

So... like Kidnapped, i realised i never posted this chapter. I think I was hesitant back then because this is a luchen/chenlu fic and suddenly having chenkai (plus kai was evil in the beginning, killing ppl and all haha) made me decide not to upload this. 

But i figured I owed this chappie since forever ago, so i shall just heck it and upload it anyway xD




Chen awoke to a bright sunny morning, seeping through the blinds in his house. He swung his legs off the bed and rubbed his eyes sleepily, feeling a strange ache creep up his neck and head.


Why does it hurt so much? Argh. What day it is today?


Chen looked out of the window and, to his utmost surprise, it was hot and sunny.


Summer? It's summer? I thought it was still winter!!




Chen squinted at the mirror on his wall, taking in his face. It looked the same as usual, smooth planes and boxy jaw and hazel sparkling mischievous eyes framed with dark lashes. But something felt different in his expression.


Chen couldn't put a finger onto what exactly was different, and he shrugged. 


He slipped out of his sleeping clothes (which strangely didnt look familiar) and changed into a simple casual outfit that he pulled out from his wardrobe. As he stepped out of his room, Chen noticed a small backpack slung against the door of his room.


Hmm...? This isn't mine... Or is it?


He took it back into the room curiously and emptied its contents. Out fell a t-shirt, a handphone and an envelope.


Chen's interest was piqued. Well, the morning started off weird enough as it is, so why not just study these and see what I can get out of it.


Chen picked up the shirt first. It was a cheesy cheap shirt that one could easily find at some common marketplace, and it had a large Superman logo on it. Chen didn't recognise it, but as he pressed his nose it, he could smell his scent, as well as another unknown fragrance. Like the shirt belonged to him and someone else. 


He was confused, but decided to move on to the envelope.


Chenchen, it's me Luhan.

You are going back home tomorrow, and I'll probably never see you again.

It's okay though, I promised you I would smile always and stay happy.

Maybe I can't smile the same way I smile around you, but I will at least try.

Good luck with your life in future.

I hope that maybe, you can find love again.


That said, I will always love you.

That will never change, for as long as I live.

Saranghaeyo, Chenchen.





Chen stared at the piece of paper in front of him for a long time. Thousands of giant question marks flooded his head, and he couldn't answer them. He groaned in frustration.


There is a memory lapse! 


Chen remembered suddenly. He remembered that he needed to travel to the other universe and... And... What was it that he had to do?


This Luhan person... Was he from the other universe? Who is he? He loved me? Did I love him back?


Chen wanted to press on and wrack his mind further, but he had a sudden thought. If there was a memory lapse that cleared everything from my head, there has got to be a logical reason as to why it happened. Maybe... It was meant to be.


Chen smiled and tucked the note back into the envelope, reaching over to pick up the phone.


It was a simple cheap model, and it was out of signal, obviously. The phonelist was generally quite empty, aside from six contacts - a Chanyeol, a Baekhyun, a Minseok, a Yixing, a Kyungsoo and Luhan. Those names did not ring a bell in Chen's mind, so he skipped to look at the photos.


There were two.


The first one was of a sleeping boy, his face pressed gently against the photographer's chest, expression comfortable and peaceful. He is attractive... Could he be Luhan? Chen smiled at the picture.


The next picture was the one that made his smile falter. It was himself and the boy he presumed to be Luhan. It was a slightly awkward selca with the backdrop of some beautiful cable cars against the dark night sky. The flash was activated and that made their faces look overly white and slightly ghostly.


Luhan and himself were standing close together in that picture, fingers loosely entwined with each other. Chen was smiling softly but sadly, and Luhan had a queer smile plastered on his face, almost like a painful wince. His eyes were swollen, like he was crying.


Chen furrowed his brow, and saw that the date of that photograph was taken less than a month ago.


It was truly a memory lapse. And my past was closely linked to this cute boy.


Chen sighed and shut the phone. Well, I'll never see him again. Chen couldn't fathom why he felt a slight twitch in his heart at that thought, even though he didn't know that guy at all.



Sometimes, even though the deepest of memories have been erased, the heart still knows, and the heart still feels.







Chen was walking along the bright, sunny street when he heard a voice from behind. A voice that he didn't exactly want to hear, at that moment.


Without turning back to look, Chen increased his pace, muttering under his breath, "No I'm sorry I'm not entertaining you."


Unfortunately the person had much longer legs, and Chen felt slender fingers shoot out and wrap around his wrist, pulling him back. Chen found himself face to face with his ex-lover.


"What do you want?" Chen snapped at him.


Kai stared at him with large, glimmering eyes. Chen swallowed heavily, and repeated his question. "What do y-"


He never got to finish, as Kai yanked him to his chest, enveloping his smaller body into a warm gentle hug. Chen stilled, as Kai tucked his chin over his head comfortably.




"I was waiting for you to come back," he murmured against his hair.


Chen's eyes narrowed, and he pulled back to eye Kai warily. "What trick is it this time?" He emphasised every word slowly, arms akimbo, trying to look as patient as he could.


Kai shook his head vigorously. "It's not!! It's not a trick. I..." He bit his lip. "HUMP Chief told me that you had your memory erased so you probably wouldn't remember. But..." He hastily added as Chen's eyes grew wide, "I went over to the other universe too."


Chen, with better judgement, shut his mouth and decided to listen to Kai.


"I have been wrong, Chen. I want to apologise to you." Kai took his hand and it gently with his fingers. "I... This might sound cheesy or weird but... I felt your unconditional love, I felt your sincerity, I felt your passion."


Chen's eyes started to glaze over with tears. Why is Kai saying this to me?


"I woke up and I was back on this universe. I woke up with an aching heart, hyung. I woke up crying for you."


Chen was trembling slightly with raw emotion, and Kai quickly grabbed him back into his arms. 


"I've been foolish. I have blindly chased a boy I barely knew, and broke your heart. I've been an idiot. Will you give me another chance to prove myself? Please?" The last syllable came out as a plaintive mewl, and Chen felt his insides mush into goo.


How could he possible say no?! As much as he hated Kai to the bone, he still loved him crazily and endlessly.


Chen stood on his tip-toes and pressed a kiss to Kai's lush lips. 


"I can't say no, even if I tried..." He mumbled, burying his face into his collarbone shyly.


Kai started, pulling back with an excited grin. "So you aren't angry with me anymore?" He piped up hopefully, and Chen waved him away.


"I'll forever be angry with you, Kai." Chen's remark was spiteful, but he pecked Kai's nose with affection after saying it. Kai smiled and kissed him back softly and slowly, pressing Chen against the brick wall beside them and exploring his mouth gently with his tongue.


"I love you," he whispered, locking eyes with the smaller boy in a heated sultry gaze.


"You..." Chen struggled to form words on his tongue. "You aren't using your power on me are you?"


Kai shook his head with a fond smile. "I won't use it anymore..." He cocked an eyebrow, "unless you want me to."


Chen pouted and pressed a fist against Kai's chest, feeling his little heartbeat race madly inside him. He was so unbelievably cute.


"You..." He began, but suddenly was cut off by a shout from across the road.



"Chen... Ohh my god it's Chen and he's back!!"


Chen broke into a wide grin even before turning to look, and he took Kai's hand, wrapping their fingers together and pulling away across the road to the owner of the voice.


Tao and Kris were standing beside each other, smiling and waving. Chen skidded to a halt in front of Tao, and he grinned madly at Tao. "Long time no see!!" He bumped elbows with the taller boy.


A look of hesitation lurked in Tao's eyes. "We did meet not long ago..." He muttered quietly to himself, then he shook his head, grinning back. 


Kris blinked at Kai in surprise. "You... Chen..."


Kai blushed and tightened the grip on Chen's hand. "We're together!" He announced.


Tao clapped happily and Kris bumped fists with Kai. "You'd better hold on tighter to this bundle of oranges, or else he might slip away again." Kris warned Kai.


"Or should I say, roll away?" Tao added cheekily, and Chen growled in indignance, poking him mercilessly in the ribs.


"Anyway, see you guys around!!" Kris waved at them, prying the best friends apart before they could launch a full attack on each other. They went off down the street. 


Chen turned to Kai. "I remember you said just now that you went to the other universe?" Kai nodded, and he continued. "How was it like there?"


Kai chewed hesitantly on his lip. "Actually... I had a memory lapse too. I can't remember a thing."


Chen nodded slowly. "But what did you mean by feeling my love..."


Kai interrupted him with a chaste kiss. "I know what you're thinking. But I can't answer that as well. Because I truly don't know... It felt like you were sending me a signal." He sighed and wrapped his arms around Chen's back, propelling him to walk forward while he clung behind. "That's something we'd never find out, hmm?"


Chen wasn't really satisfied with that answer, but he guessed he would have to make do. 


At least, he had everything he could ever want right now. Which was Kai.


"If you abandon me again you're dead," he teased lightly.


Kai tightened his grip, forcing Chen to stop walking. He leaned over to press his lips against Chen's ear, warm breath flush against his skin, making the shorter boy shiver.


"I promise I won't. I swear. I'm serious this time, Chen."


They stayed like this for a while, Kai breathing into Chen's skin, Chen trying to calm his stuttering heartbeat.


Maybe he didn't need to remember what happened back in the other universe. Maybe it wasn't important anymore. He did feel some slight guilt towards the Luhan person, but there was nothing he could do about it. Nonetheless, he was glad that it happened. He was glad that he went over because this trip had changed Kai for the better. It had made Kai realise his mistakes and move on from them, becoming a improved person.


Maybe it was fate that he went to the other universe for six months and met Luhan.


Maybe it was fate that Kai went over, presumably to meet him too, for whatever reason he would never know about.


Maybe it was fate that he would enlighten Kai about his misdeeds and return back home to his welcoming arms.


Maybe, it was fate.



Anyways, Chen wasn't about to complain.



Sooo yep thats it, it was kinda weird wasn't it xS 

But yeah. I needed to give Chen some kind of closure, cos luhan got his happiness and Chen deserved his too. Even though Chen and Luhan technically didn't end up tgt (it wasn't supposed to be that way originally) but I'm such a softie and had to give them their happy endings too haha.

Well, that's it from me and byeeee~


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I will update by todayyyyy I promise haha. Going for a dinner now


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And really cute
This was so good
Hayleywill #3
Chapter 29: Thank you so much for updating this too. You know, I've been your reader since you catastrophe fic. And I'm glad that you decide to keep continue your old fic.
Chapter 29: at the end chen and luhan relationship remind history and mystery.. at least both find their happiness even they are not together..
Absolutely love it!
Hayleywill #6
Chapter 28: Isn't there still one chapter left for Chen's part??
Chenchenlay #7
Chapter 28: tooo good to finish...:(
plappermaul #8
Chapter 28: That was sooo good. Funny and a little heartbreaking. I love Chen's character here. The whole story was simply awesome. My LuChen feels...
Beautiful autor, thank you for creating such a great story.
Chapter 27: Omg pls pls pls pls update chingu ya hehehehe I really love it u made me like LuChen and thank u very much :)
Chapter 28: Awwwwwwww! So cute. I'm glad things work out for Luhan, in some way. Now I'm curious about what happen to Chen on in the other dimension. Can't wait for the next chapter:)