Chapter 12

why am i living ?


Key was walking beside Taemin while his dino boyfriend followed not far behind, mumbling something about how his boyfriend should walk beside him

“you know you look kinda tired today’’ Key commented, he kept thinking about how pale Taemin was since the morning.

“I’m ok hyung, I just didn’t sleep enough’’ Taemin answered, well it’s the truth he couldn’t sleep peacefully last night

“why? You should sleep more, it’s good for your skin too’’ Taemin smile at Key’s word, he really like this. His appearance has to be good everywhere he go, that’s mean you should sleep enough for a day or it’ll ruin your skin.

“I just studied, you know how bad I am in English right? And I have a test today’’ Taemin lied


“Key wait, you always left me behind’’ Joghyun said after running to his boyfriend

“your fault for walking too slow’’ Key ignoring and began to walk again, leaving both Taemin and Jonghyun

“did you fight again?’’ Taemin asked the dazzed Jonghyun

“no, he always act like that in the morning’’ Jonghyun ran leaving the confused Taemin alone. Taemin went to his locker to get his books when suddenly a figure stood behind him, patted his shoulder lightly making Taemin jumped because of shock.

“hi princess’’ the man who patted him smiled, Taemin was surprised to see the famous Shim Changmin grinning in front of him

“hi? Princess?’’ Taemin asked, actually he didn’t know what to say

“well actually I just saw you opened your locker and my eyes always know a beautiful person, so I couldn’t help but notice you’’

“notice me? For what?’’ now Taemin was confused because he was sure Shim Changmin just tried to flirt with him….. what the….. then the bell rang indicating the students for get into the class

“owh the bell is ringing already, I still want to talk to you but don’t worry we’ll meet again soon. Bye princess’’ then Changmin ran to his class, leaving Taemin with confusion but then he realized he was late already

“oh no!’’ so he ran to his class quickly.


Minho was wondering why Taemin didn’t come to class yet? Didn’t he say he will come to school today. ‘Is he still in hospital or no?’ Minho asked to himself, but then the door opened by a panting Taemin who was bowing to the teacher now

“I’m sorry I come late sir’’ Taemin said. Mr.Kim just told Taemin to sit in his seat and began to explain about integral. Taemin sat down then looked at Minho who was looking at him. He noted to himself that he should apologize to Minho about the other day.

The bell rang and Taemin in a flash walked to Minho’s desk and stood in front of Minho

“I’m sorry about yesterday’’

Minho who was shock to hear Taemin’s sweet voice looked up to see Taemin’s face

“what for?” he asked niclely, actually he knew why Taemin was apologizing to him

“for leaving you yesterday, I just remembered you have something to tell me yesterday right?’’ now Minho could only silent at Taemin’s question, he couldn’t say he wanted to confess to him yesterday then confess to Taemin now could he? No ! not in the class where their classmate could see and hear his confession. Taemin still looking at Minho curiously, waiting for the other boy to tell him about anything it was,

“what did I say yesterday?’’ Minho decided to ask Taemin back

“I don’t know you haven’t said anything yesterday’’  oh what to do? What to do? Should he just confess right here right now in front of this people or should he just ignore Taemin and confess later? He decided he won’t give a damn about it.

“so wha…..’’

“I love you Lee Taemin’’ Minho said, he didn’t know how his mouth could voice that words


“I said I love you Lee Taemin’’ Minho said again still with a low voice

“what did you just say?” Taemin was pretty sure that he heard the words wrong

“I SAID I LOVE YOU LEE TAEMIN’’ Minho screamed, made Taemin who was shock became more shock and the others student turn their head to them, even the teacher who just opened the door gasped at them. Some girls starting to whine and asked about whatever if they heard it right while some guy praising Minho sudden action.

“way to go Minho’’ his classmate Eli yelled to him, then the class went chaos, half of them was screaming ‘accept it’ while the others couldn’t believe the prince Minho was confessing to Taemin

“AHEM’’ *BLAK* the students turned around to see Mrs.Lee angry face. They didn’t know Mrs.Lee was already come to the class “I don’t want to know about sweet things or whatever, now is time for chemistry so please return to your seat and SHUT UP!’’ Taemin went back to his seat, his heart was still beating so fast and his face was still red from embarrassment then the class became quiet “good now let’s start with isotonic ion’’


“did you hear the rumor?’’

“yeah about Minho confessed to Taemin right?’’

“why Taemin? He could do more than that?’’

“yeah why that Lee Taemin?’’

Key kept listening to the gossipers who couldn’t shut their mouth up. He couldn’t believe it, did he hear it right? Choi Minho confessed to Lee Taemin? How come he didn’t know that? But when was it?

“hey did you hear it?’’ Key jumped at the voice, he smacked the head of the voice’s owner

“what the ! You scared me’’ Key said dramatically

“oh come on honey don’t be mad and it hurts. By the way did you already hear it?’’ Jonghyun asked again while rubbing his sore head

“hear what?’’

“Minho confess to taemin’’

“every single life in this school talked about it, how come I don’t know’’ Key said annoyingly “so did Taemin accept him or not?’’ Key asked this time

“I don’t know, they didn’t talk about it’’ Key nodded in approval, which mean Taemin still didn’t accept Minho. So when the subject they talked about walked to them with the most depressing aura around him they was really sure about the answer.

“so Taemin rejected you?’’ Jonghyun asked to the point



“he still didn’t answer my confession’’ that was all Minho said before walked passed them to go home early.

“I need to talk to Taemin’’ Key ran to search for Taemin

“ehhh? Key wait you always ignore me when you are with Taemin’’ but Key didn’t hear Jonghyun whine “KEYYYYY!’’


well,, update.... double update... ....

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Chapter 15: Update please? :(
spring8655 #2
This is just DAEBAK! :D
Update soon! author-nim ;)
Can't wait! ^^
JJ_pinky #3
please update more...
I love it

Im sooooo sorry i havent read your fic for like..... forever?
Anyway I LOVE IT!
Keep on writing!
Update soon

watch ur grammar
FIGHT YUNHO!! FIGHT FOR YOUR YOUNGEST BROTHER! oh and buy the kid a new Teddy bear!!
cutepenguin #7
I feel sad for Taemin...I have a feeling that even if Something bad happens to Taemin, his mother won't even care....Yunnie, stand up for Taemin, because your Joongie loves him.
Update soon^^
KYAAAA~ that was so adorable!!! Haha poor Jjong... Next to Changminnie... He's barely noticable.... XD