Don't know

To Love You Mr.Byun Baekhyun ( READ CHAPTER NO.12 )

" What will happen to me?" You thought

Since the first time you met with Baekhyun , you knew that he was a typical boy who could do and get everything he wants. So before something unplanned happen , you immediately stand up , walk away from Baekhyun whom look at you with a gaze which tell that he is very satisfied seeing your reaction.

You walk toward the kitchen where you must continue to cook for him . Your cooking is complete , you pour it into a bowl . But you almost shed it. You are really busy to thinking about what will Baekhyun do to you and plus you get shock to hear Baekhyun laughing hardly .

"Is he crazy? " You thought , laughing without any reason . So you make a discussion and decide . " If he do something unsual , I am sure you will get a punch .Baekhyun! " You thought like that , and as if in your eyes radiated fire burning.


Baekhyun POV

"What did you do , Baekhyun? Why did you have to whisper like that. You look like a stupid boy . What will she think about you?" Baekhyun grumble

Ahk... I feel confuse , anyway, why I must worry about the things like that . Soon We will split . I can't imagine spend all the rest of my life with her . This wedding plan is the most stupid plan I ever knew . Anyway why did this thing must happened . Eomeoni, it's all because of you .

I am a handsome , good-looking , rich , and smart man will merry with a girl whom make me disappointed and the worse is she is mute . If my mother is a normal person , I think she will think again to marrying his son with a girl like that. Before he thinks weird about me , I have to pretend laughing , So that she will assume that I just making a joke .

"Hahaha...ha...ha" I stopped laughing. Where is she? I really busy to think about something which wasted my time . Ais... You look more stupid . And I don't care about her , but because I am the landlord of this house and She is stranger . I need to know what does she do !

"Baekhyun , how about your self esteem? " Like someone murmurs to me . "I know that it will be awkward but I don't know why , I just want to know where she go. So you keep quiet!" talking with myself. I walk toward the kitchen after I have searched all over this place . I walk slowly , I want asking what does she do here? Does She cook something? So I hold her shoulder , before I want asking what does she do . She hold back my hand .

" Hahaha ... Who know she will hold my hand. The thing I know, who are the girls whom will reject this beautiful angelic hand !" I thought .



You are trying to concentrate with what are you doing . But from behind you hear the footsteps of someone . Of course, that is Baekhyun . What will he do .

"Positive thinking Woo Ri ," you are talking to youself . You pretend don't know . But from behind you feel something touch your shoulder .

"What will he do! I won't something unplanned happen !" You thought . So you hold that hand which touch your shoulder . Frist , you just try to release . But he is even more tightly holding your shoulder. So with your eyes closed , you turn and quickly push him .

"I was forced to do this for protect myself!" you thought . And then give him a punch in the right cheek . Somehow in the state of urgency you have great power . Somehow look like a superhero .

"Yaa... What are you..." You quickly open your eyes and see he falls down on the floor, he looks pain . This happen because he does something unsual . You try to help him gets up ,. You embrace him toward his bedroom . All the ways toward the bedroom , he is still nagging . But you give a signal for keep quiet.

After arrive . You help him laying on the bed . And then you take a paper and pen which are around there. Because you can't find any paper , you take a magazine ans write down something to him .

"I am sorry , Baekhyun-sii , I didn't mean to do that."

" Just shut up ! And don't write everywhere you want . On my desk there is a paper , you can use it . And don't ever touch my personal things ." He takes the magazine which you hold . " You have injured my precious face . And now you also cross out my handsome picture ." pointing to his picture in that magazine . You feel familiar with that picture . You are trying to remember and finally you know that it was the magazine which Rae Byung read this afternoon. So this jerk is a famous CEO . You feel insecure and fastly take a paper from his desk .

" So you are a famous CEO ?" You asking innocently.

" Of course . I am more famous then idols in this country . If you don't know me , I will give you my auto biography." He touch his cheek which are starting to look bruised. " This hurt you know , it's time for you to give me a medicine !"

You immediately go out from that room and quickly you take some ices from compressing his cheek and take the porridge which you cook. Then bring it to his room where Baekhyun is laying on his bed. You hold his hand and put the ices on his hand then stir it to his cheek . And ing the porridge which have you made .

"Eat this food , I know that you don't eat anything when dinner time! " You write it . He look at you with strange face.

"You must be poison this food , I won't eat this!" You shook your head for say no , " Really?" He ask again and you answer with the same answer ." All right , I will eat this but you must feed me! I am not mean to indulge. You see that I am sick . This all because of you.And you muat be responsible with this!" You nodding and complied him .

When you feeding him . Suddenly the atmosphere become awkward . He just stare at you and occasionally smile. You feel nervous . You look elsewhere , try to don't meet his eyes.

" Ya...Ya...Ya... What are you doing ? You feed my mouth or my cheek? " You look his left cheek covered by porridge. You stand up and take some tissues and give it to him . You immediately bow which mean you want to say sorry , and he just answer it arrogantly.

" Of course , I will forgive you , because I am a kind heart man . I will always succumbing to everyone. " He declaration is so different with his original personality . But you just listen it carefully . Until finally his declaration is finish.

" By the way , your food is good enough . But I feel you forget about something. " His expression become serious. You give an expression as if asking what is lacking in your cooking. He knows you are curious

"You need more Love . I can feel you cook this food while thinking a bad thing about me." his face look more serious . How can he know ? That is the question that come to your mind.

"Anie...anie...anie ..I am just kidding !" You feel glad after hear he says that." Now give me drink . My servant . I feel full now! Hurry!"

What servant? But you know that you can't do anything but just obey. After that , you remember that today you will talk something with Rae Byung . But your handphone was leaving at home . So you decide to tell everything which happen tomorrow . And now you are on the lounge in the parlor . You don't know what will you do . " Maybe Baekhyun is sleeping ." that what you think , this lounge is comfortable

. But when you almost sleep , you hear someone laughing and playing with you hair . Yup ,that person is Baekhyun . You directly stand up and face him .

" You will sleep here? " He asks and you nodde " You can't, you will sleep with me. I mean , not on a same bed . Just in the same room." You glare him , you know that he taste you .

" You don't have any choice . I am the landlord here!"He insists. You agree it and follow him to the bedroom . He have provided a mattress.

" You sleep there . And I sleep here." He is pointing to a mattress that is on the floor (for you) and he jump to his bed which look more comfort . You mattress is beside his bed , on the bottom side , but your mattress isn't big and it's on the floor not same like he hasThe lamp was turn off 5 minutes ago . Adn then it's turn on again . You know that Baekhyun is the one who turn it on . And the he looks at you where you already laying. " Wanna play game with me? I can't sleep." He says like thar with puppy eyes . But you don't affect and cross your hand which mean "NO" . You tried. " Do you know I can't sleep because I feel hurt on my cheek . And I will alway turn the light on . So you can't sleep . And also remember I am the landlord of this house . So I can do every I want. " He uses his power again.

You walk toward the door , you want to sleep in the parlor . You can't sleep here . Because Baekhyun really chatty . When you are holding the handle door . The door can't open .

" does he lock this door ? When?" You thought confusion. " Search this?" He throw the key up and down . You just ignore him and walk to the mattress , because you are really tired . But Baekhyun even more annoying you either he is turning on the television , singing ,or just yelling.

"Baby don't cry tonight , eodumi geochigo namyeon

Baby don't cry tonight , eobseotdeon iri deol geoya"

You don't know what is the title of this song . But his voice is amazing , you feel comfortable and this song make you want to sleep . Know that you feel comfort , he change the lyrics.

" Hey Baby don't sleep tonight , just followed my injunction

 Baby don't sleep tonight , or I will always bothering you!"

He sings like that , as if warn you don't argue his order . And you take a phone which on his bed .

"Can you keep quiet . I am really tired!" You typing like that . " You are really lucky can hear my beautiful voice . If you want to sleep , you better sleep outside . Oh ...yesh , I forget that the key is with me . So you don't have any choice expect play with me."

It's already 1 a.m. ? 5 hours later will be morn. You relent and follow his game . He wanst to play monopoly game .You and he walk to the middle of this room . He take out an older box from a wood cupboard in his room . It's strange there are a computer , play station , and other advance games . But why he choose this game . What he is really thinking?

"Okey , I want to play this game , if you can beat me , I will allow you to sleep!" So you want to win this game and finish it quickly .

"Kai...Bai...Bo!" You are immediately choose who is the person whom will start this game . Luckily you are win .

"Quickly shake the dice !" He look unsatisfied . This is game , just having fun . But you are sure , you will be the winner

2 hours later

You look at the clock on the wall . It's 3 a.m. You enjoy the game . So time passed fast for you . The result of this game is series , no one win or lose. Turs out he is quite reliable You look at Baekhyun direction , sometimes he close his eyes and open it again . He looks like a children when he is tired. "He is definitely very tired. " You thought . And finally he is sleeping soundly on the floor repose by a fur carpet. Then you take a blanket and pillow from his bed . You are sleeping on the floor , you don't hesitate if you sleep on the mattress , because the landlord is sleeping on the floor. You sleep beside him with a far distance approximately 5 meters.


Baekhyun POV

I am waking up , what time is it ? I look a the clock on the wall . It turns out last night I fell asleep on the floor.

" Oh it's still 9 a.m. In the morning. " I can come to the office whenever I want . Because I am the owner . When I want tp stand up , I quit my intention when I look Woo Ri sleep peacefully . But why the distance between us is really far . I want to see her sleeping face , I can't see it because he is backing me. I am rolling my body like a tin towards her .

"What are you doing Byun Baekhyun , this is really childish. " my self esteem talk by itself . Sometimes I lose with my own self esteem . But for this once , I really curious . And I arrive safely without her knowing . I lay beside her. She still backing me . But finally she turn and our face is facing really close .I see she move her body like she want to wake up nd that's true , She immediately wake up . I pretend sleep , but my hand squash her body itself . It's not what I want.

"Yaaa... My hand why do you move in the wrong time!" I am scold my hand . But I suddenly become quite because Woo Ri already wake up.



You feel something heavy override your body . When you open your eyes , it truns out Baekhyun is facing you , He still asleep . Spontaneously you push his hand , and it makes him wake up.

"What are you doing ?" He looks pain , because his hand hits the floor. that's the question which you should ask to him .What is he doing here ? He was supposed sleep there 5 meters far from you

. "Hey..why could you on my side . You secretly approached me when I am sleep , right?" You position aren't change . The one who moved last night was Baekhyun. You are sure .

" Liar!" You say that to him ." Don't use sign language when talking with me ! What do you say! Tell me!" You keep silent , and now your eyes stare at the clock . It's 9 a.m. You are panic , your class has begun 2 hours ago . You are really late . You immediately go out and Baekhyun follow you from behind .

"Let's go together , I wil drive you fastly to the school." He take his key and You are going to the basement area . You are in the car which Baekhyun ride. Heis driving really fast , and Miraculously he knows where is your school , maybe he knows your school because he saw your uniform . Speaking about uniform , you remember that you still wear a shirt and trouserswhich he give you , Likewise Baekhyun who still wear a white T-shirt and blue jeans , his hair looks so messy. And Your uniform left at his house. Immediately you look at Baekhyun , and he look back to you .


You don't know how to explain this , There is no paper or pen , and Baekhyun apparently not bring his handphone. You use your sign language . And magically he knows your mean. Without say anything he turn to your house . Your house is near with your school so you feel more calm. Arriving home , you ring the bell house which on the gate . And wait for someone to open the door . Now Baekhyun is standing beside you , he followed you got out from car . Maybe He want to greet your parents or something like that . Because it's not respectfully if him stay in the car , he looks so responsible. You hear your mother voice . When she opens the gate , she looks at the both of you and smile . Your appearance looks so messy . You go in to your house , and leave your mother and Baekhyun in front of the house . You don't have much time , You are preparing quickly . You just need 15 minutes , it's 10.30 a.m. The sport class was beginning .

" Woo Ri , the driver who always drive you to school can't bring you to school because today He will bring me to the company . So you will go with Baekhyun , my sweetheart." You look Baekhyun is standing beside your mother . You know that it will be happen . So you just agree and go with Baekhyun.

You and Baekhyun finally arrive at your school . You go out from the car and wriedly Baekhyun follow you to go out . Because of the gate is near from the school yard . Your classmates can see you from far. Rae Byung and Yoo Ra run toward you . The school gate is opening . Like usual Yoo Ra hugs you and Rae Byung just watch it , her eyes is looking to Baekhyun who respons her gaze .

"Who is he?" Yoo Ra ask to you. " You will not want to know Yoo Ra . Woo Ri come to me , doesn't go near to him ! He is a bad guy! Jerk!" Rae Byung pull you towards her . It's not like usual .Rae Byung never says words like that .

"What Jerk? Do you know with who you are talking!" Baekhyun looks angry .

" Rae Byung Who is he?" Yoo Ra asks again. " Oh... So you are Rae Byung! You are Mr.Kang daughter. " He continues " You know I can make you company I insolvent. Because I am the largest shareholder. "

"No, You can't Byun Baekhyun ." Rae Byung reply with a angry face. " Without you father permit, look! You still under you father shadow! "

"I can do everything I want . After I merry with her . The company will be mine!"

You still confuse . "So he just want to merry me because of the business affairs .Why does Rae Byung really dislike Baekhyun?  Is this something I don't know?"

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Thanks for reading my story ... he he he


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halforblack #1
how's your exam?? i hope you get a good score on it >.<
Haeysoo #2
Chapter 12: Okay..gud luck mei, hope u get good result..
I'll wait for you..^^
Chapter 11: finally! Taehyung appear..... :D
Haeysoo #4
Chapter 10: I want taehyung and woori moments
yanabyun #5
Chapter 10: curious of their past..update soon~
ILoveKDramas1 #6
Haeysoo #7
Chapter 7: ugh! I hate min hyo-_-
Woori and taehyung moment please..
Chapter 5: Omfg! Please update soon :))
Haeysoo #9
Chapter 5: Omg!taehyung...baekhyun very childish..ahahaha