2nd Anniversary

My True Rose
Outside the window beautifully colored leaves glided on the gently blown wind currants, and the evening sun set slowly as it got later. The tall lawyer inside the building however, paid no mind to any of that, given the fact his office's shades were down blocking it all from view.  He almost wanted to sceam at the person on the other line of the phone, some client bugging him for the millionth time it seemed wanting to know details about their case that Minho didn't have, but he managed to hold his tongue until the client hung up. 
That's when he slammed the phone back onto the receiver and sighed. He squeezed the bridge of his nose between two fingers as he closed his eyes. Yes he had worked extremely hard to be here, graduating law school early and all, but sometimes he just really stops and thinks about the what ifs. If he hadn't gone to law school, if he hadn't applied for this job. what if what if what if. He glanced over at the numerous case files on his desk and swore them all to hell. His watch said it was 5:45, which meant he had 15 minutes before he was off, and Jinki would be walking through the closed office foor. 
At the thought of the older man Minho finally smiled, the stress and ware of the day falling off of him. Jinki was brighter then the sun, illuminating the path for Minho through all the stress and annoyance of the day. The way he always was at the Lawyers office at the same time everyday, and how he had the special smile only Minho received. His laughter, and the warmth of his hand as he held the younger's. Just him.
Minho inwardly swore when he heard the clacking of heels coming through the now open door. He didn't have to look up to know who it was; he knew just by the obnoxious perfume the woman wore that it was Krystal, his secretary. "I brought you those files you requested Minnie."
"I asked for those hours ago." Minho sighed, before barely turning his head to glare at the young woman. "And besides, I thought I told you to never call me that Krystal."
She mocked surprise, "Oh, do you not like the name Minnie?" She batted her eye lashes at the man as she set the numerous files on the desk. 
"Coming from you I don't." He sighed, before looking up at her. "Thank you for bring me these, but I must get going. So should you, have a nice night Krystal." He stood up quickly, moving to gather up the files. He paused when the woman hadn't moved. " Is there something else that you would like to speak to me about?"
Krystal just shyly smiled, before walking over to Minho and pushing herself between the man and the desk. She placed her hand's on the fabric of his white dress shirt, looking up at him. "Yes there is."
Minho just glared, before hissing out. "I told you I'm not interested."
"You keep saying that Babe, but I know you don't mean it. " She pushed him into the desk chair he had just left, before ing her blouse a little bit more, leaning over him. 
"Go home Krystal. I told you I will never do this with you."
"Why, I know you want me." She ran her tongue over her bottom lip, trying very hard to be seductive.
"I am married. Happily married, to a wonderful man." Raising his voice to emphasize happily and man. "I don't even play on the same team as you."
She ran her finger tips over his shirt's buttons, moving to remove them. "I can show you that you are wrong." Before he could push her off of him she froze when they both heard the loud cough from the direction of the door. Minho looked through the opening of Krystal's arm and body to lay eyes on the man he had been wanting to see. 
"Excuse me, but what is going on here?" Jinki asked, his hand clentched at his side.
Krystal removed herself from Minho's lap, straighting her skirt before glaring at the other man. "Who are you to walk in here like you own the place?" 
Jinki just smirked. "Because I kind of do. Lee Jinki, of Lee Corporations, nice to meet you." Krystal just stared at him with an slack jaw. He just tsked, "Please maam, close your mouth and walk away from here. And I may just forget that you were just trying to force yourself upon my husband."
"Minnie isn't married. I wasn't forcing anything. He wanted me to do it just as much as I wanted to."
Jinki glared when the woman used his nickname for Minho, before smirking. "Then what is that gold ring on his finger, and those pictures on his desk? And tell me why he walks home with me every day, to the apartment we share together. Oh and tell me why I him relentlessly all over that apartment."  Krystal just stared at the man. " And tell me why I am even giving you the light of day, someone who knows the man is married, happily I might add, and you still try to sleep with him. He's GAY you imbecile. He likes . it, it, being ed with it. Mine to be percise and I could almost laugh at the per fact you are so blind to see that he doesn't want to you for the bluntly obvious reason that he bottoms. He ing loves getting pounded into, so instead of spending all the time you do trying to make him you, you could actually do the job I am paying you to do." His voice wasn't loud, but calm, and Minho found out that it was even more intimidating than if he was screaming. He walked over to Minho, shooting a glare at the woman before pulling the man to him by the hip. He smiled widely as he said. "Have a goodnight Krystal."
She just shut in a grim line and strutted off. Once she left with a slammed door Jinki sighed, removing his arm from the other man. He sat on the desk, not daring to look up at his husband. "Babe.. are you okay?" He glanced over at Minho, but didn't raise his head fully. "Babe answer me."
"I am fine Minho. It wasn't that I thought you would actually do something because I know you all too well to know that you wouldn't. It was the fact someone else was touching you, attmepting to at least and even though I knew you weren't enjoying it, it grinds my gears she has the audacity to keep trying. Knowing you are married, and knowing you don't like her in that way. I just.. I'm sorry I shouldn't have gone off like that." Jinki sighed, finally looking up. Minho smiled softly before wrapping his arms around the older man.
"Don't be. I found that kind of hot." 
"You being mad and jealous like that. It was really y." Minho blushed and returned to the task of putting the files in his laptop bag. Jinki just smiled as he watched his husband, all the anger and negative feelings leaving his body. "By the way, who said you could openly say I bottom? I have a manly persona and reputation to uphold here."
Jinki's eyes crinkled. "Oh so bottoming now makes you inmasiculine?" The older man smirked as he stood up and moved behind his husband, gently squeezing Minho's through his suit. Jinki smirked satisfyingly when the man yelped quietly. "But Dear, you always look manly underneath me."
Minho groaned and swore when he felt the man press up against him. "Jinki." He managed to get the one word out as he felt his husband's hands ro
"I have a fun surprise for you when we get home." Minho looked over at his husband, the older man's legs swinging. "I think you'll like it." 
"Well.. lets get going then." Jinki smiled as he took Minho's outstretched hand, and almost smirked as he ran his fingertips over the blindfold that was in his pocket.
They were in the elevator going up to their floor when Jinki brought the blindfold out, softly but quickly pulling it over the other man's eyes. "What is this for?"
"It's apart of the surprise." He hugged the taller man, pressing himself against him. "Do you trust me Minho?"
"What.. of course."
"I love you, and if you don't like any of this, all you have to say is stop okay?" Minho nodded as Jinki let out a sigh of relief before leading his husband into their appartment. "Stand right here and don't move. Don't take it off okay?" Minho nodded, and frowned when the warmth the other man gave up disappeared as he walked away.
Minho strained his neck to hear what the other man was doing, and smiled softly when he heard the other man singing nonsense as he did whatever the hell he was doing. Jinki was rushing about, putting the final touches on everything; doing the little things Key and Jonghyun had failed to do while they were at work, glancing over at his husband every so often to make sure he was where he was left and not peeking.
He returned back to the man, grabbing him and kissing him roughly. When they part Minho's lips were parted, swollen from the abuse. "Can I look now?"
Jinki fidgited with the only piece of clothing he was wearing, before sighing and grabbing ahold of the two freshly cut roses off the table. He pressed them into Minho's hand, and replied. "Yes."
Jinki was nervous. Nervous that this wasn't good enough. That everything that he had planned for tonight would fall short of the younger's expectations. Last year he had done something big, and he had to try and beat it every year, for he knew his husband was expecting it. He looked down at the white silk robe he wore, and gulped as he saw Minho raise his hands to take off the blind fold. Jinki took a deep breath and dashed off, giggling when he heard the younger man swear.
Minho opened his eyes after letting his hand fall with the blind fold, to see his husband no where in sight. He scowled, but his expression softened when he saw the roses in his hands, the white and red petals leading to the bedroom. What was the man up to? He headed that way while gently sniffing the two roses in his hand. He turned into the room to see Jinki standing there with his back turned to him, the semi translucent white silke robe hugging his every curve.
He held back a moan at the sight of his husband. Jinki turned with a huge smile on his face, his fingers gently wrapped around the one thing that was holding the robe close. He smirked as he pulled it out of the bow, allowing the fabric to fall, reveiling his very bare body underneath. Minho felt himself stiffing against the confinds of his suit pants, his mouth suddenly going dry."Like what you see Baby?"
"I love it." Minho placed the roses on the dresser next to the door and was over wrapping his arms around the older man in a second.  Jinki smiled as he nipped the man's neck, rolling his hips against the taller man, before ripping the man's shirt off. Knowing it was an old shirt anyway. " Jinx, you should wear this more often."
"I'm glad. This is your present this year."
"You tell me what to do, and I will do it. Anything you ever fantasized about, we will do it without question. I am yours to order around tonight." 
"But you usually take control..."
Jinki smirked. "That was the point by beautiful rose." He leaned down and gently bit the younger man's . "Take me Baby. Take control of me." 
Minho growled. Oh he was going to enjoy this.
so.. yea.. cough
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Chapter 16: Love the anniversaries :) :)

Sweet and cute :)
myownsaviour #2
Chapter 16: So beautiful!!! I loved their early anniversaries because onho is damn y ;) but their latest anniversaries are so cute!!!! their babies are awesome, i really enjoy their dynamics *-* great job really!! jinki's leuchemia saddens me a lot though :( i will wait happily for any update!
Chapter 16: woah so cute
update soon, please
really, you make the best onho stories
nagii_SHAWOL4ever #4
I hope you'll update soon :)
Chapter 16: Wuah... I do really love this story and hope that this happens to me..plus when I read this and listen to 'in your eyes' made this story more perfect...
Chapter 15: aww.. adorable...
nagii_SHAWOL4ever #7
Chapter 14: Awwww~ it ended well :) thank you for this update and merry Christmas :)
Chapter 13: :'( ... *sobs*
nagii_SHAWOL4ever #9
Chapter 13: Please....please update soon~ you can't leave them like this author-nim~~ please~~~~