Coffee Art

Hi there, readers! As the end of my 3rd chapter, i have a few words for you.

Thank you so much for always be there for me. Thank you for reading this crappy fic. Tbh, I think this fic is crappy but thank you so much for always supporting me <3

Secondly, I am very sorry for the lame stotyline, the bad english, the grammar/spelling error and the rushing ending. As I told you, I want the drama to be short but if its short, it would be a rush. But here it is, a short one. Wait, one more. If this fic sounded familiar to you, tbh I swear I didnt't copy from anything. One of my reader told me it sounded like a Malaysian video on Youtube but I swear I didn't take it from anywhere or anyone. I am so sorry for that! I am so sorry for everything :((

My PMR (malaysia's major exam for 9th grader before continuing to high school. Lol i'm 15 tbh) results are coming soon. Very soon and it is this Thursday at 10am. I am so scared what would my result would be :(

Lol that was so out of the topic. So once again, I am very thankful for all your support and very sorry for everything regarding this fic. Oh, I'm also on my way for my 4th fic! Here --> (You, Who I Can't See)


Goodbye, I love you! See you guys on my next story!

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Cassiopeia501 #1
Chapter 14: honestly im a bit disappointed~ he cheated on her and he barely does anything to get her back
JoMaJo #2
Cassiopeia501 #3
Chapter 11: yeolra-couple fighting!
Chapter 1: this story looks like a video on youtube. "Conversations over a coffee" if i am not mistaken. check it out!
Cassiopeia501 #5
Chapter 9: but dbsk is meddling why why why????? my poor yeollie
Cassiopeia501 #6
Chapter 7: *flails* omg DBSK!!!!!!!! *dies*
Cassiopeia501 #7
Chapter 4: you wouldnt be thinking of sungyeol if you loved sehun yoora! like this story its going pretty good