Coffee Art

"This is so pretty!" Sungyeol jumped out of happiness as Chanyeol created a very beautiful coffee art to him. It's a shapeof a bird on a branch. Chanyeol really wasn't supposed to teach Sungyeol this art now because he, Sungyeol was still new here but who cares. He need to help his friend.

Chanyeol laughed at Sungyeol's dumb reaction. "Okay so, make a new cup of cappuccino and try it" he directed and Sungyeol could just nod of excitedness.


Carefully, Sungyeol carefully move his fingers and Chanyeol was observing him with nervous feeling. He thought Sungyeol couldn't do it but surprise! He did it! And its time to serve.


I can do this Sungyeol whispered to himself as he walked to the girl's table holding a tray with a cup of a well-made cappuccino done by himself. "Excuse me, here is your cappuccino" He said to the girl sounding so casual while his stomach contains crazy butterflies.

"Wait-" She exclaimed before Sungyeol back off to the kitchen. "I have never received this coffee with art before. Who did this drink to me?" She asked while looking to Sungyeol and back to her cup. Her lips was curved upwards, almost reached her eyes. She was so flustered to see such cute thing the barista did to her. 

"I- um I-" Again, Sungyeol shivered. Sungyeol has been rejected by 15 girls because of stupid consequences so he had stopped having hard feelings towards anyone but right now, at this moment, he is madly in love with this unknown girl.

"You did it? You really did?" The girl asked him again, looking so glad about it. Sungyeol could only nodded and plastered an awkward dumb smile. Ya lee sungyeol, calm the down. 

"Hi, I'm Nam YooRa. I am a regular customer here but i have never received such pretty things on my coffee. Thanks and what's your name?" She asked. "Oh hehe I- um.. I'm Lee Sungyeol. Yeah, I've seen you around and I usually did the coffee for you because I love cappuccino too" Sungyeol explained. He was indeed embarrassed because of his voice sounded so shaky but he didn't mind at all. His whole world started to stop as the beautiful lady started to speak to him. Beautiful.

"So you're Sungyeol? Thank you for making such coffee for me" she said with a big wide smile on her face, made Sungyeol's heart beats a thousand miles faster. "Oh hehe yeah sure!" and so he went back to the kitchen, face all pink of hotness that he couldn't contain.


Minutes had passed and Sungyeol could only looked for her from behind the kitchen counter, looking at her tensed face reading those piles of papers that she stacked out on the table

"Jeez, make a move" Chanyeol interrupted his precious moment. 

"What move?" he asked

"A move to take her heart, you stupid. Like this" He walked out of the kitchen counter, straight to the girl, YooRa.



"Hi, I'm Chanyeol. I'm a Performing arts major student too! I'm in the singing team" Chanyeol casually talked to Yoora right in front of Sungyeol who was still dumbfounded about what is happening in front of him.

"Oh hi, I'm Yoora. Really? I'm in the drama team. How do you know I major in peforming?" Yoora voiced out, looking so casual talking to the happy guy, Chanyeol.

"By looking at your mountains of papers, of course. Good luck with your performance! I'm gonna be performing too, for Christmas special event. So, see you around!" He waved and went back to the kitchen.

"Mm sure! Bye!"




"what Park Chanyeol, what?!" 

"Yes, that is how you make a move. So here is the thing, remember the Christmas special event at our college this 5th of December? YOU ask her out before that day so you guys can have fun together that night after the event. Understand?" Chanyeol explain is own plan to the confused Sungyeol.

"Wait, Chan I-"

"No excuses, I'm trying to help you."

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Cassiopeia501 #1
Chapter 14: honestly im a bit disappointed~ he cheated on her and he barely does anything to get her back
JoMaJo #2
Cassiopeia501 #3
Chapter 11: yeolra-couple fighting!
Chapter 1: this story looks like a video on youtube. "Conversations over a coffee" if i am not mistaken. check it out!
Cassiopeia501 #5
Chapter 9: but dbsk is meddling why why why????? my poor yeollie
Cassiopeia501 #6
Chapter 7: *flails* omg DBSK!!!!!!!! *dies*
Cassiopeia501 #7
Chapter 4: you wouldnt be thinking of sungyeol if you loved sehun yoora! like this story its going pretty good