

"Do MinJeok."

Luhan felt his airways constrict, and become a lot harder to breathe. "What about him."

"You know his apprentice?"

Suddenly Luhan didn't want to hear another word. His mind reeled and his chest ached, ached with fear, ached with dread. He felt Chen's arms circle his waist in response, and he leaned his chin on the other's shoulder.

"It's okay, Luhan. We're in this together."

Luhan turned his cheek to the side, watching Chen's face as he Luhan's back softly. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, it's my duty to stop him. From hurting you, from hurting us."

"Us?" Luhan sat up. This story was getting more and more confusing.

"I mean the beings back in my universe. Apparently HUMP had detected some unusual activity in the dimensions between our universes... Someone had been tampering with them illegally."

"Hump...?" Luhan blushed as the word left his mouth. Somehow it sounded a little weird.

Chen bit back a chuckle. "Headquarters of Universal Monitoring and Protection. There is one somewhere in this universe as well, but I can't speak the language." He chortled.

Luhan cleared his throat to hide his embarrassment. Then his face turned grave. "Why would he be doing something so dramatic like that?"

"We have no idea. That's why I am hear to find out." Chen stood and walked over to the window, gazing out silently. His next sentence was soft, and probably not for Luhan to hear, but in the silence of the kitchen, Luhan heard it as clear as day.

"Any fool could guess that whatever dangerous thing he's trying to do is heavily concerning you."


"Ooo Luhan, what's with that smirk? Had a rough night?" Chanyeol nudged him with a duster, his smile so wide that Luhan thought his face might split if he grinned any bigger. 

"Shut up Chanyeol." He dead panned. He was just thinking of the silly comedy movie that Chen and himself watched the night before. And he was SMILING not smirking.

"Won't! Now you'd better tell me what happened, or I'll make sure I 'accidentally' dial your number the next time I have Baekhyun on my bed and-."

"Oh god I hate you Chanyeol." Luhan cut him off quickly and covered his face, sighing dramatically.

"So shoot!"

Luhan sighed. He wasn't sure if he was ready to tell Chanyeol about Chen. After all, Chen had warned him that his real identity was strictly confidential, and knowing the kind of mouth he had, he might accidentally blurt out the truth.

"It's a guy I met..."

"OHmy god my ears!! They are twitching!" Chanyeol subsequently lifted his floppy hair to reveal a pair of giant...twitching ears, his famous move to show that he was genuinely interested in something. And he knew how much Luhan hated it.

"Oh my god CHANYEOL that's so wrong!!" Luhan covered his face again in exasperation. How did the sweet and cute Chanyeol grow up to be the horniest craziest human monkey on the planet, Luhan had no clue.

Chanyeol huffed and lowered his bangs. "So tell me about him."

"PARK CHANYEOL GET BACK TO WORK!!!!" The manager's voice crackled through Chanyeol's walkie talkie. Luhan guffawed. The manager wasn't even in close proximity.


Trust Chanyeol to talk about stuff at the men's department, but with a voice loud enough to travel to the kid's department, polluting all the innocent minds there. 

Of course Luhan didn't voice that out. He merely patted a pouting Chanyeol's shoulder. "Dude, maybe one day I'll tell you."



Chen sat on the floor of Luhan's apartment, browsing through the channels with mild interest. He didn't particularly enjoy anything on TV, as none of it was actually really relevant to him. But he managed to find a channel airing an ancient chinese wuxia (martial artist) serial drama.

Oh god, is that character flying? That's the most cheesy and ridiculous thing he had never seen. It seems so forced, almost like he's pulled along by a cord attached to his back. Chen scoffed. I guess you guys never saw the actual thing, he thought.

Out of habit, he closed his eyes, a smile peeking through his lips. Body Levitate was probably his favourite powers he possessed. A light and airy feeling filled his veins as Chen felt his body lift from the ground.

Then he heard a crash and some shuffling from the lower floors, and he sighed, lowering himself back down. I guess I shouldn't casually use my powers, like Chief warned me. I have a feeling I've already overused it, he frowned as he remembered the countless times he pulled Quick reflex or Fast speed on Luhan.

I shouldn't. If I get caught, I'd be in deep trouble.

As Chen sat on the ground, pondering about his new life here on the other universe, he couldn't help but wonder how long it would take for the apprentice to strike. Chen knew him, he knew his face, one that was planted into his memory by Chief. He didn't know, however, where the guy was - Chief was unable to provide a tracker system for him.

This guy needs to act soon, he thought. I only have six months. Or rather, 5 months and 27 days. That is not good.




Luhan's shift ended late again. Chanyeol had complained of a terrible stomachache (that brat) and he had to close off the men's department by himself. By the time he was done, Luhan was thoroughly exhausted. 

As Luhan washed his face in the toilet, he absent-mindedly thought of Chen. The Chen that he had, after lots of coaxing from the younger, agreed to let him stay in his house, the mysterious Chen whom he still does not a lot about. 

Luhan still remembered the kiss. was his first, to be honest. But of course he didn't tell that to Chen, that would've been too awkward.

As he stepped out of the toilet, in the dimly lit shopping complex, Luhan thought he saw a shadow skim stealthily along a wall behind him. His breath hitched, as the air turned slightly chilly. Or maybe it was just Luhan's goosebumps that popped up along his arms.

The atmosphere was extra still and he felt like someone...was watching him...


"OHMYFREAK!" Luhan nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard a voice pipe up from beside him.

"It's me, dude." Chen placed a warm hand on Luhan's shoulder, and he felt a warm tingling sensation in his chest again, just slightly, not as strong as the one that nearly put him to sleep that day.

"What...was that?" He realised he never did get a chance to ask Chen about his strange abilities. Chen squeezed his shoulder comfortingly. "I can calm people. It's a power that I have. Anyway let's go, I just came to fetch you back."

"How long have you been here?"

"Me? I just arrived." Chen chuckled airily, and he swung his arm around Luhan's shoulder. "Come on." He steered Luhan towards the entrance.

Something wasn't right. Luhan definitely saw a skimming shadow at least a full minute before Chen's arrival.




Luhan was extremely silent as they walked back to the apartment.


Luhan closed his eyes and leaned in closer to Chen. "Don't ask."

Chen furrowed his brow. "You've got to tell me. I'm your protector for heavens sake."

"... I saw a shadow..." Luhan shook his head and laughed after realising how pathetic that sounded. But Chen didn't laugh along. He simply tightened his grip on Luhan's shoulder.

"Don't ever go home by yourself anymore. Especially the night shift. Wait for me to come, understand?"

Luhan opened his mouth to protest, but then he saw the steely look of seriousness in Chen's eyes. 


"I know your schedule better than you think." A smirk played on Chen's lips as they rounded the bend to the apartment. "So don't think of trying to escape or anything."

"I won't, oh come on I'm no match compared to you Chen!" Luhan laughed, poking the shorter man's rib playfully.




Somewhere, in a dimly-lit corner, an unidentified male crouched down low.

His eyes followed two young men as they exited the now empty complex, one arm wrapped around the other's shoulder.

That's it. 

The man smirked and his eyes darkened.

Look how oblivious they are. When I finally do strike, let's see how surprised they would be.

Especially that one.

The one that doesn't belong.

He rubbed his hands together, partly due to the cold and partly due to...

Let's have a little teaser first, shall we?




PS: Sorry for short chapter, its a filler before the main stuff starts~

A/N: Muahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha-

-Okay i shall not be so mean.

This picture is a small teaser of what's coming up soon...


HAHA :D (don't try guessing. Its not what you will expect so just don't)


My randomness spot:

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Chen is just like OωO and Luhan's creepy smile at the back *rolls around in laughter*


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I love this OT3 haha the dorkiness of it all failed SHINee imitation I like how luhan's hand smacked his face HAHA


And one more!! when I wrote that Luhan 'guffawed' I was thinking along the lines of this:

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Until next time!!

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I will update by todayyyyy I promise haha. Going for a dinner now


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And really cute
This was so good
Hayleywill #3
Chapter 29: Thank you so much for updating this too. You know, I've been your reader since you catastrophe fic. And I'm glad that you decide to keep continue your old fic.
Chapter 29: at the end chen and luhan relationship remind history and mystery.. at least both find their happiness even they are not together..
Absolutely love it!
Hayleywill #6
Chapter 28: Isn't there still one chapter left for Chen's part??
Chenchenlay #7
Chapter 28: tooo good to finish...:(
plappermaul #8
Chapter 28: That was sooo good. Funny and a little heartbreaking. I love Chen's character here. The whole story was simply awesome. My LuChen feels...
Beautiful autor, thank you for creating such a great story.
Chapter 27: Omg pls pls pls pls update chingu ya hehehehe I really love it u made me like LuChen and thank u very much :)
Chapter 28: Awwwwwwww! So cute. I'm glad things work out for Luhan, in some way. Now I'm curious about what happen to Chen on in the other dimension. Can't wait for the next chapter:)