Coffee Art

Winter breeze slits unfer her comfy thick blanket with sunlight illuminates all the parts of the room. White puffy cotton landed softly at the corner of the balcony early in the morning. Winter as arrived.

Loud alarm clock rang, baing her eardrums and made her rushed out of her wonderful dreams. Nam YooRa, a 19 year old Performing arts student lives alone in an apartment in the middle of the busy town, Seoul while her parents were staying in their hometown. Yoora likes to live this way because she thought being alone was great and no one could order her around to do this and that. And so, she loves coffee.

Everytime she had problems with her homeworks and scripts, she usually went down to a cafe nearby, "Coffee Art". She likes coffee so much and thus, the cafe was the only cafe that sells cheaper but delicious coffee. Starbucks is expensive, okay. Since that she had been coming down to the cafe very often, she had known some of the baristas there, too.

What time is it now? She mumbled by herself under her blanket, still half asleep. Checking the clock on her phone and it's only 8:15AM in Saturday morning. Still too early... oh wait! the cafe..

The cafe made somekind of promotion for winter sales for the customers to enjoy their cup delicious coffee.


Wearing thick black furry coat suited wit her ugg boots and a purple shawl wrapped around her neck, Yoora press the button and the elevator shots open. Going down to the ground floor and lets walk in the cold streets. She went to the cafe where she usually stayed for hours there to use their free wifi to finish her homeworks and stuff.

"I'll take hot cappuccino for myself. Thanks" she said to the waitress as she was suiting herself on the chair. She loves cappuccino so muc that she had cappuccino almost all the time when she came here so the baristas already knew what she wanted to drink. She always came here alone accompanied by her laptop and stacks of papers, mostly her drama scripts. 




Lee SungYeol, a 20 year old cullinary art student. He is 182cm tall, very slender and wore a very big sized shoe because his foot is really big. Sungyeol himself likes coffee so he works at the Coffee Art cafe as his part time job to find extra money to live.

Sungyeol was a very shy guy. He has been watching over this girl since few weeks ago. She came by with her laptop and mountains of crumpled papers and she oftentime took cappuccino. Cappuccino and cappucccino. Whenever he saw her came in, he quickly took a cup and prepare the drink for her. His friend, his co-worker Park Chanyeol who has been working here for almost two months  sometimes laughed at Sungyeol's shy actions.

Chanyeol usually does the drinks because he is a senior there while Sungyeol usually incharge with the service but now its vice versa. He knew that Sungyeol was in love with their customer. Well, that girl wasn't so bad at all. Her long black hair with her fringe swept to the right, big hazelnut eyes and thick pink lips plastered on her fairly white skin was so beautiful, he admits.


"Ya Lee SungYeol, why don't you ask her name or something instead of making her drinks in the kitchen" Chanyeol voiced out. "I-I'm-" Sungyeol slightly shivered. "Yeah yeah, i know you're not brave enough. Try this-" Chanyeol took the cup from Sungyeol and taught him something what he shouldn't know yet


Hi readers! Thanks for staying with me. I'm Kamy and i'm back with new fic! Can't tell you guys anything here yet because this is just the start, Well, I love this fluffy fic (not so fluffy but awwwww) Stay tune with my updates! I love you <3 


p/s: idk if this fic has somekind to do with a movie or other novel or something so please dont blame me for copyrights!

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Cassiopeia501 #1
Chapter 14: honestly im a bit disappointed~ he cheated on her and he barely does anything to get her back
JoMaJo #2
Cassiopeia501 #3
Chapter 11: yeolra-couple fighting!
Chapter 1: this story looks like a video on youtube. "Conversations over a coffee" if i am not mistaken. check it out!
Cassiopeia501 #5
Chapter 9: but dbsk is meddling why why why????? my poor yeollie
Cassiopeia501 #6
Chapter 7: *flails* omg DBSK!!!!!!!! *dies*
Cassiopeia501 #7
Chapter 4: you wouldnt be thinking of sungyeol if you loved sehun yoora! like this story its going pretty good