Entry 7

How I Lost Kim Jongin

Entry 7

February 19, 2012


It has never, never, never ever crossed my mind that Kim Jongin would be casually lounging in my living room at 9 in the morning.


“Good Morning Kyungsoo. Nice boxers.”


My lower half of my body was adorned by a pair of cotton briefs with the word, DIVA, amplified with glitter.


I created a mental note to never borrow Kris’s briefs ever again.


After dressing up in appropriate clothing, I sat parallel to  my ex lover as he reminisced about his winter holidays.


As much as I wanted to hear about Jongdae crashing his father’s precious truck, more important questions rushed through my head.


Who let him in?


Why is he here?


Does he hate me?


And more importantly, why can’t he leave?


It only causes issues. I am not a big fan of issues.




His brown orbs bore into my soul. It hurts. Why is he in front of me? I was living perfectly fine. I make a nice living, I take care of my body, and I volunteer whenever I can. But whenever he is here, he makes me feel as if I am not living. As if he needs to be there in order for everything to be fine.


“What?” I said with a grimace. I did not mean to come out rude but I did. He simply smiled. “Haven’t had your Cocoa puffs, have you?”


It was awkward at first. Everyone knew I mated with a man that was not Jongin, and although they never voiced out their opinion, it was evident in their eyes.


Nevertheless, Jongin would laugh it off when someone brought it up. His eyes would crinkle up more than usual and he made sure to display his perfectly white teeth. He was faking it.


Our whole relationship was fake. We went out on dates, kissed, hugged, etc. but nothing was ever the same. I’m sure that in his mind he was wondering who was the next guy I would .


His friend? His cousin? The school’s student council president?


In order to ease his mind just by a fraction, I would avoid physical contact with anyone expect him. It didn’t work.


This went on for 3 months. We conducted our own play, pushing and pulling, attempting to find out who would win.


But here’s a clue: Cheaters always win.


That is, unless the opponent stoops down to the cheater’s level.


Kim Jongin gave me a taste of my own medicine and ed Byun Baekhyun. Well according to rumors anyway. There was evidence though, a picture of Jongin walking out of Baekhyun's home shirtless and a serious case of hair.


Many would say that was a move, but I disagree. It was a wake up call. To me, at least. I ended my relationship with him the moment I graduated high school.


I saw Jongin cry that day. He denied all the rumors, and offered his explanation, which I ignored. He then begged me not to leave, but what could I do?


He deserves better.

And better is not me. It’s not even close.

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PrettyPotato1223 #1
Chapter 12: Goddammit This was just so sad and beautiful and amazing. I love the way you write!!
Chapter 12: This is the end?? Omg kyungsoo yaaahhh ㅠ ㅅ ㅠ
Chapter 12: i seriously cant handle character death.. authornim~~ what to do TT^TT
Chapter 12: This was effective in making tears pool in my eyes. //sobs// Brilliant story-writing in the form of Soo's memoir of their love story and Jongin's own forlorn entry in the end. The cocoa puff boxes and the puppy did it for me! //cries// Thank you Jongdae for forcing them to write! Well done to you for a truly wonderful *albeit heartwrenching* piece! I'll look forward to reading more of your work in the future.
Chapter 12: This fic is totally a sad fic.. starting kyungsoo with a cancer.. dunno what to feel.. i'm juz sad reading this.. T_T thanx for great fic author-nim..!
Chapter 12: Just.... Heck. No... Please, I want a really happy Kaisoo ending. An alternative universe or something like that.
Geez, I loved this fic too much.
Congratulations and...Just wow.
wonwoojpeg #7
Oh gawd, horrible mistake... I shouldn't have read the comments before reading..
hanajoe #8
Chapter 10: T-T please don't make me cry...
Chapter 9: It has been a while since I've read a good angsty Kaisoo fic that doesn't weigh me down with heavy angst. Although the past is interspersed with the present, the writing is smooth which makes reading a breeze. I could feel Kyungsoo's despair here in these entries despite him attempting to project a healthy and sassy front. I like how Jongin seems to be able to see through Soo's lies. They're soulmates. I know I should probably prepare myself for a possibly //highly-likely// sad ending. But I'm hoping for some kind of miracle to happen.... For now though, I look forward to reading more of this!