a blank expression. " Yes."
Jinki just shook his head and went to help Yuri get the tinsel out of her hair and pick up what was on the floor. Luhan took the silvery strands and threw them on the tree as he danced around the tree with a huge smile on his face. "And done!" 
"Hmm, not yet. Who want's to do the star?" Jinki asked as he bent down and lifted the white star out of the box.
"Me." Jinki turned around so fast he was surprised him when he didn't find himself  falling over. Minho's deep, sleep layered voice surprised him, especially since for all he knew the younger man was suppose to be asleep. Minho uncrossed his arms, and walked from his spot in the hallway. He stopped a little ways away from Jinki, holding his hand up. "Well? Are you going to stand there staring at me all day or hand me the star?" 
"Oh um, here." Minho gave a smile, the first Jinki had received in 2 weeks and he felt his heart beat against his chest. He watched the man walk over to the tree, and placed the star on top of it. 
"Hey kids why don't you go into Appa's bed?" Minho turned to the children, smiling softly.
"Can we jump on it?" Yuri asked with a wide smile. Minho just nodded, and all three ran towards the hall, but Luhan stopped for a moment and came back. He pulled down on Jinki's hand, making the man lower to the boys level so he could whisper in his Appa's ear.
"Tell him sorry okay?" He gave a big smile before running after his other siblings. 
Once the two men were alone, Jinki looked up and rubbed his neck as he gave his husband a small smile. "I meant to be done before you woke up. To make you breakfast and everything."
"I thought you had a big meeting today."
"I did."
"So why are you here?"
"Because this, my family, is more important than a meeting with a partner company." Jinki stated softly." I lost my way. My priorities were all messed up. Christmas is in 2 weeks, and the tree wasn't up. It's always up Minho. Always on my birthday, and this year it wasn't and that hurt. I messed things up Minho, and I am sorry. So so very sorry. I miss you. I miss going to bed with you. Just you talking to me. Please, please forgive me. I'll do anything. I'd give up my job, and sell my share of the stock if you wanted me to. You mean more to me than a life I didn't even want."
Minho just softly smiled, walking the distance between them and wrapped his arms around Jinki. He took a deep breath of the older man's scent, holding him close. "I've missed you too. Please forgive me for being a hard head. I love you, and I've noticed you coming home early every day, and showing how much this family means to you, but did you honestly think you could put the tree up without me noticing?"
"How long were you in the hallway's opening like that?"
"Since Sehun shattered that ornament."
"And you didn't say a thing? You just stood there and watched me?" Jinki's fingers found the back of  Minho's thin robe, clutching the fabric as the taller man held him close.
"Honestly? I could watch you for days and never say a thing." Jinki nuzzled his nose into Minho's shoulder, and his breath hitched when he felt Minho kiss the top of his head. 
"Does this mean I don't have to sleep on the couch anymore?" Jinki asked in a very soft voice.
Jinki felt the laughter roll through the other man's body. "Yes, this means you get to come to bed Baby." 
"I don't want you to ever let go of me." Jinki mumbled against his husband. 
"And I won't Baby. I won't ever." Minho parted far enough to give him access to the man's lips. He presssed his own against the lips he missed more than ever, and loved the sound the older man made. 
"Come on, we better get the kids before they hurt themselves."
Before the man could pull away, Minho's grip tightened. Jinki looked back with a small curious smile. "Thank you."
"The tree. Putting it up and just allowing me to see you with the kids like that. Just thank you."
"Thank you for forgiving me." Jinki smiled once more before heading down the hallway, and he didn't hear the younger man when Minho said.
"Thank you for loving me."
"Babbbby." Minho pressed his lips against the back of Jinki's neck as he rubbed the man's hip bone with his thumb. The older man murmured, pressing his face further into Minho's arm that he was laying on. " Jinki Baby wake up. Open those beautiful eyes of yours."
Jinki didn't though. He just rolled over, wrapping his arm around Minho's waist and pulled him in closer to him. His head was tucked undered the younger man's as he pushed his leg between his husband's. He hummed softly as Minho twirled strands of his hair around his finger. "Mmm you like that Jinx?" The man only hummed in agreement, moving his foot along Minho's leg, making the man's pajama pants ride up his leg. 
"You're adorable." Minho whispered as he continued to twirl the man's hair. "You know Baby, it's Christmas morning."
"Is it?" 
"Do you think the kids are up yet?" 
"We are still in bed, so no." 
Jinki hummed, his eyes gently shut with his lips slightly parted. "Merry Christmas Baby."
Minho kissed Jinki's forehead, whispering. "Merry Christmas to you too Babe."
The piece and quiet was shattered by Sehun screaming for his siblings to wake up, saying it was Christmas. "We don't have much time."
"Maybe 2, 3 minutes left."
"5 if we are lucky."
"Oh how are we going to live through this?" Jinki asked, a mocking tone in his voice.
Minho just chuckled, pulled the man into a kiss and held the man against him. His fingers cupping the man's cheek. He smiled widely when he heard the three sets of footsteps running down the hall. "3."
"2." Jinki said with a smile. 
"1." At that the door was swung open, and the 3 children of the house attacked the two men hugging each other in the bed. 
Jinki leaned back into Minho's chest, his fingers tapping softly against the younger man's thigh as they watched their children play with their presents. The fire roared to the right of them, hot chocalotes for the 5 of them on the table, and wrapping paper was thrown around the room like a bomb went off. Luhan was spinning rubics cube randomly, giggling when he got more than 2 matching colors together. Next to him was his set of paint and brushes that he had been wanting for the last 6 months. Sehun was making his remote control car, which he had to have batteries put in as soon as he opened it, into the wall as he laughed his sides sore. Yuri was glancing up every now and again, eyeing her baby brothers like they had two heads, before shaking her head and returning to her doll house that she had gotten. None paid attention to the two men a little ways away.
"Are you happy with what I got you?" Minho asked softly as he laid his chin on the top of Jinki's head. 
The older man wiggled his toes, showing off the socks that Minho had gotten him with the toes. "Yessss. Now I can be a sock ninja when the kids are asleep."
Minho just chuckled softly. " Sock ninja eh?"
Jinki nodded once, before turning his head to look up at the man. "Did you like what I got you?"
"I always do, but I already have the best thing I could have ever received."
"If you go and be the giant cheese ball that you are I will poke you to death."
"Well you better get your finger ready because," Minho's voice got low and breathy as he pressed his lips against the man's ear. "I have you. You were and still are the best present I've ever received." 
Jinki blushed and poked the man in the side. "Aish, why do I love you." He muttered. 
"Because I'm a giant cheese ball." Minho gave a goofy grin before kissing Jinki softly.
Only to get a collective, "Eww." From their children.
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Chapter 16: Love the anniversaries :) :)

Sweet and cute :)
myownsaviour #2
Chapter 16: So beautiful!!! I loved their early anniversaries because onho is damn y ;) but their latest anniversaries are so cute!!!! their babies are awesome, i really enjoy their dynamics *-* great job really!! jinki's leuchemia saddens me a lot though :( i will wait happily for any update!
Chapter 16: woah so cute
update soon, please
really, you make the best onho stories
nagii_SHAWOL4ever #4
I hope you'll update soon :)
Chapter 16: Wuah... I do really love this story and hope that this happens to me..plus when I read this and listen to 'in your eyes' made this story more perfect...
Chapter 15: aww.. adorable...
nagii_SHAWOL4ever #7
Chapter 14: Awwww~ it ended well :) thank you for this update and merry Christmas :)
Chapter 13: :'( ... *sobs*
nagii_SHAWOL4ever #9
Chapter 13: Please....please update soon~ you can't leave them like this author-nim~~ please~~~~