Entry 11

How I Lost Kim Jongin


Entry 11

April 17, 2012


Jongin knows. He knows. He knows that my cancer is back and I am going to perish soon.


I hated the look on his face when he found out.


“And you didn’t tell me? That’s why you left me two years ago?”


The tone in his voice pierced through my soul. I kept quiet. He simply sighed. “Are you going to runaway this time?”


“No,” I spoke up.


“Why? You have nowhere to run to this time?” he joked but I could see the pain within his eyes. The fact that I was the cause of this hurt scared me. How would it be like if he left me? Just the thought sends chills running down my back.


“I want to die with  you by my side. I’m sick of running away.”


I told the truth, a first for me. But Jongin deserves the truth, even if it’s late.


“...How long?”


“I’m lucky if I survive this fall.”


“Well from now on, you’ll be stuck to my side.”





He didn’t lie. The only times we separated were when we had work or to take a piss. He accompanied me to my cafe wednesday with Jongdae and even dealt with my long searches when I went to a bookstore.


He would wake me up with a kiss and a bowl of cocoa puffs. My favorite part however was when we’d cuddle after making love. Despite being tired, he’s never fail to remind me of everything.


“I didn’t cheat on you with Baekhyun. I only went over to his house to confront him about everything. He told me what you two had was only lust, nothing more nothing less. The reason why I was shirtless was because he spilled coffee on my shirt.”


“I know.”


“Everyone told me to end it with you after that, but I couldn’t. You’re mine, I can’t let you go.”


“I know.”


“I’m sorry for everything Kyung. If I could fix it, I would.”


“I know.”


“I love you.”


“I know. I love you more.”




Still, life’s a .


There’d be moments when I would collapse and days when I swore were my last. Like the brilliant Euripides once said, “No one can confidently say that he will still be living tomorrow.”


I’m just glad I survived yesterday. Today seems to be going well as well.


For all I know, this will be my last entry ever.


I began this as a way to cope with my depression, now I yearn for the small moments I have to sneak off and write my feelings.


Well, like any good old fairytale, I lived happily ever after with my prince, except we don’t grow old and rule a kingdom. At least my ending is not as sad as The Little Mermaid.


I know Jongin loves me, because right now all I hear is his shouting .


“Kyung! I love you! Come over here, I need your hug to feel warm.”


Have I ever mentioned how much he means to me?

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Thanks to everyone who stuck with me! THANK YOU!


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PrettyPotato1223 #1
Chapter 12: Goddammit This was just so sad and beautiful and amazing. I love the way you write!!
Chapter 12: This is the end?? Omg kyungsoo yaaahhh ㅠ ㅅ ㅠ
Chapter 12: i seriously cant handle character death.. authornim~~ what to do TT^TT
Chapter 12: This was effective in making tears pool in my eyes. //sobs// Brilliant story-writing in the form of Soo's memoir of their love story and Jongin's own forlorn entry in the end. The cocoa puff boxes and the puppy did it for me! //cries// Thank you Jongdae for forcing them to write! Well done to you for a truly wonderful *albeit heartwrenching* piece! I'll look forward to reading more of your work in the future.
Chapter 12: This fic is totally a sad fic.. starting kyungsoo with a cancer.. dunno what to feel.. i'm juz sad reading this.. T_T thanx for great fic author-nim..!
Chapter 12: Just.... Heck. No... Please, I want a really happy Kaisoo ending. An alternative universe or something like that.
Geez, I loved this fic too much.
Congratulations and...Just wow.
wonwoojpeg #7
Oh gawd, horrible mistake... I shouldn't have read the comments before reading..
hanajoe #8
Chapter 10: T-T please don't make me cry...
Chapter 9: It has been a while since I've read a good angsty Kaisoo fic that doesn't weigh me down with heavy angst. Although the past is interspersed with the present, the writing is smooth which makes reading a breeze. I could feel Kyungsoo's despair here in these entries despite him attempting to project a healthy and sassy front. I like how Jongin seems to be able to see through Soo's lies. They're soulmates. I know I should probably prepare myself for a possibly //highly-likely// sad ending. But I'm hoping for some kind of miracle to happen.... For now though, I look forward to reading more of this!