5th Anniversary

My True Rose
Jinki's pov
I growled when I heard the files being placed on my desk, turning to see the man who liked to be the bringer of bad news. "What are these Jonghyun?"
He glared. "Why are you using that tone with me!? I am just going my job you ing rabbit." 
"At least I'm not a dinopuppy." Jonghyun just sighed, slightly smiling. The weirdness that was our friendship just made us slightly smile. "So what are these? I have to get home to Minho."
Jonghyun just wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. "You guys still ing everywhere?" 
I blushed. "Yes."
"You know people say that the drive you once had to usually gone after the first couple years, but with you two.. jeeze." 
I just shrugged, pulling the files over to me, flipping the first cover open. I glanced at it before looking up. "So, files. What are they?"
Jonghyun bit his lip. "They the plans for making a deal with American food company."
I nodded, slightly annoyed. "I've read these before Jonghyun. I signed off on the agreements."
The way the other man rocked on the balls of his feet and looked at the ground worried me. "I know."
"Then why am I looking at them again?"
"Because you are needed in New York. There were a couple things not specified, and the president of the company wanted to meet in person to talk through them."
New York didn't sound so bad. I mean I've always wanted to go. Ever since I was in the theater during college, you know during the time my parents stayed out of my life and allowed me to persue what I wanted *insert sigh here*, I've wanted to go and watch a play on Broadway. Sadly I never got the chance to because of work and the life that was ed upon me. "What's so wrong about that Jonghyun? You look like you are about to confess you killed my dog or something."
"It's... I mean.."
"Spit it out. I'm going to be late for dinner." 
"It's during your anniversary.. and I know how much it means to you." Oh. That's why he looked like that. "I tried to move it to a different time, because I know you have big plans every year for you two, but they would have none of it. It's either during those weeks, or the Partnership doesn't happen. All expenses are paid by them for making you go out there." 
I just shook my hand, waving his worries, before forcing a smile. "I'll figure something out. Thanks for bring me these. I have to get going." He nodded before walking out the door, leaving me with my head hung into my hands.
How was I suppose to spend my 5th wedding anniversary, without my husband there with me? Then my thoughts turned to my husband, pretty Minho who was probably swaying in front of the stove making dinner for us both. How would he react? We haven't been apart for more than a couple days before. This was going to be 3 weeks. I sighed before pulling on my suit jacket, rubbing my eyes before glancing at the clock. 7:30. I looked at the files, debated on whether or not to take them with me, and after deciding that it wasn't needed I shook my head and walked out of my office. 
"Dinner tonight was amazing Babe." Jinki smiled up at me, the plate that was just covered in fried chicken completely bare. 
I took his plate and slid in the sink with a smile. "You always say that on Thursdays."
I felt his arms wrap around me, his chin on my shoulder. "Correction, I say that every night you cook for me."
"Are you admitting to lying Jinx?"
He hummed against my neck. "No, you are just that good of a cook." He squeezed me tighter. "You spoil me you know that."
I chuckled lightly as he nuzzled his head into my back as I finished rinsing the plate. "How was work today?" Jinki released me and grabbed the dry towel off the counter, and he bit his lip as he silently dried the plate. "Jinx is something wrong?"
He looked up at me and smiled, but I knew that it wasn't a true smile; for his eyes weren't the beautiful cresants they usually were when he smiled. "Huh?"
"Is something wrong? You just kind of froze there at the mention of work. Did something happen at work?" He sighed and paid the plate in the cabinet, wring the towel between his hands before turning to me.
"I found out something today."
"And?" He was really starting to worry me.
"I have to fly to New York, "I felt myself getting excited, knowing full well of Jinki's dream to go there but the way his wasn't looking at me, the vein in his neck throbbing, and the way his hand's wouldn't stop moving around the towel... I just knew something was wrong. "I have to go for 3 weeks.. during our anniversary. I have to miss your birthday too."
"Oh." Maybe you don't believe an anniversary isn't that big of a deal, but to Jinki and I, it was. We never spent one without the other, but that was about to change. 
"Look, I can try to go there and finish up everything and come back before..." He started to ramble, but I squeezed his arm, causing him to trail off. 
"Just go and do what you have to do. We can celebrate it before or after you come back." I smiled at him, but he saw right through it. He always did.
He kissed me softly, his fingers so soft against my cheek. "I'm sorry Baby. You know I hate this." I nodded, before breaking from his hold. I shook my head and made my way to music room, sitting behind the piano and hung my head in my hands. 
It wasn't just the fact he wasn't going to be there for our anniversary. It was the fact that I haven't had to sleep a night without his arms around me in 10 years. Out of the 11 we've been together, 10 of them I've had him there. I don't know if I can last 3 weeks without feeling him. The last meeting in Japan that only took 2 days was like living through hell. I banged my head against the wall once, squeezing my eyes shut. Maybe I am over reacting, but ugh. I guess no one can really understand. 
I heard the door opening and closing, and I didn't have to look up to know who it was when they sat next to me. Jinki always smelled of vanilla. Toasty and warm, he just had a presence about him that screamed Jinki, and I would know it anywhere. "Hiding in my old music room I see." His voice was soft, but I knew he had been beating himself up for having to leave.
"Well you haven't been in here in forever. I thought it would be a safe hiding place."
"Did you really want to hide from me Baby?" I felt his hand on my knee, and I finally looked over at him; the line of light coming from the slightly ajar door illminating the his face slightly. 
"No."I sighed when I felt him lay his head on my shoulder. 
"I'm sorry I have to go."
"I'm sorry I walked out like that."
"Are you mad at me?"
"Mad at you? For what.. leaving? It's not like you have a choice. You have to go.." No matter how much I don't want you to. "I'm just going to miss you is all."
"Then come with me."
I turned toward him, his eyes locked with mine. "What?"
"I would have come in here sooner, so no don't think I didn't know where you were, but I was thinking. I have to go, but it doesn't mean I can't bring you with me."
"But I thought..."
"I just have to attend, but they never said I couldn't bring along my Lawyer, you know, to smooth out anything if need be." Jinki nudged my shoulder, before grasping my hand. "Come on. I can't be away from you, and I have to go. It's the only option Babe."
I paused for moment, thinking about it. Could I really go with him? I saw the hope in his eyes decrease with every moment of silence. He began to look away when I grabbed him and kissed him, those plump lips I love so much pressed against mine in the way they were meant to be. "Of course." 
That's when he practically launched himself into my arms, knocking me over laughing onto the hardwood floor.
Jinki was fidgety as they took their seats in first class, and Minho began to think something was wrong when the man didn't take his normal window seat. After lift off and flying for a good 5 hours, the Pilot annouced it was a good time to go to sleep. Minho looked over at Jinki, seeing the man's eyes wide and curious, not an ounce of sleepiness in the chocalote brown depths. The younger man just frowned, before grasping his husbands hand. Jinki looked over and softly smiled, and Minho could feel the man's fast heart beat through the palm of his hand.
"Are you okay Jinki?"
"Huh? Oh. I'm fine Minnie."
"You let me have the window spot without a fight. Something is wrong." Minho smirked.
"I'm nervous. I've never been to the States before."
"Either have I. Besides, you can speak english fairly well, and that's more than I can say about me." Minho smiled. "Hey why don't you come sleep with me?"
"Won't the Flight ladies not like it?" Jinki looked over at the Flight Attendents that were standing between first and middle class.  "Besides I can sleep over here on my own."
Minho just pulled the man over, wrapping his arms around the man protectively. "I don't give a hoot. You are nervous, and I am the only thing that can help. So meh. Don't lie to me." 
Jinki began to calm down as he cuddled further into Minho's hold. The younger man pulled the blanket over them, smiling as he felt Jinki pull his thigh over his own. The older man curled his fingers on his shirt, snuggled his head into the warmth that his husband provided. When the Flight Attendent walked down the aisle, she gave them a unpleasant glare, but didn't say anything when Minho glared right back at her.
When Minho heard the familiar soft snores, he hugged tighter, whispering in Jinki's ear. "See, I told you." He chuckled softly, kissing the man's forehead. "I love you Jinki."
There came a mumbled, half asleep reply. "Wuv you too Minnie." 
Getting off and finding their hotel had been another adventure entirely, but thanks to Jinki, they made their way there. Minho was eternally greatful for the man, because if everything was up to him, they would both be lost in the middle of New York. They placed their bags in the room, and Minho sat down for maybe a minute before he was pulled back out the door by Jinki. 
"YAH! Where are you taking me?"
Jinki stopped abruptly, making the younger man run into him. He turned around and pouted. "It's our Anniversary Minnie...I.. I wanted to do stuff today. We can go back if -"
"No no.. take me where ever you have planned Babe." Minho smiled, before buttoning up the man's coat.
"Aish. You treat me like I'm your child." Minho just chuckled at how the older man pouted, before being lead away.
"Do you know where you are going?" 
Jinki paused a moment before nervously smiling. "Well.. it's a giant green statue.. I don't think it should be really hard to miss."
"So I should take it that you don't have a map?" Jinki shook his head, his beanie threatning to fall off his head. "Jinki!"
"What!? I was excited okay!" He mumbled something incoherant before leading them down 52nd street.  Minho just chuckled, shaking his head as he glanced over at his frustrated husband.
Minho was holding the railing, looking through the window when he heard the soft cough behind him. Jinki had said he needed to go to the bathroom and make a call, that he would meet him at the top of the Statue of Liberty when he was done. The younger man had smiled and nodded, and after watching the older man walk away, he had made his way up here. 
Minho turned to see Jinki standing a little ways away from him, 5 red roses in his hand. He smiled sheepily as he handed the roses over to the younger man, blushing as he cocked his head to the side. "See I told you I'd find our way here."
Minho couldn't take his eyes off the roses. No matter where they were, the man always found a way to get brightly colored red roses. Roses that looked like they were just cut. The blue ribbon that tied each of them the same shade, even though he obviously got them on different continents. "I.."
"Why are you speechless Minnie? I give you roses every year." Jinki asked, finally wrapping his arms around the man's waist and pulling him in closer. 
"But.. in the circumstances.. how?.. I mean where did you get them?" 
"That's my little secret." Jinki winked before kissing him. "Happy 5th Anniversary Minnie."
Later that night Minho surprised the older man with tickets to Rock of Ages, and Jinki almost cried. "Jinx..."
"Sorry.. I just... It's how we met." Jinki smiled softly, trying not to let the tear fall.
"I know Babe. You wanted to see a musical while we were here, and this is the first of many I have planned." Jinki looked up at him surprised.
"You really didn't think I wouldn't get you anything did you?" Jinki nodded his head, making Minho frown for a moment. 
"Thank you." Jinki then decided it was a good time to jump around ecstatic.
Minho just chuckled. "You are very welcome." 
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Chapter 16: Love the anniversaries :) :)

Sweet and cute :)
myownsaviour #2
Chapter 16: So beautiful!!! I loved their early anniversaries because onho is damn y ;) but their latest anniversaries are so cute!!!! their babies are awesome, i really enjoy their dynamics *-* great job really!! jinki's leuchemia saddens me a lot though :( i will wait happily for any update!
Chapter 16: woah so cute
update soon, please
really, you make the best onho stories
nagii_SHAWOL4ever #4
I hope you'll update soon :)
Chapter 16: Wuah... I do really love this story and hope that this happens to me..plus when I read this and listen to 'in your eyes' made this story more perfect...
Chapter 15: aww.. adorable...
nagii_SHAWOL4ever #7
Chapter 14: Awwww~ it ended well :) thank you for this update and merry Christmas :)
Chapter 13: :'( ... *sobs*
nagii_SHAWOL4ever #9
Chapter 13: Please....please update soon~ you can't leave them like this author-nim~~ please~~~~