Chapter 13

why am i living ?


“TAEMIN!!’’ Taemin looked around to see who was calling him but didn’t find anyone so he just kept walking. Taemin’s mind was a mess, he didn’t know how to think properly anymore. His mind filled with Minho’s earlier confession and how the teacher ruined the moment, he was somehow felt relief but a bit disappointed too. Well who won’t like Minho back, of course he liked Minho or maybe loved him because he was the first person who always defended and didn’t hear whatever people saying about him.

“TAEMIN!!’’ that voice again, but he ignored it and walked faster

“Taemin! Finally’’ he felt someone’s hand on his shoulder so he turned around to find a panting Key followed by a panting Jonghyun. He looked at them confusedly .

“what is it hyung?’’

“don’t what is it me! I called you for fifty times but you didn’t hear me!’’ Taemin was sure he just heard Key called him thrice, not fifty times, but whatever.

“so,,, do you need something?” Taemin asked again, he was not on his best mood now

“yes! Did Minho really confessed to you?’’ Taemin blinked, how could Key know about that, he was sure he didn’t tell anyone about it yet.

“how did…..’’

“the whole school talk about it, so it isn’t just a gossip’’ Key sighed before continued “so why did you turn him down?’’

“I didn’t, the teacher came before I could answer him’’

“so you thought about accepting him?’’ came Jonghyun voice from behind as he walked closer to them

“I don’t know, I haven’t think about that’’

“don’t lie, I know you keep thinking about that, even now’’ Key sighed again “listen, Minho is a good guy and he really won’t make you cry’’ Taemin knew that, but it was his first. Minho was the first person who confess to him and if he accept, it would be his first relatationship too. Taemin was just scared, he didn’t know what to do, that’s why he ignored Minho after that.

“just trust your heart okay?’’

“just accept him, he looked like a zombie right now and it will make everyone scare’’ Key hit Jonghyun head hard and smiled sweetly at Taemin “we’ll leave now’’ then they both left. Taemin still could hear Jonghyun complained “why you never smile to me like that’’ and he could see Key hit Jonghyun again. They was surely a happy couple, Taemin thought but what about himself.


Taemin arrived home when he saw his mother car in garage, he knew his brother already realesed from hospital and he could he Kyuhyun’s car too. But he was surprised when he saw Kyuhun walked out from their house, wasn’t it a bit early? Kyuhun usually would stay beside Sungmin as long as he could after Sungmin was hospitalized.

“oh you’re back already?” Kyuhun asked when he saw Taemin

“yeah, why leave so early?’’

“I have works to do, I can’t leave it all the time’’ was all Kyuhyun answer before he got into his car and waved at Taemin before he left.

Taemin walked in, he saw his mother and Sungmin talked with each other. He decided to not mind them and went to his room.



Taemin was shaken by someone when he was asleep, he opened his eyes and saw his brother looking at him with a weird look before he handed something

“it’s milk, it’s really delicious you know. Mom bought it this afternoon maybe you want to try it’’ Sungmin said, but Taemin couldn’t miss Sungmin’s broken voice as he spoke. He took the milk from Sungmin’s hand and opened it before taking a sip. It’s really good. But it was rare for his brother to woke him up in the middle of night and offered him a milk, what exactly happened? There was an awkward silent and Taemin couldn’t hold his curiousity anymore.

“what’s wrong hyung? Did something happen?’’ Taemin asked softly, just then Sungmin broke into tears, it was rare to see Sungmin cried too because even though he was sick, he was a strong person.

“Taemin-ah,, everyone is tired of me’’ Sungmin cried. Taemin was confused , tired? Why would everyone tired of Sungmin.

“who tired of you?’’ Taemin asked again

“everyone, I know you do too. You’re tired of me too. You’re tired to be my donor too right?” Taemin was shocked, he never thought his brother would thought about that. He thought Taemin was fine with it, it gave him more life too.

“no hyung, I am not’’ Taemin tried to reassure Sungmin, but inside he was tired. Of course who won’t be tired when you had to life behind your brother shadow for the rest of your life?

“you lied, I know it and Kyuhyun lied too’’ Taemin sighed, so it was all about Kyuhyun after all.

“why would Kyuhyun lied?’’ Taemin asked again

“because he was just like you, he told me he never tired of me and love me..’’ Sungmin stopped for a second “but I know he want to get away from me’’ he finished.

“why would Kyuhyun want to leave you? He love you very much’’

“yeah, but I make a big impact on his works’’ then silent “he always left his works for me but now always go to work and forget about me, of course a work holic like him would love his job more than his boyfriend, right?’’ then Sungmin cried again, harder this time. Taemin couldn’t do anything, he didn’t know how was Sungmin’s position feel and he didn’t know how to comfort his brother, so he juat hugged him and let him cried on his chest. He knew it was hard, he felt it too, he felt that everyone was making more distant from his brother, even Yunho and he knew he himself did the same too.

‘what kind of dongsaeng am I ? I am to selfish when hyung suffer but I couldn’t do anything’ and so he waited for Sungmin to calmed down. He felt his brother was falling asleep so they both sleep together that night.



It was school time. Taemin was ready, he will accept Minho’s confession today. After thinking about it he realized he liked Minho too much and maybe this chance won’t come twice. He feared that Minho would leave him if he reject him.

The class went on like usual except that Minho was avoiding him, maybe he thought Taemin would reject him and he still wasn’t ready to hear Taemin’s rejection. People still wondering about the two, the question about ‘will Lee Taemin accept Choi Minho’ still could be hear in every rooms, corridors, restrooms and canteen.

“so I bet 5000 won Taemin will accept Minho today’’

“no way, he will reject him. Taemin has too many guys already’’

“I bet he will accept him and then dump him’’

That statement could be hear everywhere that made Key ears became red angry. He nearly punch a girl who insulted Taemin, but luckily Jonghyun was there to stop him or they both could get into a trouble.

Changmin listened to the gossip well, he believed the Taemin people talking about was the boy he called princess earlier and he wanted to know what happened to the boy. So what’s the point if a prince confessed to a princess, he thought.

“don’t listen to any gossip about Taemin, it wasn’t all true’’ Onew started, Changmin looked at him then smirked.

“not all true? So it’s true’’ Changmin smirk got wider when he saw Onew startled

“no, it’s not true’’

“so this Minho person confessed to Taemin is a lie?’’ Onew was a bit offended, he didn’t know about if it was true or not, because well he thought it was just a rumor.

“I don’t know ok, now leave me alone!’’ Onew left Changmin angrily with a ‘hump’ before he left

“what was that? He was the one who butted in. whatever it still cute though’’



“stop acting like a zombie and eat will you’’ complained Jonghyun, Minho was still touched his food while Onew already ate three plate of chiken. Taemin wasn’t with them that lunch time, he said he got something to do that time, making Minho sure about Taemin avoiding him. The three pitied Minho more now, it was like there was not any hope at all. Changmin joined them a few minutes later, saying he could sit wherever he wanted and he wanted to sit there. Onew was displeased of course, but Key was beamed happily inside because Changmin was really hot and tall.

“he’s tall not like a certain someone’’ Key blurted out aloud

“hey, I know I am short but can you just accept it’’ Jonghyun protested, making the others laugh except Minho. Hearing word ‘accept’ making Minho wonder more to his sudden and unprepared confession too.

“hey can I talk to you for a second?” all looked up at Taemin who put his hand on Minho’s shoulder as he asked. Minho nodded even though he still wasn’t ready for a rejection.

They walked to rooftop, aware of a few people followed them. It wasn’t just Key, Jonghyun, Onew and Changmin who followed them, but students who saw them passed by too followed them. They were all curious about what will happen to Minho and Taemin and what will happen to their bet too.

Now everyone was making a circle around Minho and Taemin, Taemin who wasn’t used to people staring at him felt uncomfortable and he really didn’t know this many people would watching. Minho on the other hand didn’t care about the people around them now, all he care about was what will Taemin say.

‘why this many people come? Should I do it another time? But I can’t back up now, can I ?’ Taemin thought, the silent was awkward until a boy from Taemin and Minho’s class shouted “ACCEPT HIM’’ making the others followed too, half was shouting “accept him’’ while the others, mostly girls screamed “reject him’’.

“I don’t know what to say anymore’’ Taemin began, then everyone went silent. Minho listened carefully “but I think I can’t hold it any longer….’’ Everyone was holding their breat, except for Onew who was eating his chiken “I love you too, I accept your confession’’ and then everything went chaos. Some boys was screaming in happiness because they won the bet, some girls were crying while the others congratulating them. Minho run to Taemin before hugged him and pull him up to the air.

“wahhh,, Minho put me down please’’ Minho put him down before leaned in to kiss Taemin in front of their viewers.



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Chapter 15: Update please? :(
spring8655 #2
This is just DAEBAK! :D
Update soon! author-nim ;)
Can't wait! ^^
JJ_pinky #3
please update more...
I love it

Im sooooo sorry i havent read your fic for like..... forever?
Anyway I LOVE IT!
Keep on writing!
Update soon

watch ur grammar
FIGHT YUNHO!! FIGHT FOR YOUR YOUNGEST BROTHER! oh and buy the kid a new Teddy bear!!
cutepenguin #7
I feel sad for Taemin...I have a feeling that even if Something bad happens to Taemin, his mother won't even care....Yunnie, stand up for Taemin, because your Joongie loves him.
Update soon^^
KYAAAA~ that was so adorable!!! Haha poor Jjong... Next to Changminnie... He's barely noticable.... XD