Chapter Ten

My other Half
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Hey guysssss!!! (girls)

Sorry for being late once more, especially since it was cliffhanger at the end of the previous chapt... forgive me?

You know I really love this ff and I hope you do as well. I’m nearing the end in less than 5 chapts and I don’t want too hahahaha

Anyway, here is the new chapter!

Comments are love and it really cheers me up to write more! <3 Thank you!




When they broke away from each other, Changmin wasn’t sure he wanted to open his eyes ever again. This taste on his lips, this sensation, the butterflies he recognized so well... he was too mesmerized by the short moment he shared with Junsu to break it so fast.


As he opened his eyes, he first saw Junsu’s wide eyes focused on his, his soft lips slightly parted. But then he easily noticed how his expression didn’t seem as enchanted as his and visibly under what looked like a state of shock.


He quickly took a grip on himself and looked away quite awkwardly. He could feel Junsu watching him carefully as and heavy silence took place between them both. He was usually the very self-confident kind of person, but this gaze, he could literally feel it, travel his skin and piercing his soul. Uneasy, he his nape and looked around at anywhere but Junsu.


After a way too long moment, he gathered his mind to look as normal as possible and cleared his throat tentatively.


“You did it.” He said his voice less steady than he wished it to be.


Junsu’s eyelashes fluttered as if he was barely waking up from a very confusing dream and he finally stopped them on Changmin.


“You kissed me.” He whispered as his hand went automatically to touch his lips.

“I...” Changmin began without knowing what to say.

“You kissed me.” Junsu repeated incredulous, his cheeks turning pinkish as he felt Changmin’s dark eyes looking back at him.

“I... yeah. Sorry.”


That was too lame, he thought. But he didn’t know how to explain his impulse. He did it without even thinking, just as he felt the desire to. It happened too fast, even for himself and he hadn’t been able to prevent it.


Too shocked about his own action, Changmin had been unable to think normally for the rest of the day. He didn’t know how to explain his behaviour to Junsu, but he was sure of it now. From the start it had been clear, but now he simply couldn’t ignore the feeling, his love. Though, he couldn’t really tell this to Junsu for now. He had enough pressure to struggle with for now.


Unable to confess his feelings so soon, he chose to keep them. After that, neither of them dared to talk about it again. Changmin stayed quiet and didn't talk about the kiss he suddenly initiated. Hopefully, Junsu didn't ask either, even if his behaviour showed clearly how much he wanted to have some explanations.


Instead, they trained like they did for the past months, working on this song they created. And if both made many more mistakes than they used to, they were clearly improving a lot. Even if it seemed really slow at the beginning and almost ineffective, as time flew by, they could now notice what a progression they made together. And this song was the most visible result of their common path.


The song was more than simple keys, more than mere notes written on a music sheet. It was a bit of their lives, their feelings. Like a piece of those moments they shared, their hope, their dream. More than any of them expected from this collaboration. 


“I like it.” Junsu said, breaking the silence that took place after they perfectly ended to play entirely Their still nameless song.

“Me too.” Changmin answered softly. “I wish we could play it for a public.”

“I think you might be able to play it live” Junsu added with a smile.

“That’s not what I mean...” The younger replied.

“You’re playing better than I ever will anyway.”

“This is ours, I can only play it if you’re by my side.”Changmin dared as he looked at Junsu sitting by his side on the piano bench. “I will keep it as my wish. The wish than we will be playing together one day.”


Silence wrapped them once more and a smile broke on Junsu’s lips. 


“Thank you.” He said, as he looked down modestly, almost daydreaming. “A wish...” He whispered after a moment and smiled again. “Let’s go! It’s late already!” He exclaimed suddenly as he stood up.

“Late?” Changmin asked as he looked at his phone, to notice it wasn’t as late as the time they usually left the agency.

“Yeah, I’m sorry, forgot to tell you, but I've to go early today” Junsu said as he was already packing his stuff.


Without answering, Changmin only gazed at him, watching his each and every movement with wondering expression on his face. Noticing his behaviour, Junsu stopped for a second and stood up to look at him.


“I’m going home.” He explained. “Well my brother's home.” He corrected after a second thought.

“You have a brother?” Changmin asked. You didn’t tell me that.”


The tone of his voice was a little pouty and Junsu could only laugh at his behaviour.


“I guess the topic never came out. We might have spent too much time talking about music” He smiled, slightly apologetic.

“You know about my sister though.”


Junsu’s smile widened a bit more if possible. It was true that they had been talking a lot. And despite being particularly talkative and quite expressive, Junsu wasn’t so open on the family and relationship topic. It was the only thing he better keep for himself. Not because he didn’t want to share it, but just like his music, his family was one of the most precious things for him, his treasure. He wanted to keep them and take care of them. That was why he didn’t introduced them to all the people he was meeting. For him, they deserved more than that.


However, Changmin’s expression was too adorable, almost childish and he couldn’t help but think that maybe, Changmin deserved to know it. Know more about his family, especially his brother, the most important person in his life... until now.


“Would you like to come with me?” he asked as he took a deep breath.

“At your home?”

“Meeting my brother.” Junsu answered softly.


Changmin didn’t answer, lost in his thoughts with a cute pout on his face.


 “So, would you like to come with me?” Junsu asked again. “I don't introduce him to many people, so it's your only chance” He joked.

“Of course!” The youngest answered quickly.

“Let’s go!”


Junsu didn’t wait longer to leave the room. Only che

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I don't want to stop this ff and I don't want to let them go... but okay! I WILL WRITE IT!!! XD


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Chapter 18: One word for your story... WONDERFUL. I immensely enjoyed it. It was like a journey. Thank you for this!
claire_yj #2
Chapter 18: Such a sweet and touching story. Love every moment. Thank you ♡
forsvinner #3
Chapter 18: Beautiful story! Even thought i might be a late subscriber i am glad i was able to find and read your story. Thank you! :)
Chapter 18: It was so beautiful. I really liked it ~ I loved how you described everything, from how the characters are to their emotions and everything. And the end was just perfect <3
I also want to say that I am really, really sorry. I was really busy and I couldn't finish reading your story until today. I also wanted to read it again from the beginig to remember everything, so it took me some more time. I'm really sorry.
I noticed that you also wrote some Jaemin stories and OMG Jaemin (my first ever OTP). I can't wait to read them too, now that I have a lot of free time.
Author-nim fighting! ^^
Chapter 18: Kyaaaa~ Kyaaaaaa~ Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~ (yes I'm fangirling right now) XD
I know I supposed to comment on what happened from the top to the bottom but I really can't help to not squeal first. XD This is such a nice ending! And I love it! Imagining Changmin's concert through this... OMG I want to keep smiling from time to time as I read this chapterrrrr!!!! Start from how Jaejoong improved in his problem too (and how Yoochun seemed to be a fond of him as well~ may I take this as a hinted JaeChun? /giggles/)... and then Junsu who is finally determined to be able to sing! And I like how Jaejoong told Junsu "It's your turn" after he has done with the audition. XD And I also like how Yunho played hyung role quite well here, for Changmin! Yeyyyyyy~ Yunho is such a nice Hyung for Changmin; he even took his time to meet Junsu as well. And... what else?

OwO I must be missing this fic later... This is greattttttttttt! I can imagine what every characters did here! Whaaaaaa~ <3333333
And the last scene. Ugh. Really everytime I scrolled up and read it a bit.... It's too sweet on how Changmin hugged him in the dark and how he told Junsu it's start; their duet. Nyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~ <3

LOL. Sorry for being quite random here. XD
Chapter 17: Whaaaaaaaaaa... it's Jaejoong! Jaejoong comes! Ahahahahahaha. XD Didn't expect to see him~ I was a bit sad and worried that Junsu got a new partner for his singing. But knowing it's Jaejoong, then it should be alright then! /positive mind on Jaejoong/ I love how you write Jaejoong and I also love how you explain why Junsu could open up to him a bit fast. It was like... naturally! And even though I imagined it would be sad for Changmin, but you wrote it like there's nothing wrong with that and there's nothing to be sad for Junsu to be with Jaejoong (in a partner-way) XD And.... oho~ I also love it when you showed that Yoochun changed because of Jaejoong too... and they even grew closer as well! Yeay~ <3 lol. And whoa, I'm amazed! Despite everything, Junsu's feeling for Changmin was written rather clear. I can feel how Junsu felt for Changmin... It is really well-written! I wanna cry when Junsu started singing Kajima... Junsu~~~ >"< /hugs Junsu again/ This is beautifulllllll... Reading this was as if I really heard Junsu's singing and how he sang it whole-heartedly. OMG!!!! And the end of chapter- ASADFGHJKL Hurray, Changmin watched him!!!!!!! And he got the ticket! Hehehehehe. Really glad Jaejoong is so supportive! <3

Nyah, to the next chapter!!!
Chapter 16: this one is so sadddddddd.... especially the last part when Junsu and Changmin met and... how he felt it like a goodbye kiss. >"< That scene is so touching yet sad. /sniffs sobs sobs/ And it must be hard for Junsu, right? To think that he has to- no, he wants to believe and trust Changmin yet at the same time he saw everywhere that Changmin would make a debut by himself. It must be like... you know that you believe in him but at the same time the facts are betraying you. Like either you have to take what has been proven or what your precious one said. /hugs junsu/
Uh- oh o_o Didn't expect Junsu to get a new partner.... I wonder who that would be and I wonder whether Junsu is capable to do it with that new partner? :O But I think I get your idea (?) XD That you want to show both of their improvement; from depending one with another, to be independent and able to stand by themselves proudly? (just a rough assumption though. XDXDXD)
AmyDick #8
Chapter 18: Finally, finished it. It's way complete different from the movie i told u before... I'm glad Junsu can overcome his fear for singing in front of public. It's like a turning point for Junsu from a secretive singer to be public singer. It's a big move to make such progress. I love the ending also 'Wish' song. Great!
Chapter 15: Ouchie~ Should I be glad upon the fact that the company recognized Changmin's talent? Because... no! It's scary... scary because then what's going to happen with Junsu if it's like this. >"< And scary because Junsu seemed to be as determined to let Changmin go alone. But... but they've been through everything with the two of them! Even though yes, Changmin sang great and well by himself, but that performance was for Junsu! He can't sing as great if he never met Junsu! (not that I underestimate him... but I guess that was why the company never knew Changmin's talent before) So... yes it's so scaryyyyy~

Though I am glad that at the end of chapter Junsu finally decided to believe in Changmin... though it's still scary to know what's going to be happened and how if the director didn't agree- because no matter what Changmin said he has proven enough that he could sing. >"< But but... I trust you unn! XP You're not as cruel as me /evil laughs. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~