Chapter Nine

My other Half
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Okay, as usual, this is AU, so I use some 'real' details the way I want it to be. No offence of course.

This chapter might be the main chapt until now! well, I don't know if I managed to share the feelings I wanted to express, but Iike this chapt!

My favourite so far XD

I tried my best on this and I don't have internet home so it took a loooooong time, but I hope you'll like it as well.

Comments are love <3 so please share Minsu love?? XDD

Thansk for reading ~~



            When he went out of the manager's office, Changmin didn't know what to do. His fight with Junsu seemed forgotten, far away from the friendship they were now building and their relationship did progress, somehow. But still, they weren't going anywhere. They were getting to know each other slowly, getting accustomed to the other's presence. It didn't bother Changmin any more, not now that he began to understand Junsu better. Of course, he was still a bit frustrated for not being able to find a real place in Junsu's life, but he didn't take it as bad as he did previously since he heard him singing. Even if at that time he didn't dare to show himself, it hadn't taken him long to understand his fear. To be more accurate, he would say he was now able to feel the overwhelming sensation Junsu's performance brought and as he himself wished to be able to enjoy the feeling forever, he had been able to understand why it was so precious for Junsu and why it made him so reserved.


But from now on... the problem was different. Not only his feelings were involved, they clearly gave him a deadline. One month, the director told him. If they didn't make any progress in one month, then the project would be buried. Giving up the project meant he wouldn't make his début, but he couldn't even think of it as something important for him. The main point was that Junsu wouldn't be able to achieve his dream. How would he say it to Junsu? How could he? He knew it would only bring more pressure and the burden on his shoulder would just feel heavier without helping him at all. Should he really tell him? Scare him and trying to give him one more reason to sing in front of Changmin, a reason that wouldn't be him, he thought sadly.


Yeah one month was too short and the responsibility the director gave him with this announce was really difficult for him to bear. He couldn't give up on Junsu's dream now. He couldn't give up on Junsu at all. But if there was no result, then they probably would stop there the glimpse of a friendship they barely created. He couldn't stop now the path of the attachment he had for Junsu. Though he was very aware of the nature of his affection now, he was also convinced he couldn't tell him. Even if he seemed to accept Changmin's attention pretty well, Junsu wasn't even trusting him enough to sing, so he knew he couldn't ask for more so quickly. For now, he wanted to stay by his side and wait for him to be ready. But this announce might stop the plans Changmin had so deeply thought about.


            During few days, the routine started again and Changmin smartly avoided all the question Junsu asked him about the sudden meeting the manager requested. He hadn't been in the mood to tell him it was actually the boss who called him and foully let him believe it had been a normal encounter about his lessons. However, the matter bothered him quite a lot and no need to be genius to notice something was wrong. Eventually, Junsu did.


“What's wrong Changmin, you're acting weird lately.” Junsu stated during one late afternoon rehearsal. “Is there something bothering you?” he asked with concern, receiving a sheepish look from Changmin. “And don't try to lie to me, you think you're smart but you're far from being a good liar.” Junsu warned him.


Changmin looked down and sighed. He didn’t know what to answer. Usually, it was easy, he was just dismissing the question. He had never been the type to tell what was on his heart to his family or friends. He usually kept everything for himself, feeling more at his to deal by his own with his problems. But this time, it was different, it wasn’t only his problem, it was also Junsu’s… and Junsu Was different.


“This is ... nothing.” He answered hesitantly, still wondering if he should tell Junsu the truth or prevent him for more stress about their 'collaboration'.

“Nothing.” Junsu repeated worriedly. “You don't seem good though, I know it's not nothing or else you wouldn't be so down about it.”


Mouth close and his eyes focused on the young singer, Changmin didn't know what to say. He could see the concern in Junsu's eyes and was very pleased to see the man caring about him, but he was also convinced he couldn't tell him the truth now. Not before he noticed at least a slight improvement while they were working.


“I don't want to bother you, it's okay. It's nothing, really nothing.” He lied the best way he could.


Junsu's gaze on him seemed to be burning his skin to pierce his soul. He didn't protest, but Changmin noticed on his face Junsu knew he was lying. Despite the lack of improvement on other matters, they now were able to see very small things about each other that people didn't notice. Being the only one to detect when Changmin was lying when nobody else did was one of Junsu's little new found talent.


“Take your time, you can tell when you feel like it.”


It was random, but the tone of Junsu's voice, this sadness, the slight pain he could hear in it, Changmin just noticed that the trust he wanted so much from Junsu, he might have never given it to him before. Yes, he trusted him. And he liked him way more than he should have, but he never actually showed him this confidence or how at ease he was with him. He hadn't even been able to tell or show clearly his growing feelings and the pang in his chest that seemed stronger every day. 


Slowly, without thinking, Changmin walked after Junsu who was now aiming to the Hi-Fi. While he was checking some songs on his I-pod like he always did, Changmin slid behind the young man's back and his arms slipped around his waist.


Really, he couldn’t let him go. Not now. He needed to find a solution, find something, anything, but keep him by his side.


“Thank you.” He whispered next to his ear, as his head rested on Junsu's shoulder.


He didn’t know if he was thanking him for his offer of simply for being in his life, but he just felt like it. Under his touch, Junsu didn't react and stayed completely unmoving. Though, Changmin noticed it pretty well, the shiver than ran down his spine while he was talking. He was going against his own decision by acting the way he did, but somehow, he just couldn't help it. Couldn't bear to be the reason of Junsu's sadness, couldn't bear to let him go away like he did. 


To prevent himself from hugging him tighter, Changmin released his grip, letting his fingers brush Junsu's hips on the way. He appreciated how Junsu seemed to fight over the goosebumps as his own heart fluttered like a teenager. Walking away, he stood on his left side and looked in his direction thoughtfully.


“Junsu...” He began, breaking the heavy silence. “You said it was easier for you to dance, right?”


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I don't want to stop this ff and I don't want to let them go... but okay! I WILL WRITE IT!!! XD


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Chapter 18: One word for your story... WONDERFUL. I immensely enjoyed it. It was like a journey. Thank you for this!
claire_yj #2
Chapter 18: Such a sweet and touching story. Love every moment. Thank you ♡
forsvinner #3
Chapter 18: Beautiful story! Even thought i might be a late subscriber i am glad i was able to find and read your story. Thank you! :)
Chapter 18: It was so beautiful. I really liked it ~ I loved how you described everything, from how the characters are to their emotions and everything. And the end was just perfect <3
I also want to say that I am really, really sorry. I was really busy and I couldn't finish reading your story until today. I also wanted to read it again from the beginig to remember everything, so it took me some more time. I'm really sorry.
I noticed that you also wrote some Jaemin stories and OMG Jaemin (my first ever OTP). I can't wait to read them too, now that I have a lot of free time.
Author-nim fighting! ^^
Chapter 18: Kyaaaa~ Kyaaaaaa~ Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~ (yes I'm fangirling right now) XD
I know I supposed to comment on what happened from the top to the bottom but I really can't help to not squeal first. XD This is such a nice ending! And I love it! Imagining Changmin's concert through this... OMG I want to keep smiling from time to time as I read this chapterrrrr!!!! Start from how Jaejoong improved in his problem too (and how Yoochun seemed to be a fond of him as well~ may I take this as a hinted JaeChun? /giggles/)... and then Junsu who is finally determined to be able to sing! And I like how Jaejoong told Junsu "It's your turn" after he has done with the audition. XD And I also like how Yunho played hyung role quite well here, for Changmin! Yeyyyyyy~ Yunho is such a nice Hyung for Changmin; he even took his time to meet Junsu as well. And... what else?

OwO I must be missing this fic later... This is greattttttttttt! I can imagine what every characters did here! Whaaaaaa~ <3333333
And the last scene. Ugh. Really everytime I scrolled up and read it a bit.... It's too sweet on how Changmin hugged him in the dark and how he told Junsu it's start; their duet. Nyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~ <3

LOL. Sorry for being quite random here. XD
Chapter 17: Whaaaaaaaaaa... it's Jaejoong! Jaejoong comes! Ahahahahahaha. XD Didn't expect to see him~ I was a bit sad and worried that Junsu got a new partner for his singing. But knowing it's Jaejoong, then it should be alright then! /positive mind on Jaejoong/ I love how you write Jaejoong and I also love how you explain why Junsu could open up to him a bit fast. It was like... naturally! And even though I imagined it would be sad for Changmin, but you wrote it like there's nothing wrong with that and there's nothing to be sad for Junsu to be with Jaejoong (in a partner-way) XD And.... oho~ I also love it when you showed that Yoochun changed because of Jaejoong too... and they even grew closer as well! Yeay~ <3 lol. And whoa, I'm amazed! Despite everything, Junsu's feeling for Changmin was written rather clear. I can feel how Junsu felt for Changmin... It is really well-written! I wanna cry when Junsu started singing Kajima... Junsu~~~ >"< /hugs Junsu again/ This is beautifulllllll... Reading this was as if I really heard Junsu's singing and how he sang it whole-heartedly. OMG!!!! And the end of chapter- ASADFGHJKL Hurray, Changmin watched him!!!!!!! And he got the ticket! Hehehehehe. Really glad Jaejoong is so supportive! <3

Nyah, to the next chapter!!!
Chapter 16: this one is so sadddddddd.... especially the last part when Junsu and Changmin met and... how he felt it like a goodbye kiss. >"< That scene is so touching yet sad. /sniffs sobs sobs/ And it must be hard for Junsu, right? To think that he has to- no, he wants to believe and trust Changmin yet at the same time he saw everywhere that Changmin would make a debut by himself. It must be like... you know that you believe in him but at the same time the facts are betraying you. Like either you have to take what has been proven or what your precious one said. /hugs junsu/
Uh- oh o_o Didn't expect Junsu to get a new partner.... I wonder who that would be and I wonder whether Junsu is capable to do it with that new partner? :O But I think I get your idea (?) XD That you want to show both of their improvement; from depending one with another, to be independent and able to stand by themselves proudly? (just a rough assumption though. XDXDXD)
AmyDick #8
Chapter 18: Finally, finished it. It's way complete different from the movie i told u before... I'm glad Junsu can overcome his fear for singing in front of public. It's like a turning point for Junsu from a secretive singer to be public singer. It's a big move to make such progress. I love the ending also 'Wish' song. Great!
Chapter 15: Ouchie~ Should I be glad upon the fact that the company recognized Changmin's talent? Because... no! It's scary... scary because then what's going to happen with Junsu if it's like this. >"< And scary because Junsu seemed to be as determined to let Changmin go alone. But... but they've been through everything with the two of them! Even though yes, Changmin sang great and well by himself, but that performance was for Junsu! He can't sing as great if he never met Junsu! (not that I underestimate him... but I guess that was why the company never knew Changmin's talent before) So... yes it's so scaryyyyy~

Though I am glad that at the end of chapter Junsu finally decided to believe in Changmin... though it's still scary to know what's going to be happened and how if the director didn't agree- because no matter what Changmin said he has proven enough that he could sing. >"< But but... I trust you unn! XP You're not as cruel as me /evil laughs. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~