
To Love You Mr.Byun Baekhyun ( READ CHAPTER NO.12 )

You are remaining silent and quickly signing that contract . You like a lamb in the wolves cage.

After you heard all the text in that contract which declared by Min Hyo . All of the texts were didn't make sense. But you couldn't do anything so which you could do is following this deal . You need 30 minutes to arrive at hospital , but the time passed so slow for you . You and Baekhyun ride the different car , until finally you arrive at hospital where Baekhyun parents are there. You walk following Baekhyun and Min Hyo from behind . Seeing them look so intimate, you try to ignore that . You remember that you do this thing for your parents and Baekhyun's parents.

"Hey...You come inside first! " Baekhyun ordered you for knock the door and come inside first. You knock the door slowly , don't want to make a startled occupants. You open the door and see Baekhyun's father could have talked with his wife whom looks tired.

"Ah...Woo Ri-aa , come here." Baekhyun's mother greet you and ask you to come near . Baekhyun's parents are happy to see you , they smile and wait for a good news . But that smile doesn't last long when they see their son and Min Hyo . Baekhyun walk with a calm footsteps as if he didn't do anything wrong and Min Hyo who hold his hand greets Baekhyun's parents.

"Eomeoni , Abheojhi ... How are you? " Min Hyo asked that . But Baekhyun's mother as though she doesn't care , she walks toward her son with an angry expression. She takes a magazine from the table and rolls it , with quick steps she walks to Baekhyun direction.

"Yaa...Pabo! Why do you just come now!" Baekhyun's mother hit her son with the magazine , she hit her son for the first time , "You're pert! Such a bad boy. I never teach you to be like this , you hurt your own parents! " She kept hitting Baekhyun without see her son who endure the pain.

"Eooma, it's enough! " Baekhyun said , he can'tstop mother anger. And you quickly arbitrate them , you hold his mother hand and spontaneously his mother hugs you . That women fell down to the floor, she cry loudly in your embrace. Baekhyun's father try to stand up . He sigh.

"You know , what have you done Baekhyun? This is all that you give to us, come to this place with that girl. " he pointed to Min Hyo ," Don't you feel guilty. In front of your fiancé you take another girl?"

"Okay...Okay I will take the responsibility . I will engagement with Woo Ri. " After heard that , Baekhyun's mother immediately stand up and hug her son, she believes with her son words .You happy to heard that , but you still feel sad , because all of this engagement plan just a lie which make on the contract paper. Min Hyo try to explain about her relationship with Baekhyun . Of course all of that was a lie. You just want to clap your hand amaze with they acting.

"I know Baekhyun , you are a good boy. And I know this engagement will happen . So we already prepare all the things which we need to hold an engagement ceremony. But that's one thing we can't prepare for you two." She continues , ," Your rings!"

"Hahaha...Yes that's right ! You must choose that by yourself. " Baekhyun's father said , and then the both of Baekhyun parents asked you and Baekhyun to search for rings, right now!


You have arrived at a big mall at Seoul . This Mall is belonging to Byun family. It's now 8 p.m. This mall is so full of crowded people who are shopping. You just feel excited , maybe because Min Hyo doesn't follow Baekhyun again . You just know that public don't know about their relationship , maybe because of that there are no news at all about their relationship. But the strange thing is Baekhyun come here with a sunglasses ( it's night ) . The Mall is so bright but it's night , who is want to wear a sunglasses at night. And He wears a suit which make him difficult to identify.

"Don't you know that I am famous? Rather you ask me a lot , it's better you just calm following me!" he continues, "And don't ask me to read all of your questions when I am driving. " That was Baekhyun said .

You walk behind him while think about something which you thing so funny . Although for some reasons you have thought that you are very evil today.

Flash Back

" I can't wait anymore. Now on you must go search for the rings! "Baekhyun's mother said

"But Eomeoni , later If I go, there are many paparazzi whom follow me?" Min Hyo grumble

"If so you don't need to follow . Anyway who will marry is Woo Ri not you . So it's the better you go home now. " Baekhyun's mother said that and give a wink to you.

Back to reality ,Your reverie was ended when you accidentally bumped into Baekhyun. Although Min Hyo wasn't here , in accordance with agreement you must keep a distance with him.

"No? Why did you hit me , you must use your eyes correctly! " He yelled . He as usual again , that's the first thing appear at your mind. You're glad to know he yells to you like usually he does. Now you stand in front of a big jewelry store which famous in Seoul . Baekhyun asks you to come inside alone.And of course he says many reasons why he don't want to come in.

"I don't like to be in a place like this," he said and then give you a card ," You can use this , buy everything which you think that's good. But I give you a limit time , 15 minutes Okay!" You come in like a little girl wanted to search for her mother . There are many jewelries there . But there is something which make you interest. when you pass through the glass display case that contains a lot of jewelries. There is a couple rings which make you interest , those are really unique.

"Those rings look same with the rings which an Ahjumma give to us when we are in Jeju island. " You thought.

You stare at those , but you don't aware that there is a guy who look at you . When you realize that , you look up and see a tall guy with a formal suit. He smiled to you , you think that this guy is a manager of this place , so you quickly write something.

"May I look at those rings? "

That guy nodded ," Of course you may ,your choice is good , these rings are unique right? " He continues, " are you going to get married? It's unsual for a young girl comes alone and search for wedding rings?" he asked while bring out the rings from storefront.

"Does your future husband is really busy , until he can't choose the rings with you?"

"He isn't busy , he just give me a chance to choose by myself . And we just will engagement , but thanks for asked. " You wrote it and smiled to him.

"Are you ? Why you didn't speak?" , you shook your head and start to use you sign language.

"Oh... Mianhae , I don't know ..." You just nodded and give a sign as if it was alright, " I am confused why does your fiancé let you go alone in this crowded place . He should protect you . Where is he? I believe he was near here? I have a martial art skill. Don't be afraid I will not hurt him . I just wanna ask. "

You blame yourself why do you so innocent, you have appointed where is Baekhyun . He is really look a like your cousin who is really protective and because they look similar you do that by yourself .

"Woo Ri what are you doing? " You scolded yourself. You are really obedient with your cousin , who always asked you like that guy. That tall guy walks toward Baekhyun . He walks quickly , and you follow him from behind , you can run over him . And Baekhyun stand there while he called someone. That guy was very fast . When he arrives he knock the glass storefront . Baekhyun who backing him , immediately stop calling and he turn around , they both face each other.

"It's over then 15 minutes Woo Ri . What make you so slow. You know how expensive my time," That guy still standing in front of him ," I don't have much times , to do this stupid thing! " Baekhyun who thought that guy was you , immediately pull that guy hand . But that guy hold it , Baekhyun who feel strange , slightly lowered his sunglasses.

"Baekhyun-aa...Oppa, it's had been a long time . Don't you know how I miss you?" That guy hugged Baekhyun. His image in your mind was changed 180 degrees , he has said that he have martial art skill but now he looks more like a girl.

"It's enough , Huang Zi Tao . It's hard for me to take a breathe! " That guy who named Tao release his hug and hold Baekhyun hand ,"Can you let go your hand from my hand ? Who have told you that I am here? " 

nnocently Tao points to you . You already to receive all his angrier. But out of the blue he quickly hold your hand and pull you toward the store . He asks you where is the rings which you want , you point where is it , he bring out another card from his wallet and after he pays it , he pulls you again and leave Tao who is won't to let him go. Tao grumble.

"Baekhyun-aa ...I know it will happen , but I never give you a permission!"

"Who is need your permission? " Baekhyun said and you two run out of that mall to the parking area. When you two are in the car , Baekhyun gently talk to you . It is the first time this person talk like that.

"Now you know my reason right? He is abnormal ." but then he yelled to you ," Why did you so innocent? Why did you tell him where I am . Stupid girl!" He grumbled all the way . But for some reason you feel glad when you know his reason

It had been a week , and today the engagement ceremony will be held . The days passed like usual , nothing special . You also don't have any contact with Baekhyun .

"He is busy ...same with me I have my own busyness. I don't want to disturb him .I heard he came back from Japan yesterday because od his business affairs.  He should take a rest." You thought

You have wear the hanbok which more beautiful than the hanbok you used when photo shot . There are Rae Byung and Han sisters who accompany you at waiting room . But you feel a little disappointed because of Taehyung can't come to this ceremony.

"MIN WOO RI!!!" You were surprised to hear the sound of screams coming from outside the room .

"Guys ...you are allow to clog your ears. " Rae Byung said that to Han sisters who just look weird .

The door is open ," It's start from ...Now!" Rae Byung said . And quickly Han sisters with Rae Byung clog they ears with to of their hands. You know this voice .

"Min Woo Ri...What are you doing here? Why you don't tell me that you will engagement . I will not give my permit! Did you forget about me? Why do you engagement with Byun Baekhyun !" he continued, " Anie..Anie...Where is that guy? I am not willing this happen! You still so young! "

Your Cousin number 4

Do Kyungsoo , or he usually called D.O .He is your overprotective cousin , actually he is really and really love you as his cousin , sometime he expresses his affection excessive. He is really stand firm , he is 22 years old . Already leave at U.S for 3 years to continue his studies.

"Hyung...Hyung... Can you walk slowly .I am so tired to chase you. We didn't even check in at Hotel! Don't you feel tired to carry those suitcase all the way?"

Your Cousin number 7

Oh Sehun , He is the most younger . He is really childish and he is unruly , he can't stop to move , and also has a strange habit . He is really close with Kyungsoo . But actually he is the one who try to close with Kyungsoo , he is really respectful to Kyungsoo . He has a brother complex . And because of Kyungsoo has moved to U.S , he decided to go there too. He is 18 years old

"Oh Sehun . Maknae! Did you want this happen to your Nuna?" Sehun who looked try to take a breathe because of he is really tired . You aware that the suitcase is so big and of course so heavy.

"Hyung..What can we do, this is Uncel and Aunt discussion. "

"I will bring Woo Ri with me to go to U.S!"

From outside you hear some footsteps which direction to the room where you are there . You who still sit down immediately stand up and you know who will come in , little legs start running to you , a little boy and a little girl

"Kim Hyuk Ki ...Kim Ri Seul ...Can you wait for Appa?"

Your Cousin number 1

Kim Joon Myun , or he always called Suho . He is a Doctor . He has two children , Kim Hyuk Ki (7) and the younger Kim Ri Seul (6). He had divorced with his wife when Hyuk Ki and Ri Seul still baby . He make a discussion to go to U.S with his childs. He is 28 years old.

"Aunt...We really miss you." Those childs hug you and give you a kiss . You met them last Christmas . You really close with them , they always send some messages, and tell everything.

"Yo...What's up Woo Ri?" (English)

Your Cousin number 6

Kim Jong In, He has a same behavior with Sehun. He really close with Sehun . Maybe because of the same character . He is really popular among girls , same like Sehun . He is smart but Sehun more smarter than him. They also called Duo Maknae . Really good at dancing . He has a same age with Sehun . 18 years old.

"Hey ... Jong In . Watch your words! She is more older than you."

Your Cousin number 2

Kris Wu . He is descendant Canada . And he leaves there , he always try to look cool and calm but actually he is really talk active and he doesn't like to lose . He is 26 years old.

With calm steps Xiumin come in , followed Kris from behind . He is the most calm among your cousins.

"You!!! You must be polite to your Nuna Jong In! " Xiumin said

"I am KAI! Not Jong In ...just relax brother , I am just kidding! " (English), he pat his shoulder . And Xiumin give him a glare.

"Mianhae Nuna!" Kai bowed 90 degrees.

 Your Cousin number 3

Kim Min Seok. He usually called Xiumin , Duo Maknae really respect with him . He has a kind heart and honest . 25 years old. He leaves at China , for 1 years . But he still usually contact you and his other cousins

And you are in position number 5 among your cousins. they are all the only child like you . 6 cousins from your mother family . Your mother has 3 brothers and 3 sisters . A big family. Although the distance between you and them is so far . They are always contact and ask for your condition.

The situation that was fun when the whole family can get together . Suddenly turn into a tense when Baekhyun leisurely pace come inside the room where you are there.

"Woo Ri , you muat get ready . You know I was forced to do this , and about the contract..." Baekhyun can't continue to talk when D.O cut his words.

"What is the contract do you mean?" D.O asked . Sehun and Kai give a eye contact each other . They know what will happen . And you also know it. 

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halforblack #1
how's your exam?? i hope you get a good score on it >.<
Haeysoo #2
Chapter 12: Okay..gud luck mei, hope u get good result..
I'll wait for you..^^
Chapter 11: finally! Taehyung appear..... :D
Haeysoo #4
Chapter 10: I want taehyung and woori moments
yanabyun #5
Chapter 10: curious of their past..update soon~
ILoveKDramas1 #6
Haeysoo #7
Chapter 7: ugh! I hate min hyo-_-
Woori and taehyung moment please..
Chapter 5: Omfg! Please update soon :))
Haeysoo #9
Chapter 5: Omg!taehyung...baekhyun very childish..ahahaha