Coffee Art
The day after the incident in the club, Chanyeol hasn't been talking to Sungyeol at all even at work. He felt so pissed that Sungyeol did something really bad to Yoora. He thought that it wasn't his problem to think about Yoora's feeling but Yoora has been nice to him like is own little sister. He loves yoora like his own sister and nobody could ever hurt his sister. 
"Channie, I'm sorry.." Sungyeol said suddenly from behind the kitchen counter. His voice was a bit trembling. "You should be sorry to Yoora. Not me" Chanyeol replied without looking at him at all and drifted of to the kitchen. "But how I don't even have her number and I'm sure she won't come here again. Please, Chanyeol help me" Sungyeol said pleadingly. Chanyeol understand Sungyeol's situation but somehow he wanted Sungyeol to work it out by himself. "Try approach her in the college but not in front of Sehun.."
Yoora, where are you.. Sungyeol asked in his mind while looking for Yoora around the campus. "Ya Lee Sungyeol!" A voice echoed in the hallway calling out his name. It was Sehun. Oh uh.. "Oh Sehun-ah.." He trembled. "I just want to remind you something. Don't you dare go to Yoora ever again. Because of you, she was hurt. Because of you, everything turns sour. You're just a bad luck so stay the away from her and us. Understand?" He exclaimed with his deep and hoarse yet venomous voice. "I- I um" "No, just no. No stay away from us"
Oh god, what should I do now.. No. I must find yoora and tell her I'm sorry and I truely love her. I have always be with her whenever she had problems with Sehun. It's Sehun who always put the burden on her. 
"Well, Sehun is actually a playboy. Last time he make out with a girl and the girl is lunatic! She followed him everywhere even though they have broke up. I heard that she moved to the US so we assume that Sehun is fine now. If she ever come back, everything will be go worse again. I swear!" That was what Chanyeol said when he was telling how Sehun was in the past to Sungyeol.
Mm, maybe Sehun is still a playboy now. He mght have a scandal right now right? Shouldn't I investigate this crap?
Chanyeol, let's meet up at the rooftop in 10 minutes - he texted Chanyeol.
Where is Sehun.. I thought we're going to have lunch together.. Ohh he might be at the rooftop doing his homeworks. I'll better check it out.
Her heart panting so fast as she have to take the stairs to the rooftop. she doesn't feel this is a right thing that she hesistated to open the door. Omg why am I hesitating.. And so, she opened the door and her whole world collapsed. All she could see was a tall man holding a girl's waist and they seems to be deeply kissing. They're kissing sloppily. 
"Se-hun?" Her words trembled. Her knees shaking. Her heart was about to stop and blood was pumping faster than ever in her body that she felt she could die of heart attack right in the moment. It really was Sehun with another girl. "Sehun-ah" She called louder than last time and the guy quickly pulled out the kiss and looked at her who was standing at the door with tears flowing down her cheeks. "Y-Yoora!" and he pushed the girl he was kissing just now.
"YOU'RE A BASTARD OH SEHUN!" She yelled and run away back into the staircase, to the music room. Everyone was looking at her teary face as she was running and sobbing hardly and suddenly bumped onto Sungyeol who was from the other way around. 
"Yoora-ya!" He said looking so shocked and the crying girl in front of him. "Sungyeol, sungyeol!" she replied and still sobbing. And so she told him everything until Sehun came into the music room. "LEE SUNGYEOL, STAY AWAY FROM-" "No, Sehun. You stay away from me now. You're a piece of !" She yelled at Sehun who came into the music room and grabbed Sungyeol's collar. "Yoora, I can explain" "No, Sungyeol kissed a girl when he was drunk but you kissed a girl when you're sober. Who is worst now? Sehun, let's just break up. All of my friends told me you're a playboy. You're the kind of jerk nobody wants to date to. I'm done, we're over!"
Days has passed and Sehun realised he felt empty without her but "Oh whatever. I'm Oh Sehun and I can get all the girls I want" Eventhough he said such thing like that,  he felt very heavy to leave her like that. He has changed for her but he kissed the girl because he was so stressed with the reality. the reality that Yoora loves Sungyeol. I love you, Yoora.
Yoora told her uncle about the real thing that happen so Yunho have to discussed it all over again about their marriage. It ruined their plans but that is the best. What is marriage without love, right?
"Hello, Changmin?" Yunho called Changmin.
"Yeah, have you heard it too?" Changmin replied.
"What are we gonna do?"
"I dont think Sehun is the kind of playboy. Let's just better check this out before make any steps"
"Alright, see you later at work"
Call ended
I dont understand with this feelings. I somehow felt a weight on my chest. I dont know what to do, I dont know what to feel. I love Sehun but I like Sungyeol. No. I like Sehun but I love Sungyeol. What is this.. Yoora mumbled to herself while looking at her bedroom ceiling. Stop..


Hi guys! I am so sorry for not updating so long :( My internet went down and I only have my 3G on my phone so i couldn't update it. And I'm so sorry for the lame update too. I am currently preparing for my next fic (probably gonna be a one shot lol idk yet) so please wait! 


Again, I am so sorry!! <3 Thanks for always supporting me. I love you!

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Cassiopeia501 #1
Chapter 14: honestly im a bit disappointed~ he cheated on her and he barely does anything to get her back
JoMaJo #2
Cassiopeia501 #3
Chapter 11: yeolra-couple fighting!
Chapter 1: this story looks like a video on youtube. "Conversations over a coffee" if i am not mistaken. check it out!
Cassiopeia501 #5
Chapter 9: but dbsk is meddling why why why????? my poor yeollie
Cassiopeia501 #6
Chapter 7: *flails* omg DBSK!!!!!!!! *dies*
Cassiopeia501 #7
Chapter 4: you wouldnt be thinking of sungyeol if you loved sehun yoora! like this story its going pretty good