Jeju Island

To Love You Mr.Byun Baekhyun ( READ CHAPTER NO.12 )

You still standing innocently , you don't know what should you do . Quickly Min Hyo push you and as a result you almost fall down , but you successfully stabilize your body .

"Honey , let's go to the restaurant , I am hungry ."She hold and stare Baekhyun with an innocent face , of course she looks so cute . Then She walks away with Baekhyun and leave you alone . You still standing and staring them whom look so intimate . Baekhyun occasionally stared backward looked toward you . And finally just you are alone who stand staring blankly ahead.

"He didn't see me or he just pretended not to see me?" You thought

You walk in the opposite direction with them . Maybe one of the reason is you don't want to meet them . You walk toward the hall , but you don't mood to go back there . You want to go to the beach which is behind this resort . You walk quickly almost running . And you arrive there , you leave your shoes there , that shoes makes you difficult to walking on the sand. So you release it . You hear rustling waves , the wind carry fragrant spring flowers . You walk down the beach , don't know your destination to come here . You want to scream but you can't .

"I can't cry , I can't angry . And also I am not sick ," You touch your chest ," But why inside here feel hurt? I think I must go to the doctor. " You thought

You find a wooden swing overlooking the ocean , you're sitting there . Staring at the ocean and the stars in the night sky that looks so beautiful . You feel there is someone sit on the wooden swing beside you and look at you . You look at him . "Baekhyun..." You thought He smiles to you , and then swung his swing . Somehow his existence around you make you feel comfortable as if you've known him for a long time.


"Are you all right Woo Ri? " You hear voice of someone who is different with Baekhyun voice , you look at him . You surprised that the person next to you is not Baekhyun but Taehyung.

"...Just my imagination..."You thought

You smile to Taehyung , and nodde . He is a best friend who means so much to you , he's like having a magic that can make people around him feel happy . But he lives at Busan with his grandmother , but your relationship still good until now.

"I know , you are not all right ... Don't be sad."

"How can you be here?" You ask that question , it's not difficult to communicate with him , because he understands the sign language that you use frequently.

He smiles ," My father asks me to come here . You know , actually today I feel so disappointed..."


"...I was disappointed with what happened . Ahh... Forget that , You know I was surprised when hear that you will marry . You should tell me first , so that I can prepare your engagement gift ." He said

"You don't need to do that , your presence is enough for me. And actually I don't know that this engagement will begin immediately ," You look at the sky , and look toward him ," Thank you Taehyung" You smile to him.

"Do you want to run away with me?" He looks serious , you gave him an odd expression," Hahaha... I am just kidding , I hear around this beach every night there are always fireflies fluttering , over there," He pointed ,"Let's go there."

You nodde and follow him . "Why aren't you wearing shoes? " Taehyung said that.

"it's hard to walk with high heels on the sand."In the middle of the road you meet your friends , there are Rae Byung and Han sisters . They look toward you , you immediately run to their direction . Same like them.

"Eoonie , We can meet , I am so happy . We just want to find you , once we know you've been out of the building when the event takes place. " Hyun Ra smiled . While Rae Byung is walking toward Taehyung .

"You also come here? Nice to see you ." She patted Taehyung back ," I also feel happy to see you Rae Byung , But Why you aren't attending that event?"

"You know , I don't like something like that . Anyway I and my friends are late because our aircraft which will clim at a delay of up to 1 hour. And my father already represent my presence , he go first than me. I knew about this event last night . My parents force me to go , it's same with Han sisters's parents " she looked you ,"Where is Baekhyun , Did he leave you? I heard your engagement will be held next week."

"Yes Eoonie , My father told that . He said in addition to inauguration of the building , Byun family will announce yhe engagement of their son. And of course they only child is Byun Baekhyun. " All the people look at you with eyes full of wonder . You don't know what to say . You can just head down and don't dare to meet their gaze

. "I knew , that Jerk!!! He absolutely leave you!" Rae Byung looks angry

"You have to calm down Rae Byung ,You can't solve that problem with emotions . Anyway don't you want to introduce me to your friends? " He continues, " My name is Kim Taehyung. "

"My name is Han Hyun Ra , nice to meet you. And She is my older sister Han Yoo Ra ."

"Hahaha... You are so polite , don't use formal languages to me , And you must call me "Oppa" Arraso my dongsaeng. " Taehyung pointed to Hyun Ra , and Hyun Ra who is usually difficult get close with strangers , now she looks enjoying the moments.

"And you can called me with name . Okay!" He gives a wink to Yoo Ra but Yoo Ra keeps silent , you confuse why does Han sisters personalty change . Hyun Ra suddenly become friendly and Yoo Ra become a recluse.

" Well what are you doing here?" He asks.

"We want to see the fireflies . Yoo Ra want to take a picture . She is a good photographer . But unfortunately we didn't find any fireflies . I know you must also intending to see the fireflies . I think we better get back to the resort . It's now 9 p.m. Really cold here." They walk away but you still standing there , when they release that you aren't with them . They look behind and find you are still there . They walk toward you.

"Do you still want to be here?" Yoo Ra asks , and you nodde. "You may go , I want to be alone . Thank you ." You smiled and they know that you want to be alone .

" I can accompany you?" Taehyung said that . But you reject it and your friends pull him away . He was a little rebellious , but he didn't success .


" Eoonei. What happen with her?" Hyun Ra asks to Rae Byung about you.

"I also don't know , to be sure I will not give Baekhyun hurt her."

"Why didn't you tell the reason why you're really don't like him?" Hyun Ra looks confused.

"Someday, You will know Hyun Ra , but not now." She continues ," And sorry Taehyung , last summer I couldn't go to Busan."

"Hahaha... It's okay ." Then Rae Byung whisper him ," I know , you are excites because you can be alone with Woo Ri , " Then she laugh and Taehyung chase her.

"Eoonei , You like him , right? Because you looks so silence " Hyun Ra asks his sister and she looks uncomfortable ," What are you talking will not happen! " Hyun Ra just smiled .


Baekhyun POV

"Hyung ... Please help me . Find out where is Woo Ri now. If you can take Chanyoel with you." I send a message to Luhan . Few minutes later I got a replay

"Ya...Pabo , what is the problem you caused this time? I will not help you , you try to solve it yourself! "

"Help me . I don't know that Min Hyo will follow me to here."

"What? YOU!!! How about Woo Ri . Let me guess . You left her , right?"

"Yes you are right..."

"Ah... This stupid boy . Do you know how kind Woo Ri then your beloved Min Hyo! "

"I need your help Hyung ! I beg!"

"Okay . It's for Woo Ri , I pity her has a bad fiancé like you!" I already want to text him back , but I hear Min Hyo called me.

"Baekhyun , an you stop playing with your phone. That so annoying. "

"Ahh...Mianhae. "


When you walk down at the beach , you see Baekhyun and his girlfriend are walking together . They look so close . You quickly move away from those who were there . You don't know why you just don't want to meet them now . And you walk away toward the resort without wear a shoes . The reason is your shoes is near with Baekhyun , you can't take that . It will be awkward if you suddenly appear .

"Hey ...I want to take my shoes , bye. Aiss... That will be awkward , and they will indict me as a stalker. " You thought.

Actually you want to go back to Seoul , or if you still want to be here , you want to spend all times with your friend . But that impossible , they say that tomorrow they will go back to Seoul and Taehyung to Busan . You don't know when you will go home . You forget ask that to your mother. You actually also really don't want to meet Baekhyun . Somehow you feel really don't want to be around him now. After you take a bath , you fall asleep.

" Tomorrow morning , I must take my shoes . Fortunately it was night so not many people notice that I walk barefoot toward my room."You thought.

After 30 minutes you sleep , you hear someone knocking your roo door . Then you turn on the light and open the door.

"Ya... Where have you been ! I've been looking for you throughout this resort!" He shout with high tone. You look at Baekhyun . He looks so angry . You try to close the door , but he success to push it again . You still angry with him , so you go back to the bed ignore him and try to sleep.

"Hey! When I was talking to you , you must pay attention to me .Haven't you ever learn to respect people! " He walks toward you and pull your foot out of the bed. Of course you fall down because he is strong then you . You gaze him , but you try to ignore him And try to sleep again . The more you try to ignore him , He is more bothers you . Either he turn on the television with high volume or yelling , jumping up and down on your bed , unpack your valise. Last deeds make you feel distrub , in that valise there are many your personal things.

"How if he find those..." You thought. You immediately wake up and walk toward him , you hit his back. He is so naughty. "Appa! How many times you've hit me . You must change your behaviour!" He is very difficult to notify, he should change his childish behaviour. You pull his hand and ask him to sit down . You take abook and write something there.

"What actually you want to say?" You asked.

"I want you more carefully . I know you feel mad to me . But I will not allow you to go to the beach alone . You know how dangerous tht place. "

"How do you know I go there?" He start to tell you how he knows that.


2 hours ago

I got a massage from Luhan Hyung. "Baekhyun , I and Chanyoel already search to the whole place but we can't find her Now we are deploying several security officer here."

I looked at the watch , it's already 9 p.m. I couldn't just silence . Min Hyo asked me to go to the beach together , but my stared fall to a white shoes which near with me . After I try to remembered about that familiar shoes . Finally I remembered that it was Woo Ri's shoes , that shoes lead to the ocean . I am not a person that would pay attention with something like that . But I feel something different with that . And now there were to possibilities . First , She is walk around this beach , second , She swept by the waves . I was panic , and asked Min Hyo to go back to the resort

"You must go back to the resort , I have something to do here." I released her hold and walk quickly , while trying to call Luhan and Chanyoel . Because I Chanyoel didn't picked up his phone , I called Luhan Hyun.

"Hyung , you must go to the beach , I think she is here . "

"What? I don't think she will go there. Okay , I will go there ." I couldn't thought clearly anymore , So I removed my suit and throw myself to the water. I wouldn't forgiven my self if something bad happened to her. Not much later , Luhan , Chanyoel , and the security team arrived . Quickly Luhan Hyung and Chanyoel pulled me upmfrom the water toward the mainland . I tried to let go , but they are much stronger than me , I almost cried . They tried to calm me.

"You must keep calm Baekhyun ," Chanyoel said that .

"Why don't you think , how can I calm in thid situation . This is my fault. "

"Finally you realize that your actions are wrong." Luhan said that and everything immediately became silent , he continued ," Are you sure that she was swept by waves . Don't you think your action look so melancholic , I think you too much watching the drama. Chanyoel you accompany him to his room . You two must obedient. "

I walk with Chanyoel toward my room . He looked tired , so I asked him to take a rest . I feel worried but I was much trying to look calm . I had a shower and I was walking toward the room's balcony which overlooking to the beach. I feel strange when I saw Woo Ri's room , I remembered that when she left her room , the light was but now , the light was turned off . I got curious and went to her room . And I knocked the door.


"That's all I want to tell you . Now you may go back to sleep!" Baekhyun go out . But your precious sleep doesn't last long . Someone knock the door again .

"Woo Ri , open the door now!"

"Again?" You thought , you immediately wake up and walk toward the door . He goes inside and lay down on your bed . "I think tonight I shall sleep here . My room's door is locked from outside ." You surprised to hear it . You instantly pulled him to the balcony , and give him a signal to jump to his balcony room.

"Are you crazy? "He said , You know that idea is pretty crazy . The distance between your balcony and his , isn't far but the risk is high enough . He can fallen from the 8th floor to the ground .

"'s very risky!" You thought

"I am sorry , I don't have any choice , all the rooms at this resort are full and again I am also force to be here." He's very clumsy , he told you that there was someone who locked the door. And the worse is the key is left inside. He doesn't know , who is locked his room . He just say that the door could not opened when he back from your room. He also try to contact the employees at this resort . But they are all ignored him. To make sure that he isn't lie to you , you check the door and ask this resort employees and he is right .

"Now , do you believe me?" he asks."

"Don't be afraid , We have to slept together right?" He told you innocently , you know that he was teasing you . So you just ignore him and fortunately this bight , he doesn't bother you . He sleeps soundly on the bed. And you sleep on the couch.

" My back is very fragile . I couldn't sleep on the couch . You want me to go into the hospital, because my back is hurt!" You give a high score for his perfect acting .


You hear someone knocking the door . You get tired of hearing the sound of the door knocking. "

"Woo Ri , Quickly open the door , That really noisy!" Baekhyun are still half asleep ordered you to open the door

"He must change that behaviour! " You thought , you walk , and open the door . You see your friends are standing there . You are panic , don't know what should you do. They look about want to go inside your room , but Baekhyun still there , he is still sleeping.

"Wait a minute. " Those who want to go in feeling a little confused. You immediately ask Baekhyun to wake up.

"What again?" His eyes still close.

"You must hide somewhere, my friends are here!"

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Thanks for reading my story ... he he he


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halforblack #1
how's your exam?? i hope you get a good score on it >.<
Haeysoo #2
Chapter 12: Okay..gud luck mei, hope u get good result..
I'll wait for you..^^
Chapter 11: finally! Taehyung appear..... :D
Haeysoo #4
Chapter 10: I want taehyung and woori moments
yanabyun #5
Chapter 10: curious of their past..update soon~
ILoveKDramas1 #6
Haeysoo #7
Chapter 7: ugh! I hate min hyo-_-
Woori and taehyung moment please..
Chapter 5: Omfg! Please update soon :))
Haeysoo #9
Chapter 5: Omg!taehyung...baekhyun very childish..ahahaha