Chapter 13

We Got Married and Then...

A/N: Hey everyone! New update again! I apologize for the short chapters. I'm having a semi-writer's block right now and it's been very challenging for me to write. Enjoy this chapter! Kisses!xoxo♥♥♥
Sulli opens her eyes and sees that Yuri didn't shoot her but shot at the wall to her side.
"Next time it'll be your head." says Yuri.
After she says this, the warehouse door opens and in comes SHINee, f(x) and Nichkhun.
They are all relieved to see that Sulli was not shot. But they weren't completely relieved because there was still the bomb attached to Sulli.
"I'm here Yuri. We're all here. What do you want?" says Minho as he walks towards Yuri.
"You take one more step and she dies." says Yuri.
All of them stand at the point where Yuri told them to stop.
"First, let's talk. You see, in the beginning I really did fall for you Minho. Life was perfect, you were around to inspire me and I received a chance to star in a drama with you. You wanna know what the name of that drama was? It was To The Beautiful You. But, Lee Soo Man talked to the director and producers, he told them that Sulli was a better option. I let that slide since SNSD was busy with Japanese promotions which would still boost my fame. Then another opportunity came. Being on We Got Married with you. Once again, Lee Soo Man stepped in and said that Sulli was a better option because there is already a big percentage of fans for the MinSul couple. I came home that day to have my parents tell me that I was wasting my life with this job and I am no good because Miss Sulli here always steals my job. So, I decided to stay close with my enemy and become friends with her. And oh, what a great friend you are. You gave up Minho because you cared so much about me. But, that didn't last long either because Minho confessed to you. And you confessed too. Now, I couldn't let you have Minho that easy so I asked my parents to make my wedding with Minho happen as soon as possible. But then you and your friends had to get in the way and stop the wedding from happening. Now Minho, what do you suppose I want?" says Yuri.
"This is ridiculous Yuri. Just tell us what you want." says Amber.
Yuri taked her gun and shoots Amber in the arm.
"Amber!" says Key.
"I wasn't talking to you. You tomboy. If any one of you talk without me saying anything to you, one of you will die. Well, one of you and Sulli." says Yuri.
"You're crazy." says Minho.
"I am, I became like this because of you. You never returned my feelings for you because of Sulli. Now, I'm gunna make sure that you see her die right before your eyes. I want you to feel the pain I felt when you went behind my back and got into a relationship with her." says Yuri.
Yuri looks at the bomb and it says fifteen minutes.
"You have two options Minho. Either you run away with me or stay here and die with your precious Sulli and your friends." says Yuri.
"I'm pretty sure that you know I'll choose Sulli over you any day." says Minho.
Yuri is angered and shoots at the ceiling. She takes out a red button and presses it. The time on the bomb attached to Sulli starts to countdown fast.
"If I can't have my happy ending then you can't either." Yuri runs for the door and takes the button that stops the bomb with her.
"Oh, I don't think so Yuri. You are not getting away with this. You guys try and stop the bomb, Khun and I will follow Yuri." says Victoria.
"We'll go with you too Unnie." says Krystal and Taemin.
"You guys Amber is losing a lot of blood." says Key.
"Lun-unnie, take Amber-unnie to the hospital with Key-oppa." says Sulli.
"Ssul." says Luna.
"We don't have time. GO!" says Sulli.
Luna nods her head and helps Key carry Amber.
"Babe, you stay here and help them. I'll see you later." says Luna to Jonghyun.
Jonghyun nods his head and gives Luna a peck on the lips.
"They'll definitely see us later." says Jonghyun to the others.
"Now, let me see that bomb." says Onew.
"Yuri stop right there!" yells Victoria.
"No, you won't catch me."says Yuri.
"Yes, this is Nichkhun. We need you guys get out of the car now. We're running after Yuri at the port. I need some of you to go to the warehouse. You need to dismantle the bomb. Hurry, there's 10 minutes left." says Nichkhun as he runs.
"Unnie, Oppa we'll go to the other side to surprise her. You guys keep following her trail." says Krystal.
Victoria gives Krystal a nod and they go on with the plan.
Meanwhile, half the men in black guys get to the warehouse and directly go to Sulli.
"Ssul, you're gonna be saved." says Minho.
Sulli smiles but is still not fully relieved.
"This bomb is a death bomb." says one of the men in black guys.
"What does that mean?" says Onew.
"It means that the bomb will explode no matter what wire is cut. There is a wire that slows down the timer and that is the only way we could save Sulli." explains the guy.
"Please, hurry up and figure out what wire that is." says Minho.
The men all inspect the bomb to try and figure out the wire.
"I found it it's the red wire." says one of the men. He cuts it and the timer slows down at 30 seconds.
"We have 30 seconds to get out of this place."
They all run out, desperately trying to get away from the bomb before it explodes.
 They got out right on time because when the last person ran out of the warehouse, the warehouse exploded.
"Ssul, are you ok?" says Minho.
"Yeah. Thank you for saving me." says Sulli.
They make their way to the cars.
Sulli turns her head and sees Victoria with Khun, Krystal and Taemin. Next to them was Yuri in handcuffs.
Sulli smiles in relief but then passed out.
"Ssul! Ssul!" says Minho as Sulli lost consciousness.
"What happened to her doctor?" says Minho.
After Sulli passed out, they brought her straight to the hospital.
"She's just experiencing a minor trauma from too much stress. She should wake up soon." explains the doctor.
Minho sits by Sulli and falls asleep while holding her hand.
In a mental institution...
Yuri sits in her room drawing on a piece of paper. Her mom walks in.
"Oh my poor baby,I'm so sorry." says her mom.
"Mom, we have to get ready. My wedding with Minho is tomorrow. Dad will be mad if the wedding doesn't happen." replies Yuri.
"Honey, it's ok mommy is here. You're not gonna marry Minho and daddy won't get mad at you. We love you so much." says her mom.
"What do you mean there's no wedding? Sulli ruined it, didn't she? I'm going to end her. She took everything from me." says Yuri.
"My baby." says Yuri's mom as she takes Yuri into her arms.
Minho was sleeping soundly when he felt something move in his hand. He opens his eyes slowly and realizes that Sulli was waking up.
"Oppa." says Sulli with a huge smile.
"Ssul." says Minho.
They look in to each other's eyes and start to feel that they are finally free to be together.
"Sulli, miahne. Your in this situation because of me." says Minho.
"Oppa, it's not your fault. Yuri-unnie was neglected, she needed love. I'm here because you saved me. Thank you." says Sulli.
Minho leans down and gives her a kiss on the forehead.
"Aigoo, you just woke up and the two of you are already lovey dovey." says Victoria as she enters. Behind her was Khun, SHINee and f(x).
Sulli looks at her friends and notices the bandage on Amber's arm.
"Amber-unnie, gwenchana?" asks Sulli.
"Yeah, it was just on my arm. Im still okay." replies Amber.
"And don't worry Ssul, I took good care of your Unnie." says Key.
Sulli smiles and looks at her friends, she was extremely happy to have friends like them.




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You all know I started as TaelliMinSulLove. Sulli has and will always be in a special place in my heart. To The Beautiful You was my first kdrama and that's the reason f(x) became my favorite girl group. Sulli, I hope you find joy and peace wherever you are <3


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minsul22 #1
Chapter 18: this is such an amazing and sweet story! thank you.
ebe3101 #2
Chapter 18: Pleasingly done and very clever... I love it!
ebe3101 #3
Chapter 5: Awwww... They already ended?! But I'll still look forward.. btw, nice storyline..
afelhojas #4
Chapter 18: great story great ending tnx authornim
Chapter 18: Nice ending authornim.. I really love it..
Thanks for sharing the story.. ^^
miezamasrew #6
Chapter 18: Great story authornim .. finally , our minsul got their happiness and same with other too..thanks authornim ..
blacktanggul #7
Chapter 17: yeaaaaa... its time.. ;)
MeLot_24 #8
Chapter 16: Waaaaaaaaah~ MinSul! MinSul! MinSul! Hahaha all in my mind now is MinSul! I cant explain my feelings now. . VERY very very very . . .HAPPY FOR MINSUL XD
diaaaahhhhh #9
Chapter 16: aahh finally Khuntoria ♥
update soon
marifelhojas #10
Chapter 16: love it minsul moment pls update again tnx authornim