Chapter 10

why am i living ?


“Taeminnie , are you free now?’’ asked Key , school was ended , and Key really need some refreshing because he was tired with all the lesson

“ne , what is it hyung?’’

“let’s go to the mall’’ Key grinned happily , actually , Taemin didn’t want to go , but since he never really played with his friend before , he agreed to Key’s request .
“great , I’ll call Jonghyun that we won’t go home together’’ Key started calling Jonghyun , and Taemin noticed Onew who was walking with no life in his body . His eyes looked blank and his face was pale .

“Onew hyung’’ Taemin called , Onew looked at him then gave him his eye smile before walking to Taemin and Key

“hey guys’’ he greeted , like usual

“hi hyung’’ Taemin greeted bak

“ok , ok ,ok ,ok ,yes , see you , ok , miss you’’ Key ended his call then looked at Taemin while pouting

“Jonghyun asked too much’’ he said , Key noticed Onew there than greeted him cheerfully

“Hyung , we’ll go to mall , will you come?’’ offered Key

“is chiken related ?’’ Key shook his head , why Onew really liked chiken ? he didn’t know

“ no , we’ll go shoping’’ Key said , Onew just nodded

“I’ll come’’ Key was shocked , because Onew always want chiken on the list when they went out together .

“o…ok’’ Taemin grinned it was so cute to see Key shuttered like that .


They arrived at the mall , an Key dragged the two poor boys to a store and another , he was looking for a new clothes and all . Key was trying all the latest fashion clothes in his favorite store

“how about this’’ Key walked out from the changing room and do some pose for Onew and taemin

“not bad hyung’’ commented Taemin

“Yah! When will you done? It’s like your tenth shirt you tried!’’ Onew complained , well they were already in that store for an hour and Key hadn’t pick any clothes he liked

“yah stop complain will you ! you know if you go with me something like this will happen, humph’’ Key went in to changing room again and came out with his original clothe

“I’ll take the first and the last one’’ Key said to the employer , before walked to the cashier to pay for his clothes .          


They now at the food court because Onew always complained about him being hungry and all , Tamin had a bowl of noodle , while Key was having steak and Onew was eating his chiken as usual .

When they happily eating , Taemin two familiar faces walking to their table

“Hello Taemin’’ Sungmin greeted them happily

“hi hyung’’

“aren’t you gonna introuduce your friend?’’ asked Sungmin

“oh , this is Key hyung and Onew hyung’’

“hello I’m Sungmin and this is my lovely boyfriend Kyuhun’’ Kyuhun smiled at them before turned to Sungmin and asked him what would he want to eat , he answered the same as Kyuhun and joined the trio on their seat.

“finally my little baby has friends, I’m so worried that he won’t get a friend forever’’  Taemin just rolled his eyes at his hyung statement, in his mind he thought that is Sungmin really mean that? He never think about me.

“it’s okay, we like to be Taemin’s friend too’’ Sungmin nodded, then Kyuhun walked to them with two bowls of ramen and sat beside his lover. He began feeding his lover in the public, making Key gaping at the sight, Onew who didn’t care about anything around him and just eating his chiken while Taemin just rolled his eyes because he saw this thing often.

Kyuhun just continued feeding Sungmin until his lover coughed so hard, making everyone around them looked at them. Onew too stopped eating and looked at Sungmin. Kyuhun who was in sjock and worried pat Sungmin back lightly until the other stopped coughing.

“are you alright now?’’ Sungmin nodded at his lover. When Key looked at Sungmin once again, he realized how pale and weak Taemin’s big brother is. Onew noticed it too but he just kept quiet. In the end Kyuhun brought Sungmin home. He bid goodbye to the trio and walked away.

“hey, what was with your hyung?”

“he looked pale too’’

Taemin didn’t answer Key and Onew bunch of question because he didn’t feel like telling anyone about his hyung condition. It made people pitied his hyung more and if they knew more people would pitied him more and he didn’t want any pity from anyone. He shook his head but Onew kept questioning him more, fortunatly Key understand that Taemin didn’t want to talk, so he smashed Onew’s head and told Taemin to not worry about it

“my baby didn’t want to talk so stop it!’’ yelled Key. Onew just shrunk in his chair, afraid of Key umma mode now. Taemin smiled at his two friend and hyung, he felt so lucky that he had them as his friend, bestfriend and hyung at the same time.


­­­­­­­­­­­­­At school Jonghyun asked how was their shopping time yesterday like a nagging mother. Of course Key felt annoyed at his boyfriend behavior who wanted to know everything he did (but it sweet ^^), but he felt a bit nice about it. He just rolled his eyes at Jonghyun’s many question about his time.

“seriously do you have to ask about anything I did?’’ Key asked annoyingly but in his heart he was happy his boyfriend was care about him, his cheeks was a bit pink because of embarassment

“of course Key, I’m your boyfriend and vice versa so I want to know everything you do and can ask the same to me’’ Jonghyun answered, making Minho who was sitting in front of them gagging at his cousin words, because it sounded weird in his ears. He thought his cousin was strange in front of his boyfriend. While Onew couldn’t do anything but felt a little jealousy to the couple because he never had a lover before and he wanted one now. His chiken was completlly forgoten because the mussy couple.

Taemin was gratefull, he felt happy because since Minho came to this school, his school world change 180 degree than before. Now he had close friends who he can rely to, students rarely insult his anymore because he always stuck to Minho and nobody dare to say anything in front of the popular guy. His live at home not much different though, except the fact that Jaejoong hyung always about his new friend and Sungmin who always ask about Key ways to dressed himself everytime they met.

Feeling a strong bond to his new bestfriends Taemin wanted to tell everything about his problem to everyone too, because he knew since Key and Onew met his brother they really curious about his sick brother. But being Lee Taemin he is, he didn’t dare to voice anything out even ehen he knew his friend would support him and help him. But still it was hard.

“hey by the way isn’t the new student in your class hyung?” Key asked suddenly, making Onew looked at him imidiatlly and Taemin awaken from his deep thought.

“yeah he is, why?” Onew asked now

“oh, is he really hot? People talked about how hot is he and I haven’t see him myself’’ Key explained, making Jonghyun who sat beside him frown

“yah! I’m your boyfriend’’ he yelled, but Key just mouthed a ‘shut up’ at him

“so how is he?” think about it again, what Onew knew about the new guy was sure he’s handsome, tall and had a nice pithced voice but his behavior beat all the good thing about him, that’s all could Onew think.

“he’s not that good you know’’ Onew answered, but Key still didn’t believe because he had criteria about how is the good looking guy should like, and he thought Jonghyun was the most good looking from all.

“I think we saw him before we went to class, right Taeminie?” Minho suddenly butted in, Taemin nodded at his hyung

“yeah, he’s really good looking and really tall too’’ Taemin cringed when he remembered how far his length when he compared his tall with the other guy. Of course Minho’s tall too, but Changmin’s taller. Minho felt a bit jealousy when Taemin said that. Of course he already knew he liked Taemin, but he couldn’t confess to him because he was scared of rejection, and their relatationship was perfect now.

“really? I want to see him’’ Key said dreamingly, making Jonghyun frowned more because the fact he was a short guy not a tall one.

“why do you guys making a big fuss about this? He’s not that great’’

“oh come on hyung you only interested to your chiken, that’s why you say that’’


­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­“do you really think the new guy really handsome?’’ Minho asked, Minho and Taemin were on their way to their class after lunch break. Taemin nodded his head but in his mind he kept saying ‘but not as handsome as you’, but he never dare to voice it. Minho on the other hand feeling hurt decided he should get Taemin before anyone steal him, so he thought he should confess soon.

So it was after school, the two sat together on the bench in front of the soccer area. Minho was planing to confess to Taemin while Taemin just came because Minho asked him to watch the soccer practice.

“aren’t you gonna practice with them?’’ Taemin asked

“oh no, I just wanted to see the game’’

“oh’’ and here it is the awkward silent again. Minho was confused how should he confess, he didn’t have any plan for this and he didn’t ask any advice to Onew because Onew always looked all gloomy all day. So after a few mintes he decided just to go with it.


“hmmm’’ Taemin turned to look at Minho face

“do you know I think I like………….’’


And a ball hit Minho head hard and face, making hims creamed in pain

“Minho are you okay?’’ Taemin worriedly asked as he stood up and hold Minho’s head to see if there’s any injury on the other’s head .

“sooooryy’’ a player in the blue uniform run to him, he was the one who kick the ball to Minho’s head

“it’s ok’’ Minho said as he felt the pain slowly fade away

“yah Woohyunah hurry come you already apologize right?’’ called another player

“coming’’ Woohyun pickd the ball from the ground and mouthed a sorry once again before running back to his friend again. Great way to ruin the mood, now how should you confess, Minho thought. Taemin kept looking at him worriedly while helping Minho to stand and sat agin on the bench.

“are you really ok?’’

Minho nodded “yeah the pain slowly go away’’

“thank god’’

Then there was awkward silen again. Taemin going back to watch the soccer team while Minho fighting in his mind if he should tre to confess again or not. Maybe you should! He screamed inside his mind . Just when Minho was about to open his mouth


Taemin’s cellphone rang loudly. Taemin hurriedly picked the call and his expression changed to shock










wooahhhhh! i update this! finally

sorry for not updating for a few months, well i have a bit writer block here and there.

oh btw, thx for 23 subscriber who stuck with me this few months.

really sorry guys T_T

hope you like this chapter because this chapter is WTH   T_T

i hope i can update again soon, when my try out id done.

wait for it , ok ^^

comment please ! and subscribe ^^

thank you .....

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Chapter 15: Update please? :(
spring8655 #2
This is just DAEBAK! :D
Update soon! author-nim ;)
Can't wait! ^^
JJ_pinky #3
please update more...
I love it

Im sooooo sorry i havent read your fic for like..... forever?
Anyway I LOVE IT!
Keep on writing!
Update soon

watch ur grammar
FIGHT YUNHO!! FIGHT FOR YOUR YOUNGEST BROTHER! oh and buy the kid a new Teddy bear!!
cutepenguin #7
I feel sad for Taemin...I have a feeling that even if Something bad happens to Taemin, his mother won't even care....Yunnie, stand up for Taemin, because your Joongie loves him.
Update soon^^
KYAAAA~ that was so adorable!!! Haha poor Jjong... Next to Changminnie... He's barely noticable.... XD