3rd Anniversary

My True Rose
"I'm home babe!" Minho smiled as he wiped his hands on the dishtowel before rushing to the door to greet his husband. 
Jinki hummed as the younger man kissed him, just happy to be home. Minho held him in his embrace for a while, both just taking in the scent of the other. "Mmm. I missed you today."
"I missed you too Baby" Minho sighed as he buried his face deeper into his husband's neck as he murmured." Dinner is almost ready if you want to take a shower." 
"I'd rather just watch you finish cooking hun." Jinki smiled as Minho finally released him. 
The younger man just smirked as he walked away, pulling the other man by his wrist. Jinki liked it when Minho was off and waiting at home. He was always wearing sweatpants and a simple t shirt, but those sweatpants hung low on his hips and by god was it the best thing after him being . Minho released his wrist and finished preparing the food, pushing the made plate and a pair of chopsticks across the counter to the older man. "Eat up."
"I'd rather eat you up." Jinki wiggled his eyebrows, and chuckled at how his husband blushed and hurried to get his plate. 
"Just eat the damn food Jinx." He stuck out his tongue, before breaking eye contact.
After a moment Jinki spoke, "You know I've been thinking about our Anniversary this year."
Minho paused and looked up from his food. "And?"
"I was wondering if you would like to go somewhere for it."
"Like where? What do you mean?"
"Like I know you've always wanted to go back to where we honeymooned, to see the ocean again. We could go there if you would want to." Jinki returned to his food, talking like going on the trip wouldn't cost a fortune. 
"Of course I would want to go. Australia was amazing." Jinki looked up to see his husband beaming.
Jinki smiled as he pulled out the envelope out of his pocket and slid it across the counter. Minho looked at it curiously, before opening it. "Good, because in a week we are getting on a plane."
"What.. are you serious? Oh my god Jinx!" The older man just chuckled as he watched his husband shoot up from his seat, rushing over and grabbing him into a rough kiss. 
"I'm guessing you like it." Jinki chuckled as he ran his finger over his then swollen lips. 
"I love it. Just like I love you." He kissed Jinki again, and the food was forgotten as the older man lifted the younger onto the counter.
A couple days later Jinki called into the office and told them that both of them wouldn't be in for 3 weeks, deciding that it was about time that they pack and get ready for their trip. He hung up the phone and slid it into his pocket to hear the swearing and mumbling of his husband down the hall somewhere, and Jinki found himself smiling at the image of his tall husband frustrated trying to figure out where the thing was that he was trying to find.
"Babe have you seen my swim trunks?" 
"Dresser, left middle drawer Hun." Jinki answered, quickly making his way to the room Minho was yelling from, to see the man rumaging through the said drawer before turning and shouting aha.
"I found it. Thank-" He paused in his shouting when he saw Jinki leaning against the doorframe. "Oh Hi. I didn't hear you come in." He sheepily smiled, the tips of his ears turning pink.
"That's okay. Are you almost finished?" 
"Almost, just need to find one thing though."
"And what's that?"
Minho smiled, but his cheeks were crimson. "Our toy box."
"That was the first thing I packed Baby." Jinki replied with a wink, before sitting on the bed surrounded by the open suitcases. Minho mouthed oh, before zipping the suitcase's up. He smiled up at his husband and after moving the luggage onto the floor, he climbed into bed with him, settling his head into the familiar crook of the older man's neck. Jinki wrapped his arms around him, and kissed his brow. "Are you excited for tomorrow?"
"Yes." Minho breathed out with a huge smile. "I can't wait to feel the warm sand under my feet, wiggle my toes in it."
"I can't wait to build sand castles." Jinki said dreamily. Minho looked up at him, chuckling.
"Are you sure that you are the older one in this relationship? That you are 28."
"You are the one that wants to wiggle their toes in the sand."
"But that's different!" Minho whined. Jinki just chuckled and kissed his nose. The younger man pouted, his bottom lip sticking out. "It's totally different."
"Sure it is Baby, sure it is." Jinki just smiled contently as the younger man curled against him, his toes finding the fabric of the pajama pants the older man had stolen from him. 
"If you don't hurry the hell up we will be late." Jinki grumbled, tapping his foot against the wooden floor.
"It's not my fault you wanted to wake me up with ." Minho glared after finally giving up his attempt to control his hair. He pulled on his coat and wrapped his scarf around his head. The bags were already down in the car, and before Minho could walk out the door, Jinki stopped him with his hold on his husband's wrist.
The slightly shorter man pulled off his hat, and put it on Minho. The younger man was about to object but Jinki would have none of it. "You have wet hair. You need it more than me Baby." He kissed the man's nose before pulling him out the door. He paused at the elevator, waiting for the doors to open. He glanced over and smirked. "I'm pretty sure you liked waking up to ."
Minho blushed. "I do but was the on the counter necessary?"
"And against the fridge?"
"And in the hallway against the wall?" The elevator doors opened, and the two men walked inside, still holding hands.
"Yes, All of it was necessary." Jinki smiled. "Every single time. Was absolutely ing necessary." Minho just hummed. "And before you start complaining about it, it was entirely your fault."
"How is that?"
"You decided to your lips like that and press your gorgeous into me in the morning, when you know I am very aroused when it comes to waking up. How you swayed your hips making breakfast, how do you expect me to focus on my food when you are doing that? Oh, and don't even get me started on the fridge." Jinki squeezed his eyes shut, pressing his head into the wall behind him. "You bent over like that.. mmm what a sight."
Minho just blushed, punching the man's shoulder. "Oh shut up you."
"No." Jinki kissed the man's cheek and rushed out the open elevator doors with a smile. Minho just silently chuckled, trying to walk normally even though the ache was just a little too much for him to handle.
Once in Australia, and they had put their bags in their room, Minho dragged the laughing older man down to the beach, and sighed contently as soon as he wiggled his toes in the sand. "This is amazing!"
Jinki just chuckled softly, loving seeing his husband so gleefully happy. Their phones were off, sitting in the suitcase in their room, this vacation being only about them. Minho pulled his shirt off, before sprinting toward the clear blue water. He stopped at the shore line, looking back at his husband and motioned for Jinki to join him. The older man just shook his head, raising the bucket in shovel in his hand, saying he was going to built his sand castle. Minho pouted but understood, before running further into the water.
Though the older man really did want to build a sand castle, he also wanted to sit and watch Minho, especially when the man moved to get out of the water. Jinki groaned just thinking about the younger man walking out with the water dripping off him, running down the man's chisled physec. He shook his head and sat in the sand, smiling as he made his sand castle. Sometimes later he heard a familiar cough above him, the sun blocked out by the man.
"Nice sand castle you got there Babe, but enough of that. Come swim with me." Jinki looked up and he gulped at the sight before him.
"I don't want to take my shirt off Babe, and there are so many people here." Jinki looked around, before looking at his hands.
Minho silently laughed. "Are you being insicure of your body Hyung?"
"Maybe." The man grumbled.
Minho kneeled in front of him, grabbing his hand. "We went through this on our honeymoon. I love you, and your body is gorgeous. Please, for me Baby."
Jinki smiled and nodded, allowing the man to pull him off the sand and toward the water after quickly discarding his shirt. He laughed when Minho tripped, pulling him with him as they sprawled out into the water. Both were laughing as they tried to balance themselves, Minho's arms around the older man. He smiled, quickly moving the blond strands out of the man's face. "There. You look so much better when you are wet."
Jinki just rolled his eyes before kissing the man, both laughing against each other's lips.
As the sun began to set, the two returned to their room for dinner. In the lobby when Minho had rushed to the bathroom, Jinki double checked that everything was ready up in the room, and once the woman behind the counter comfirmed that they were, he finally felt himself starting to relax. Minho allowed him to cuddle against him, the towel around them both, as they road the elevator up to their floor. 
"You really are something you know that Jinx."
Jinki just smiled, pressing himself further into the man. He hummed as the elevator dinged. He found himself holding in a breath as Minho slid the room key into the slot and pushed the door open. He only allowed himself to breath again when he saw that everything he planned was ready. Candles were lit every where, soft music was playing. The tiny red box with the silver ribbon on it was sitting on the counter next to the three freshly cut roses sitting in the vase. 
Minho was speechless, turning to the older man, who just smiled and said. "Go look around and come back in here." The tall man did as he was told, walking into the bedroom, seeing the jacuzzi filled with hot water and vanilla bubble bath. His heart swelled as he returned to his husband, who was now holding out the present and the roses. "Happy third Anniversary Minnie." 
Minho ignored the objects in the man's hands, opting to kiss the man hard. "To you too Baby."  He giggled as he reached for the roses. He smelled them gently, smiling as he took the one worded note off one of their stems. "What does this one say?"
"You'll just have to find out." Jinki smirked before pulling the man closer. "So how about we go check out that hot bath that has been drawn for us?" Minho smiled, the man's bottom lip, before running through the door. He giggled as he heard the older man run after him, and even more when he felt the man catch him. Jinki's breath was hot against his skin as he whispered. "Got you."
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Chapter 16: Love the anniversaries :) :)

Sweet and cute :)
myownsaviour #2
Chapter 16: So beautiful!!! I loved their early anniversaries because onho is damn y ;) but their latest anniversaries are so cute!!!! their babies are awesome, i really enjoy their dynamics *-* great job really!! jinki's leuchemia saddens me a lot though :( i will wait happily for any update!
Chapter 16: woah so cute
update soon, please
really, you make the best onho stories
nagii_SHAWOL4ever #4
I hope you'll update soon :)
Chapter 16: Wuah... I do really love this story and hope that this happens to me..plus when I read this and listen to 'in your eyes' made this story more perfect...
Chapter 15: aww.. adorable...
nagii_SHAWOL4ever #7
Chapter 14: Awwww~ it ended well :) thank you for this update and merry Christmas :)
Chapter 13: :'( ... *sobs*
nagii_SHAWOL4ever #9
Chapter 13: Please....please update soon~ you can't leave them like this author-nim~~ please~~~~