Coffee Art

Performing arts team has already settled down their performances strip. From the singing team, to the drama team. Everything was perfect and need a bit more rehearsals and they're all done.


"Finally, we could have more time together" Sehun said as he placed her arms around Yoora's shoulder. "Mm yeah. I can't wait to perform" She said, looking deep into Sehun's beautiful eyes. "Baby, last time you said you like to drink coffee at a cafe near your apartment right? can you take me there sometime?" He asked out of the sudden. "Yes, sure."



That night, Yoora was all dizzy thinking about the performing art's performance. During their practices, they are still a lack of something in her team so she went all over the script again and took out her notebook. She checked all the items needed, all the lines and what their teacher told them to do on stage. 

After running through her notes, her sudden addict of coffee came again so as usual, she went out to get some coffee.




"Yoora!" Chanyeol shrieked to see her came in late at night. Its the first time Yoora came her at 10pm though. "Cappuccino?" He asked. Yoora only nodded and settled down her favourite seat as usual. "Ya Sungyeol! Cappucci-" "Yes sir I get it" 


"Hey, what's with that tired face? I saw you practiced your drama earlier but I'm afraid to approach you" Sungyeol suddenly asked when he placed her drink on the table. "Oh um, have a seat" She said, trying hard to smile. "I'm just tired of the practicing, that's all" Sungyeol just nodded and start talking to cheer her up.


Sungyeol has became a cheerful man since he started talking to Yoora at the first place. He felt like she have changed him for good. Like at the moment, he talk and talk and talk more about random things and about himself too. Now, Yoora has known many things about Sungyeol, made her happy enough to go home and sleep peacefully.


"Goodbye, see you soon!" Sungyeol said as he opened the door for Yoora, hoping that she'll come to the cafe tomorrow. "See yah!"  She replied.


On her way back home, her phone rang. When she looked up, it was her uncle, Jung YunHo. The young president of her father's former company. Yoora's father, Nam Je Moon was an owner of a fabric company. His fabric was the bestseller among the designers from all over Asia. In the present, her uncle YunHo took over the company because her father is now old and crippled.

"Hi uncle, what's up?" She said when she answered the call. It has been awhile since they have talked to each other.

"What's up you asked me? I'm coming to visit your house in two days time so prepare good food for me okay? Oh and I also have a surprise for you."

"What is it?"

"Yoora, you're 19 now. Your father had arranged something good for your future. I'll tell you soon when I get there okay" His words made Yoora stopped walking. What had been arranged?


The word 'arranged' still strolling at the back of her mind causing her to be sleepless. She have to wake up with a fresh face and a good mindset for tomorrow's practice but her uncle's words ruined her night. Oh God, why now? 



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Cassiopeia501 #1
Chapter 14: honestly im a bit disappointed~ he cheated on her and he barely does anything to get her back
JoMaJo #2
Cassiopeia501 #3
Chapter 11: yeolra-couple fighting!
Chapter 1: this story looks like a video on youtube. "Conversations over a coffee" if i am not mistaken. check it out!
Cassiopeia501 #5
Chapter 9: but dbsk is meddling why why why????? my poor yeollie
Cassiopeia501 #6
Chapter 7: *flails* omg DBSK!!!!!!!! *dies*
Cassiopeia501 #7
Chapter 4: you wouldnt be thinking of sungyeol if you loved sehun yoora! like this story its going pretty good