1st Anniversary

My True Rose
Jinki softly smiled when he saw the man sprawled out on the bed as he walked in from the bathroom, a towel around his waist. He quietly chuckled to himself when he heard Minho mumbling in his sleep, reaching for a husband that wasn't there. The older man quickly dried himself, before getting dressed. As he buttoned his dress shirt he moved over to the bed, sitting down softly. 
"Wake up Baby. You have to go to work soon." He stated softly, slowly and gently brushing the man's dark, soft locks off his forehead. The man just murmured, and pressed his face further into the pillow. Jinki just chuckled, before slowly kissing the man. Minho's eyes fluttered as his husband kissed him, and when Jinki pulled away, his eyes met the sleepy gaze of the younger man. "Oh good morning Beautiful." Minho smiled, taking in the sight of Jinki above him. He just hummed before pulling Jinki into his embrace. "I have to get going Minnie! If I don't I'll be late." 
Minho frowned. "Can't you call off or something?"
"No Babe, I can't." He kissed Minho's forehead. "I love you. I'll call you later okay?" He then rushed out the door before the man could say anything.
Had Jinki forgotten what today was? Had he forgotten that Minho had requested today off, so they could spend the entire today together? The younger man frowned as he stared in the direction that his husband had just left, confused, but mostly hurt. It was their first wedding anniversary.. had Jinki forgotten about it like it was nothing? Minho sighed before rolling back over, grabbing Jinki's pillow in the process. He liked hugging it when the man wasn't around, because it smelt just like the man.
He tried to calm himself down, saying that Jinki just had something planned later, but knowing his husband, Minho knew that the older man had the tendency to forget things, especially important things. He sighed and closed his eyes. It was 7 in the morning, and he could sleep all he wanted until lunch time when Jinki called him.  
Minho smiled as he wiped his hands off, turning away from the dishes that were in the sink. "Hello?"
"Hunny!"  Minho giggled despite himself. "How's work going for you?"
"I didn't go into work today remember..." 
"Oh.. that's right." Minho heard tapping on the other end. "Well, this merger is being a pain in my . I won't be home for dinner. To be honest I don't know what time I'll be home."
Minho's heart fell at the news of Jinki not being home for dinner. He was almost always home for dinner, and wasn't today more special than any other night? He closed his eyes and faked a smile. "Oh, okay."
He heard the older man sigh, the tapping of keys and a swear. "I have to go now Babe, and I'm sorry about tonight, you know I hate staying at work late. I love you so much, tata!" He blew a kiss through the phone and hung up before Minho could respond. Against what he wanted to do, he slammed the phone on the counter and felt like he wanted to scream. Today was their anniversary, and Jinki had to work? WORK? Like he completely forgot what today was. Minho took a deep breath and went back to finishing his lunch, trying to forget the fact Jinki was at work when it was suppose to be their day.
15 minutes later he got a call from Jonghyun, and when he answered it, he failed to hide the anger and hurt in his voice. "What do you want Jonghyun?"
"Well , what crawled up your ?" 
Minho sighed, squeezing the bridge of his nose. "Sorry Jonghyun, today just isn't what I thought it turn out to be."
"Oh what did the idiot do now?" 
"I think he forgot that today was our anniversary, and I would understand normally.. but he's not even going to be home for dinner. Let alone enough time to actually celebrate it with me." 
"That.. That ." Jonghyun clicked his tongue. "Then how about I take you out tonight? Take your mind off of things?" 
"What did you have in mind?" 
"I dunno, something, anything. You just need to go out like you were supposed to today.
Minho thought about it for a moment, thinking about the possibility of Jinki coming home early and finding him not here, but decided he really couldn't care less if that happened at the moment. "Sure Jonghyun. What time?"
"8. Just be ready and I'll be outside. Oh and wear something nice."
"Okay. See you then Dino." The other man cursed but was laughing nonetheless. He hung up and Minho finally smiled. Maybe he could get over the fact Jinki forgot.
Jonghyun was outside exactly when he said he would. He smiled as he opened the door to his black convertible, before closing the door after Minho got in. Once he was behind the wheel once again, he handed Minho a dark blue cardstock card, and the younger man looked between the card and the other man confused. 
"Read it, and don't ask questions. At all until we arrive at our destination okay?" Minho nodded, before flipping the card over and reading the words. 
-You were meant to be alive on this very night with me- 
"What-" But Minho's words were cut short by the shorter man snapping at me.
"YAH, I said no questions. Now sit there and look pretty." He then turned the key and pulled out onto the street. Minho looked to the side, his hand's clasped in his lap as he tried to figure out what the card meant, and what the hell Jonghyun was doing, and where he was taking him.
After a while the car stopped, and Jonghyun pointed over to the right. Minho looked over to see his best friend Key leaning against the wall, his cat like features held in a mysterious smirk. He pushed up off the seat, and leaned on the back of the car, watching the cat like man pull out a deck of cards, spreading them out in his right hand. Key moved like he was throwing the cards on the ground, the deck disappearing before Minho's eyes. The man motioned like he was chewing on the wadded card, before pulling out the deck from his mouth, before flicking them from his grasp. Flames around his fingers, the deck becoming another dark blue card. Key bowed and handed the card over, before smiling and walking off without another word. Minho sat back down in the back seat, and looked at the card in his hands as Jonghyun began to drive more. 
-I'm ecstatic. I feel the magic - 
What was going on? At first he was just confused, and a little bit scared, but after Key's little magic trick and the new message, it left Minho wanting more. It left him curious and waiting for the next message. Was there going to be another message? Or were they going to arrive where they were supposed to?
Minho got his answer shortly after when the car stopped, and he was lead out of the car by Jonghyun. The younger man leaned against the car, and looked down the street toward the music that was being played. He saw a man walking over with a boom box on his thin shoulders, his face hidden by the hat pulled forward. The man stopped and placed the boom box on the back of the car, and lifted his head to reveal the smile of Jinki's little brother Taemin.
He waited a moment before exploding into movement, his thin but muscular arms moving through the motions with skilled precision. Minho watched amazed as the younger man moved, like he always was, before Taemin jumped and flipped off the bumper of the car. Pulling out another card as he did so. He did a 360 spin, before smiling and handing the card over, before grabbing his boom box, and walking away to the beat. Minho took the card enthusiastically, reading the words. 
-It'll change your life... and then you'll touch the sky- 
As Jonghyun drove to their final destination, he glanced over at the younger man, and softly smirked. He pulled in front of the theater, and went and opened the door. "Go in, row C seat 7. When Minho didn't move fast enough, Jonghyun moved behind the man and pushed forward. "Go."
Minho glared but did as he was told. The theater was beautiful, and he knew it well. This was where he had met Jinki back in College.  He had been playing the lead in The Rock of Ages, and when Jinki had seen the younger man in the audience mouthing along to the songs, he knew he had to talk to him. Now that Minho thought about it, Seat 7 in row C had been the seat he had sat that night, and it made the man slightly blush.
The curtain was down, it's red brilliance illuminated by the lights. Minho made his way to the seat, and when he saw the blue card his heart pounded in his chest. He flipped it over hesitantly, and he found himself smiling widely when he read the words. 
-Loving you is the only thing that ever really touched my soul-
His heart pounding in his ears prevented him from hearing the whoosh of the curtain being raised, and it was only when the music began to play, and Jinki's beautiful voice sang out, did he hear and turn around. His heart stopped in his chest at the sight of his husband, hand wrapped around the microphone. 
I'm ecstatic
I feel the magic
It's everlasting
I think that you were meant to be alive on this very night
With me
I see, it clearly
The dream you hear about
and never truly think its realistic till it blows your mind
I never thought I could understand
I was searching me
and now I finally see
The lights rotated around and focused on the blond on the stage, the nervous smile on his face. He hasn't sung on a stage since college, and he was nervous Minho wouldn't like all this.
I see that some people fight for love
They stick with it
Just can't quit it
Some people hide from love
they run from it, cause they don't want it
When you got a love and its good like it should be
Makes you never wanna give it up
cause you know that some people fight for love
And I believe it's true cause I'd do the same for you
Minho found himself frozen on the spot watching his husband sing, hearing the lyrics and watching the man begin to walk off stage slowly. 
You're the reason, the air I'm breathing
so don't go leaving
cause loving you is the only thing that ever really touched my soul
I'm protective, of my blessings
Glad I kept it
I never really thought about the future till I saw my life
Finding it's purpose
so very worth it
And now I know that love is really worth it
The man stopped, picking up a single rose from the stage as he stared into Minho's eyes. He saw the tears, how the love of his life was frozen in the same spot he had been in when he had started singing. 
And that's why, Some people fight for love
They stick with it
Just can't quit it
Some people hide from love
They run from it, cause they don't want it
When you got a love and it's good like it should be
Makes you never wanna give it up
Cause you know that some people die for love
And I believe it's true cause I'd do the same for you
That's when Jinki began to move again, the rose held tightly in his left hand as he took the steps toward Minho. He closed his eyes as he reached the end of the row the younger man was standing in, the card still in his hand. 
It's hard to be, and good to keep
And once you're with it, it's hard to leave
You can't help but run wild with imagination
It'll change you life from wrong or right
And then you'll touch, touch the sky,
And now I don't see how I made it though the night
But I see how there's some people who fight
Some people fight for love
They stick with it
just can't quit it
Some people hide from love
They run from it, cause they don't want it
When you got a love and it's good like it should be
Makes you never wanna give it up
Cause you know that some people die for love
And I believe it's true cause I'd do the same for you
He took one step after singing each line, his heart pounding against his chest as he feared Minho wouldn't like this at all. That his voice sounded awful, and that the whole plan was horrible and Minho hated it. 
Some people fight for love,
(I don't wanna do it no more)
Some people hide form love,
(It just feels so good)
But when you got a love and it's good like it should be
Makes you never wanna give it up
Cause you know that
Some people die for love
He handed Minho the rose, smiling nervously as the man took it. He wrapped his arm around his husband, looking up as he sang the final to lines.
I believe it's true cause, 
I'd do the same for you
Jinki reached up and wiped the tears Minho hadn't even known he was crying, and softly hugged him. "Happy Anniversary Minnie." Minho didn't know what to say. He had been mad, frustrated with the other man, but now... all his emotions were all buzzing around in a chaotic mess he called his heart. 
But he managed to say in a soft voice. "Happy Anniversary Jinx."
"A rose a year, to show the beauty you behold, and how our love grows." Jinki whispered, before kissing Minho softly. 
"Jinx.." Minho squeezed his eyes shut, leaning into the older man's embrace. "I thought you had forgot... that.."
"I didn't. You mean so much to me, that I could never forget. I'm sorry I tricked you, I never meant to hurt you."
"No.. No don't say sorry. I loved it. Thank you." Minho looked up, and finally smiled, before kissing his husband. "I love you Baby."
"And I love you."
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptTVISrIww8  <------ so this chapter was based off of this, Fight for Love by Elliott Yamin.  so.. theres that.
Please tell me what you think. and if you didn't see the message in the description, this is just an elaboration.. a very longer elaboration.. of my one shot A Rose for Every year..  Hope you like it! 
I also don't own the picture.. any of the pictures I use during this 
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Chapter 16: Love the anniversaries :) :)

Sweet and cute :)
myownsaviour #2
Chapter 16: So beautiful!!! I loved their early anniversaries because onho is damn y ;) but their latest anniversaries are so cute!!!! their babies are awesome, i really enjoy their dynamics *-* great job really!! jinki's leuchemia saddens me a lot though :( i will wait happily for any update!
Chapter 16: woah so cute
update soon, please
really, you make the best onho stories
nagii_SHAWOL4ever #4
I hope you'll update soon :)
Chapter 16: Wuah... I do really love this story and hope that this happens to me..plus when I read this and listen to 'in your eyes' made this story more perfect...
Chapter 15: aww.. adorable...
nagii_SHAWOL4ever #7
Chapter 14: Awwww~ it ended well :) thank you for this update and merry Christmas :)
Chapter 13: :'( ... *sobs*
nagii_SHAWOL4ever #9
Chapter 13: Please....please update soon~ you can't leave them like this author-nim~~ please~~~~